Bathilda Bagshot• Character
Bathilda Bagshot was a famous magical historian and author of one of Hogwarts’ standard textbooks, A History of Magic. Her book is one of the books Hermione chose to store in her small pouch with the magically enlarged interior, in case it might prove useful during the quest to… Read MoreBallyfumble Stranger• Character
Ballyfumble Stranger is from Conundrum 5: The Miserable Ode of Quivering Quintus, part of Miranda Goshawk’s Book of Spells. He is a nervous and cowardly character, who flees from danger quickly and lacks bravery and daring. (BoS)… Read MoreBandon Banshee• Character
The Bandon Banshee was a banshee defeated by a witch with a hairy chin, although Gilderoy Lockhart claimed credit for the defeat (CS6, CS16, CS – Edits and Changes to the Text). Read MoreBarnabas Cuffe• Character
Barnabas Cuffe was editor of the Daily Prophet (HBP4). Read MoreBasic Hexes for the Busy and Vexed
Books and Literature
Basic Hexes for the Busy and Vexed is a spell book in the Hogwarts library. Read MoreBath
Located in southwestern England near Bristol, Bath was so named because it was once home to an elaborate Roman public bath, fed by Britain’s only hot springs. A replica of the Roman structure has now been built there above the ruins of the original. Ron mentioned Bath in CS13,… Read MoreThe Beaters' Bible
Books and Literature
The Beaters’ Bible is a Quidditch handbook written by Brutus Scrimgeour (QA). Kennilworthy Whisp cited this book in Quidditch Through the Ages, and Scrimgeour in turn provided a favourable blurb for Whisp’s book in the front section (QA). According to Whisp, the first rule… Read MoreBeating the Bludgers - A Study of Defensive Strategies in Quidditch
Books and Literature
Beating the Bludgers – A Study of Defensive Strategies in Quidditch is a Quidditch handbook. It is one of the previous works by author Kenilworthy Whisp, mentioned in the opening section of Quidditch through the Ages (QA). Read MoreBeatrix Bloxam• Character
Beatrix Bloxam was the author of The Toadstool Tales series of children’s books. These books have been banned because they cause nausea and vomiting. Bloxam appears on a Famous Wizard card (FW) and is mentioned several times in Tales of Beedle the Bard (TBB). Bloxam’s stated ideas for children’s stories… Read MoreBeatrix Bloxam, author of Toadstool Tales, is born• EventBeatrix Bloxam dies• Event
The author of Toadstool Tales was only sixteen years old when she passes away (FW). Read MoreBeedle the Bard• Character
Beedle the Bard was the accredited author of wizarding children’s fairy tales. Read MoreBeedle the Bard writes fairy tales• Event
Beedle, born in Yorkshire, is famous for his book of wizarding fairy tales collected as The Tales of Beedle the Bard (TBB, DH7, DH21). Read MoreA Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration
Books and Literature
A Beginner’s Guide to Transfiguration is the required textbook for Transfiguration for first and second year students at Hogwarts (PS5, CS4). Read MoreThe Bendable Vow: Dumbledore’s Hand In One Last Legal Loophole• Essay
Harry’s Unanswered Question “Professor, what happened to your—?” “I have no time to explain now,” said Dumbledore. “It is a thrilling tale, I wish to do it justice.” (HBP4) At least four times in Half-Blood Prince, Harry asks Dumbledore to explain what happened to his right hand. Each time, Dumbledore smiles and implies that… Read MoreBertrand de Pensées-Profondes• Character
Bertrand de Pensées Profondes was a renowned wizarding philosopher and author of A Study into the Possibility of Reversing the Actual and Metaphysical Effects of Natural Death, with Particular Regard to the Reintegration of Essence and Matter (TBB). Read MoreBiography of Harry Potter
Books and Literature
The Biography of Harry Potter is a non-existent book about the life of Harry Potter. Read MoreBlack Punishment Quill
Invented by Dolores Umbridge. Read MoreBlenheim Stalk• Character
Blenheim Stalk is a well-known expert on Muggles and the author of several books, including Muggles Who Notice (FB, FW). Read MoreBlood Brothers: My Life Amongst the Vampires
Books and Literature
Blood Brothers: My Life Amongst the Vampires is an autobiographical book detailing the lives of vampires. Read MoreThe Half-Blood Prince
Titles, nicknames, and honorifics
A title claimed in handwriting in the margins by the mysterious owner of the book Advanced Potion Making some 20 years in the past. Since there is no royalty in the Wizarding world, this presumptive title was a bit of a mystery. Read Morebogies turn into black bats• Quote
“. . .I grew up in a very large family and as the youngest member it was sometimes difficult to put my point across effectively. However, when a person’s bogies turn into black bats, which crawl out of their nostrils and flap away, you can generally count on them shutting… Read MoreBook of Potions
