Eagle-feather quill
Common items
The luxury eagle-feather quill is Harry’s favorite writing tool. He received it from Hermione for Christmas in his second year (CS12). He used it for the next couple of years (PA1, GF2, GF3). Read MoreThe second edition of the Daily Prophet newsletter is published• Event
The second of four Daily Prophet newsletters (DP2) was published on 8 February 1999 for members of the official Harry Potter Fan Club (run by Bloomsbury Books in the UK). Read MoreEdits and Changes to the Text of CS• Page
The following changes were released by Rowling’s publishers in the summer of 2004. As of summer, 2005, they had not been included in Scholastic editions. However, both Bloomsbury and Raincoast editions now incorporate the changes. The translators, who work from the Bloomsbury text, are incorporating these changes into their editions… Read MoreEdits and Changes to the Text of GF• Page
The following changes were released by Bloomsbury (Rowling’s U.K. publishers) in the summer of 2004, and all changes apply to the text of the UK/Raincoast editions. Some of the corrections had already been made in the original U.S. versions. All of these changes have been included in the new Raincoast… Read MoreEdits and Changes to the Text of PA• Page
The following changes were released by Rowling’s publishers in the summer of 2004. As of summer, 2005, they had not been included in Scholastic editions. However, both Bloomsbury and Raincoast editions now incorporate the changes. The translators, who work from the Bloomsbury text, are incorporating these changes into their editions… Read MoreEdits and Changes to the Text of PS• Page
The following changes were released by Rowling’s publishers in the summer of 2004. As of summer, 2005, they had not been included in Scholastic editions. However, both Bloomsbury and Raincoast editions now incorporate the changes. The translators, who work from the Bloomsbury text, are incorporating these… Read MoreEducational Decree Number Twenty-eight
Rules and laws
This decree allowed Dolores Umbridge to replace Albus Dumbledore as Headmaster of Hogwarts (OP28). Read MoreEducational Decree Number Twenty-two
Rules and laws
States that should the Headmaster of Hogwarts be unable to fill a position, the Ministry will find an “appropriate” candidate. (OP15)… Read MoreEducational Decree Number Twenty-three
Rules and laws
Created the position of Hogwarts High Inquisitor. Read MoreEducational Decree Number Twenty-seven
Rules and laws
This rule said that any student found in possession of The Quibbler magazine would be expelled. Read MoreFrom Egg to Inferno, A Dragon Keeper's Guide
Books and Literature
From Egg to Inferno, A Dragon Keeper’s Guide is a guidebook to raising dragons which is included in the Hogwarts school library collection. Hagrid consulted the Hogwarts library’s copy of this book when he first got the dragon egg that eventually hatched into Norbert (PS14). Read MoreEldred Worple• Character
Eldred Worple was the author of Blood Brothers: My Life Amongst the Vampires and a guest at Slughorn’s Christmas party with his friend Sanguini. (HBP15)… Read MoreElveira Elkins• Character
Elveira Elkins was a witch whose letter appeared on the Problem Page of the Daily Prophet (DP3). Ms Elkins’ letter explained that everything she tried to charm had failed. She was advised by author Zamira Gulch to pay more attention when performing spells and in the meantime to try using Muggle “nails” to put… Read MoreElladora Guffy• Character
Elladora Guffy was the next-door neighbour of Ethelbald Mordaunt. Madam Guffy was fond of practical jokes. She was been known on occasion to enchant Mordaunt’s garden furniture. This infuriated Mr. Mordaunt, which he eloquently expressed in a letter to the Daily Prophet (DP1). Read MoreElphias Doge writes a Tribute to Dumbledore in the Daily Prophet• Event
Elphias Doge, who first met Albus Dumbledore sat Hogwarts when they were eleven years old, composed a sympathetic and loving obituary for the Daily Prophet. Harry reads the “Albus Dumbledore Remembered” in his room just before the Dursley family departs for their own safety on the morning of the Battle… Read MoreEmeric Switch• Character
Emeric Switch was the author of A Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration (PS5). Read MoreEnchanted Encounters
