Is Anyone Safe?
Headlines and advertisements
Is Anyone Safe? is a headline from the magical newspaper The New York Ghost in 1926, referring to the dangerous criminal Gellert Grindelwald being on the loose in Europe (WFT). Read MoreSally Smith• Character
Sally Smith was one of the original forty students at Hogwarts that J.K. Rowling created. She never appeared in canon, but did appear in the BBC interview with J.K. Rowling in 2001, Harry Potter and Me. Her name also appears in a new writing from J.K. Rowling on Pottermore,… Read MoreSelina Sapworthy• Character
Selina Sapworthy was the author of Xylomancy, a guide to divination by using twigs (Pm). Read MoreSaucy Tricks for Tricky Sorts
Books and Literature
Intriguingly-titled spell book. Read MoreNewt Scamander• Character
Newton “Newt” Scamander is a famous magizoologist and author of Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them (PS5) as well as a number of other books. Now retired, Scamander lives in Dorset with his wife Porpentina (FB). He received the Order of Merlin, second… Read MoreSch2: Second Scholastic Interview• Source
The second online chat Rowling held through According to the website, “On October 16, 2000, classrooms across America went online to ask J.K. Rowling their burning questions about Harry Potter.”… Read MoreSchoolbags
Common items • Hogwarts academics
Students typically carry bags filled with books, parchment, quills, homework, wands, potions ingredients and ink. Read MoreScorpius Malfoy solves the final riddle and he, Albus and Delphi take the Experimental Time-Turner• Event
With only Scorpius Malfoy left outside the Weaponised Library, he works under pressure to solve the third and final riddle. This releases Delphi and Albus Potter from inside the bookshelves and reveals the Experimental Time-Turner hidden inside a book (CC1.19). Read MoreScot• Source
Rowling relates details about her own life leading up to writing the Potter books. She also describes the process of writing and of creating her magical world. Read More
sealing spell
— "none used"
Seals a roll of parchment with a touch of the wand. Read MoreSecrets of the Darkest Art
Books and Literature
A book about Horcruxes summoned from Dumbledore’s Office by Hermione Granger (DH6). Read MoreSeer and author Cassandra Vablatsky dies• Event
The celebrated seer is remembered for her skill in divination and for writing the divination textbook Unfogging the Future (FW, PA4). Read MoreShadows and Spirits
Books and Literature
Shadows and Spirits is a book on Dark Magic (CC1.19). Read MoreHenry Shaw• Character
Henry Shaw (Sr.) was a powerful 1920s media titan based in New York (WFT). Read MoreShopping for third year supplies in Diagon Alley• Event
Harry, Ron, and the Hermione are all staying at the Leaky Cauldron. Hermione buys Crookshanks. That night, Harry overhears Mr. and Mrs. Weasley in conversation – and learns that Sirius Black is after him. Read MoreSites of Historical Sorcery
Books and Literature
Sites of Historical Sorcery is a gazetteer of magical locations. Read MoreRita Skeeter• Character
Rita Skeeter is a reporter for the Daily Prophet who is known for her rubbishy exposés of well-known wizards. She uses a Quick-Quotes Quill to write in flowery prose filled with innuendos and veiled accusations (GF18). Rita was a reporter at the Death Eater trials after the… Read MoreWilbert Slinkhard• Character
Wilbert Slinkhard was the author of Defensive Magical Theory, a dull and heavily theoretical Defence against the Dark Arts textbook that favors more passive responses to dark forces (OP9, OP12, OP15, OP17, OP29). In chapter 15, Slinkhard claimed that counter-jinxes are improperly named, because he believed that “counter-jinx”… Read More Slow-Acting Venoms
Magical effects
Lockhart wrote about slow-acting venoms in his book Gadding with Ghouls (CS10)… Read MoreSnape’s Eyes• Essay
Presented at Lumos 2006 Las Vegas, Nevada 29 July 2006[*] How wonderful it is that the second chapter of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is titled “Spinner’s End.” Wonderful, because, if read ironically, it refers not only to a place, but to Severus Snape’s fate, a rubric revealing that the… Read MoreSnape in love?• Quote
Q: Will Snape ever fall in love? JKR: Who on earth would want Snape in love with them? That’s a very horrible idea. Read MoreSnape: Scoundrel or Saint?