Books and Literature
The Book of Potions is a definitive study of the subtle art of potion-making by Zygmunt Budge. Read MoreThis book is pure gold...• Quote
“This isn’t your average book. It’s pure gold: Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches. Explains everything you need to know about girls … You’d be surprised, it’s not all about wandwork, either.”… Read MoreBooks
Books and Literature
A Achievements in Charming spell book Has quite sharp edges, as Harry learnt when Hermione kept snatching it away from him to “check that she had got the answer completely right” while he was testing her the day before their Theory of Charms O.W.L. (OP31). Advanced Potion-Making… Read MoreThe Book of Spells
Books and Literature
The Book of Spells is a venerable school textbook written 200 years ago by Miranda Goshawk, now kept in the Restricted Section of the Hogwarts library. For the first time, Goshawk’s book clarified instructions for spellwork and made magic more understandable to the student witch or wizard (BoS). She undertook… Read MoreHow do they make all those books? Printing in the Wizarding World• Essay
I read the essay “When Magic Meets Muggle Technology” by PrefectMarcus. I thoroughly enjoyed the essay, which provides a pseudo-science, almost science fiction view of the wizarding world. Being myself an ardent fan of the sci-fi genre, I value this essay dearly. The essay ends with a question: how does… Read MoreChadwick Boot• Character
Chadwick Boot, spellbook author and one of the founders of Ilvermorney wizarding school, was the elder son of wizard parents who foolishly wandered into the wilds of 17th century America and were killed by a Hidebehind. He and his younger brother Webster were rescued by Isolt Sayre, who taught them… Read MoreLibatius Borage• Character
Libatius Borage was a famous potioneer and author. Borage attended the Castelobruxo Wizarding School in Brazil (Pm). He wrote several books, including: Advanced Potion-Making, Asiatic Anti-Venoms and Have Yourself a Fiesta in a Bottle!… Read MoreBoS: Book of Spells• Source
The Book of Spells is an augmented reality video game product which can only be played on the PlayStation using the Move Controllers. The material for the game was written by Rowling (which makes the content canon). The Book of Spells is a 200-year-old primer used in… Read MoreBozo• Character
Bozo was a paunchy man who worked as a photographer for the Daily Prophet. Read MoreBP• Source
Interview with J K Rowling on Blue Peter (CBBC), March 12, 2001. Read MoreBetty Braithwaite• Character
Betty Braithwaite was a Daily Prophet reporter who landed an exclusive interview with Rita Skeeter to talk about Skeeter’s then upcoming book “The Life and Lies of Albus Dumbledore” (DH2). Read MoreBR: Babbity Rabbity and her Cackling Stump• Source
“Babbity Rabbity and her Cackling Stump” is a wizarding world fairy tale, part of the collection The Tales of Beedle the Bard. In the story, a foolish king decided to claim all magic for himself. He banished all true witches and wizards and hired a charlatan to teach him… Read MoreBreak With a Banshee
Books and Literature
Thrilling autobiographical accounts of adventures dealing with various exotic and dangerous beasts, none of which, as it turns out, actually involved the author. Read MoreBrian Gadwilde• Character
Brian Gadwilde was the author of the book Jiggery Pokery and Hocus Pocus. Read MoreBroken Balls: When Fortunes Turn Foul
Books and Literature
Broken Balls: When Fortunes Turn Foul is a Divination book. Read MoreBroom cupboard
Hogwarts castle and grounds • Rooms, chambers, and floors
A broom cupboard is located off the Entrance Hall. Harry and Ron locked Crabbe and Goyle in it (CS12); Hermione and Harry hid here while using the Time-Turner to wait for themselves to pass through the Entrance Hall (PA21). Rita Skeeter interviewed Harry in this cupboard during the weighing… Read MoreWhich Broomstick
Which Broomstick is a wizarding magazine which contains articles comparing the various types of brooms available, new brooms and other features. Appearances Harry Potter borrowed a copy from Oliver Wood to read up on the different makes of broom when he needed to replace his Nimbus 2000 (… Read MoreBuckley Cooper• Character
Buckley Cooper was a wizard who wrote a letter to the Daily Prophet asking for legal advice on the running feud he’d been having with his brother (DP3)… Read MoreCharity Burbage• Character
Charity Burbage was a professor of Muggle Studies at Hogwarts (DH2). She wrote an impassioned defense of Muggle-borns in the Daily Prophet during the summer of 1997; in retaliation, she was taken prisoner, then killed personally by Voldemort less than a week later at Malfoy Manor, at which point… Read More