Books and Literature
Series of romance novels written by Fifi LaFolle (JKR). Read MoreEnchantment in Baking
Books and Literature
Enchantment in Baking is a magical guide to baking. Read More🎙️ Encore Episode: "Oh wait a minute, who was that?"• Essay
This is an encore presentation of an episode from June, 2011 Steve talks about Pottermore misconceptions, how Rowling changed the online world once before, cool and interesting sources of canon information, Galleons changing the world, the late Quidditch match in book one, and other bits of Potter lore. Links:… Read More🎙️ Encore Presentation: OP1 - Drought• Essay
This is an encore presentation of an episode from March, 2018. Today we’re spending a little bit of time with chapter one of Order of the Phoenix. From the very beginning, we’re introduced to the theme of drought. Rowling writes: Cars that were usually gleaming stood dusty in their… Read MoreEncyclopedia of Toadstools
Books and Literature
Guide to fungi. Read MoreEnglish Channel
Oceans and seas
The English Channel is a body of water separating southern England from northern France, connecting the Atlantic Ocean with the North Sea. Read MoreEquatorial Guinea
Newt Scamander recently traveled to Equatorial Guinea to complete field research for his book about magical creatures, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (WFT). Read MoreSix errors in the Harry Potter films that confuse fans• Essay
I love the Harry Potter films. I have dear friends who worked on them. I was on the set during the filming of Order of the Phoenix. David Heyman even told me that they used the Lexicon "every day" while they created the films. So don't mistake what I'm about to say for anything but loving criticism.
The films are nothing more than very expensive fan fiction. They're made-up stories closely based on the Harry Potter books, created by people who are massive Harry Potter fans and who care very deeply about "getting it right," but who, for one reason or another, changed a lot of things. Sometimes they changed things for very good reasons. Sometimes, though, they seem to have changed things for no particular reason at all. I can't explain it, but there you go.
However, for a lot of people, the films are Harry Potter. They've never read the books, or barely read them anyway. As far as they're concerned, Dementors attacked Harry and Dudley in an underpass below a highway. Snape died in a boathouse. And Harry fought Voldemort in an extended, violent duel at the end of the Battle of Hogwarts, punctuated by clever bon mots and death-defying falls from high places.
But oh well. I really don't care. At least they're Potter fans! The more the merrier! Just do me a favor ... don't send me any more emails telling me that I screwed up on the Lexicon when I write that: Read MoreEssays by Rowling• Source
Index of Rowling’s essays on a variety of canon topics: Many of these essays originally appeared on Pottermore. Some were included in the “Pottermore Presents” book series. * indicates that the item can no longer be found on the website. Creatures and Magical Beings Boggart Dementors and Chocolate… Read MoreEthelbald Mordaunt• Character
Wizard whose next door neighbour, Elladora Guffy, was overly fond of practical joke spells (DP1) … Read MoreThe Ethics of Rowling• Essay
Well, after reading book 5 of Harry Potter (The Order of the Phoenix), all of my literature interpretation instincts just kicked in automatically. Never mind the predictions of what will happen, who will end up with whom, etc… I was instantly drawn by the notion of psychomachia (I’ve mentioned it before,… Read MoreEvening Prophet
The Evening Prophet is a special edition of the Daily Prophet, the newspaper of the wizarding world. Read MoreExploring September in the Harry Potter Universe• Essay
I’ve updated all the entries and artwork that will appear on the home page scroller. The theme this time around is “September.” A lot happens at Hogwarts in the first month of the school year: Quidditch tryouts, the first classes for each subject for the year, the First Years… Read MoreMy Eyes and How to See Past Them
Books and Literature
My Eyes and How to See Past Them is a book on Divination by Sibyll Trelawney (CC1.19). Read More