Books and Literature
Biography of Severus Snape, written by Rita Skeeter after the fall of Voldemort. Read MoreSN: Interview with South West News Service• Source
Interview with the South West News Service, July 8, 2000, the day that Goblet of Fire was published. Read More
Snitch Jinx
The Snitch Jinx is a delayed-action jinx which writes the word “sneak” across someone’s face in pimples if they break an agreement they sign. This jinx may be an invention of Hermione Granger. … Read MoreSonnets of a Sorcerer
Books and Literature
Sonnets of a Sorcerer is a cursed book of poetry (CS13). Read MoreCatullus Spangle• Character
Spangle was a renowned researcher of Charms in the eighteenth century, notable for his work on Patronuses (and, specifically, the forms which Patronuses take). The book Charms of Defence and Deterrence is considered his masterwork. Read MoreSpectrespecs
Games, toys, and jokes
A pair of “psychedelic spectacles”, given away free by The Quibbler during Harry’s sixth year. Read MoreSpellbound: Celebrity Secrets and Spell Tips of the Stars!
Spellbound: Celebrity Secrets and Spell Tips of the Stars! was a wizarding celebrity magazine (CG). In 1927, the magazine incorrectly announced that Newt was going to marry Leta Lestrange. The cover of that issue showed a picture of Newt with a Niffler, and a photo inside showed Newt, Leta, Theseus,… Read MoreSpellman's Syllabary
Books and Literature
Spellman’s Syllabary is a guide to symbols used to represent syllables. Read MoreHelbert Spleen• Character
Helbert Spleen was a Healer at St. Mungo’s Hospital of Magical Maladies. He also wrote for the Daily Prophet (DP3)… Read MorePhyllida Spore• Character
Phyllida Spore was a famous herbologist and the author of One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi (PS5). Read MoreBlenheim Stalk• Character
Blenheim Stalk is a well-known expert on Muggles and the author of several books, including Muggles Who Notice (FB, FW). Read MoreThe Standard Book of Spells
Books and Literature
The Standard Book of Spells is a multi-volume reference work used as a textbook at Hogwarts. The series is divided into “Grades,” with each successive grade containing more difficult and complex spells. The series was written by Miranda Goshawk in the 1900s, probably based on the seminal work… Read MoreBallyfumble Stranger• Character
Ballyfumble Stranger is from Conundrum 5: The Miserable Ode of Quivering Quintus, part of Miranda Goshawk’s Book of Spells. He is a nervous and cowardly character, who flees from danger quickly and lacks bravery and daring. (BoS)… Read MoreA Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry
Books and Literature
A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry is a Hogwarts Library book. Read MoreA Study into Muggle Suspicions About Magic
Books and Literature
A Study into Muggle Suspicions About Magic is a Ministry of Magic report warning against the dangers of underestimating how much magic Muggles notice (DP1). Professor Phoebus Penrose headed a committee which produced this report about Muggle suspicions about magic. Among other magical examples, it notes that… Read MoreA Study into the Possibility of Reversing the Actual and Metaphysical Effects of Natural Death, with Particular Regard to the Reintegration of Essence and Matter
Books and Literature
A Study into the Possibility of Reversing the Actual and Metaphysical Effects of Natural Death, with Particular Regard to the Reintegration of Essence and Matter is an acclaimed book on the possibility of reversing death, written by the renowned wizarding philosopher Bertrand de Pensées-Profondes (TBB). His conclusion – after copious research… Read MoreSue Li• Character
Sue Li was one of the original forty students at Hogwarts that J.K. Rowling created. She never appeared in canon, but did appear in the BBC interview with J.K. Rowling in 2001, Harry Potter and Me. Her name also appears in a new writing from J.K. Rowling on Pottermore,… Read MoreSunday Prophet
The Sunday Prophet is a weekend edition of the Daily Prophet, the newspaper of the wizarding world. Read MoreEmeric Switch• Character
Emeric Switch was the author of A Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration (PS5). Read MoreSynopsis• Source
The original synopsis of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone summarizes the first book and describes the magic and wonder of the tale very well. A copy of the synopsis was included on Rowling’s original website but that copy ended at the bottom of page one. The full synopsis is reproduced… Read More