Obscurus Books
Wizarding publisher located at 18a Diagon Alley, London. Their editor Augustus Worme commissioned the original edition of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them by Newt Scamander in 1918, which is now in its 52nd edition (FB). Read MoreOctavius Pepper• Character
Octavius Pepper was a wizard who disappeared in the early spring of 1997, as reported by the Daily Prophet. It was implied that the disappearance is connected to an attack by Death Eaters (HBP21). Read MoreWinkus Oddpick• Character
Winkus Oddpick was a writer on the Daily Prophet’s op-ed page (DP3). Oddpick wrote an editorial entitled “Why can’t goblins be more like elves?“, which appeared on p.32 of the Daily Prophet after the Chipping Clodbury riot (DP3). Read MoreThe Official Guide to the Quidditch World Cup
Books and Literature
A book published by the ICWQC about the history of the Quidditch World Cup. The book costs 39 Galleons (PM:QWC). Read MoreOlde and Forgotten Bewitchments and Charmes
Books and Literature
Olde and Forgotten Bewitchments and Charmes is a book of spells from earlier times. Read MoreOliver Rivers• Character
Oliver Rivers was a student in Harry’s year at Hogwarts (HPM, Pm). Read More🎙️ OP10: The Transformation Begins• Essay
As I mentioned when talking about chapter one, the whole point of book five is the transformation of Harry Potter. All the things that are most important to him, the things that he sees as his strengths, will be taken away from him. At the end of this book, he… Read MoreOP12: Professor Umbridge• Source
Fred and George advertise for volunteers to test their products, the trio discusses their schedules and the upcoming O.W.L.s, Harry has an outburst in Defense Against the Dark Arts, Umbridge assigns him detention for a week, and McGonagall warns him to keep his temper… Read MoreOP13: Detention with Dolores• Source
Hermione stops the twins from experimenting on first-years, Ron tries to stop unknowing house-elves from taking Hermione’s knitted hats, and Professor Grubbly-Plank teaches Care of Magical Creatures as there is still no sign of Hagrid. Harry serves Umbridge‘s detentions, in which an… Read MoreOP14: Percy and Padfoot• Source
Harry sends a letter to Sirius, he encounters Cho Chang and she calls him brave, and the Gryffindor team’s first practice is less than spectacular. Percy sends Ron a letter warning him against continuing his friendship with Harry, and Sirius communicates with Harry through the common room fire. Read MoreOP15: The Hogwarts High Inquisitor• Source
Umbridge is made Hogwarts High Inquisitor, and Harry loses his temper again in Defense Against the Dark Arts, serving another week’s detention. Umbridge observes the professors in class, and Ron and Hermione try to convince Harry to give Defence Against the Dark Arts lessons. Read MoreOP16: In the Hog's Head• Source
Harry, Hermione, and Ron hold a meeting at the Hog’s Head to discuss with other students the possibility of Harry giving them Defence lessons, and Hermione tells Ron and Harry that Ginny is dating Michael Corner. Read MoreOP17: Educational Decree Number Twenty-four• Source
The High Inquisitor orders all “Student Organisations, Societies, Teams, Groups and Clubs” disbanded, Harry and Ron learn that boys are not allowed in the girls’ dormitory, Hedwig is hurt coming back from London, and Sirius Black is almost caught by Dolores Umbridge in… Read More🎙️ OP17: Wait, what?• Essay
So as you know, I’ve been reading through Order of the Phoenix for the, I don’t know, maybe fortieth time, and that doesn’t include the dozen times I’ve listened to the audio version. The sentences feel wonderfully familiar and honestly, it’s like spending time with a dear friend. I guess… Read MoreOP18: Dumbledore's Army• Source
Harry again dreams of the windowless corridor with the door at the end, Dobby tells Harry about the Room of Requirement, and Dumbledore’s Army meets for the first time. Read MoreOP23: Christmas on the Closed Ward• Source
Harry speculates on why Albus Dumbledore will not look him in the eye, Hermione joins Harry and the Weasleys at Grimmauld Place for Christmas, and Percy sends back his Weasley jumper. They visit Arthur in St. Mungo’s Hospital, encounter Gilderoy… Read MoreOP24: Occlumency• Source
Harry and the Weasley children return to Hogwarts after the holidays and Harry begins Occlumency lessons with Professor Snape, during which Harry sees the dark corridor in the Department of Mysteries that he often dreams about. Read MoreOP25: The Beetle at Bay• Source
There is a mass breakout from Azkaban, a Ministry worker dies under suspicious circumstances, and Umbridge bans the teachers from giving students information unrelated to their subjects. Harry and Cho go on a date to Hogsmeade, and Hermione and Luna Lovegood arrange for Rita Skeeter to interview Harry, with his… Read More🎙️ OP25: Hitting the Bottom• Essay
Two very important things happen in chapter 25 of Order of the Phoenix. I’m not talking about Harry’s disastrous date with Cho, which, let’s face it, is just horrible. I cringe as I read it and yes, I do recognize those kinds of awkward moments… Read MoreOP26: Seen and Unforeseen• Source
Hermione gives Harry advice on his love life, Gryffindor continues its losing streak at Quidditch, and Harry’s article is published in The Quibbler – which is quickly outlawed at Hogwarts by Professor Umbridge. Harry has another disturbing dream from Lord Voldemort’s point of… Read MoreOP27: The Centaur and the Sneak• Source
Harry and his classmates have their first Divination lesson with Firenze in a new classroom, Marietta Edgecombe tells Professor Umbridge about the meeting of Dumbledore’s Army, but suffers the effects of Hermione’s jinx, Dobby warns Harry that the D.A. has been found… Read MoreOP28: Snape's Worst Memory• Source
Dolores Umbridge replaces Albus Dumbledore as Head of Hogwarts, the students (with the help of Fred and George’s inventions) rebel while the staff sit back and watch, and Umbridge tries to get Harry to tell her where Dumbledore is hiding. Harry confronts Cho Chang… Read MoreOP29: Careers Advice• Source
Harry tells Ginny Weasley of his desire to talk to his godfather Sirius, and receives careers advice from Professor McGonagall. He breaks into Professor Umbridge’s office to use her fireplace on the Floo Network to talk to Sirius about his father, and… Read MoreOP30: Grawp• Source
Harry recalls the dream again, the Gryffindor Quidditch team plays Ravenclaw for the final match of the Quidditch season, and Hagrid introduces Harry and Hermione to his half-brother, Grawp, making them promise to look after Grawp if he has to leave the school. Read More🎙️ OP30: Teacups, Quidditch, and Worries• Essay
We’ve reached chapter 30 of Order of the Phoenix and as always, there’s a lot to talk about here. The castle is in chaos. The students are in full rebellion against Umbridge, and the teachers are too apparently. Filch is having to transport students across the… Read MoreOP31: O.W.L.s• Source
Harry and Hermione tell Ron about Grawp, the fifth years take their O.W.L.s, Hagrid is sacked, McGonagall is stunned, and Harry dreams that Sirius is being tortured. Read MoreOP32: Out of the Fire• Source
Ron, Hermione, Neville, and Luna help Harry break into Umbridge’s office, Kreacher leads Harry to believe that Sirius is at the Department of Mysteries, and Hermione tricks Umbridge into taking her and Harry into the Forbidden Forest. Read MoreOPplan• Source
This image appeared originally on Rowling’s original website, called “Revision of the plan of ‘Order of the Phoenix”. The Certificate reads: “Part of the umpteenth revision of the plan of ‘Order of the Phoenix’ Some of the Chapter Names changed and there are a few ideas that didn’t… Read MoreOpportunity Costs: What does it profit a man to defeat the Dark Lord but lose his soul?• Essay
Originally published at Books & Culture, November/December 2005, Vol. 11, No. 6, Page 22.[1] The stab of envy came instantly, unexpectedly. I was somewhere quite new to me: on one of the enormous ferries that run between the mainland of British Columbia and Vancouver Island. As we moved westward… Read MoreOrtiz O'Flaherty• Character
Ortiz O’Flaherty was an American and the author of Bigfoot’s Last Stand, a book about the Great Sasquatch Rebellion of 1892 (Pm). Read MoreWe owe a lot to alchemists• Quote
I decided on the school subjects very early on. Most of the spells are invented, but some of them have a basis in what people used to believe worked. We owe a lot of our scientific knowledge to the alchemists!… Read More