Where ideas come from• Quote
I’ve no idea where ideas come from and I hope I never find out, it would spoil the excitement for me if it turned out I just have a funny little wrinkle on the surface of my brain which makes me think about invisible train platforms. Read MoreThe identity of the Half-Blood Prince is revealed• Event
After Snape kills Dumbledore on top of the Astronomy Tower, he tries to flee with the other Death Eaters but Harry chases him across the grounds, attempting several spells which Snape deflects. One of the Death Eaters uses the Cruciatus Curse on Harry, but Snape orders them to stop. When… Read MoreIllyius• Character
Illyius was a shy wizard who saved his village from Dementors by using his mouse Patronus. Read MoreImagi(c)nation in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone• Essay
There is a popular poster of Albert Einstein that appears on many faculty office walls on college campuses around the country. Underneath the well-known black and white image of the wild and white-haired physicist are printed the words, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” The full quotation from Einstein actually… Read MoreImagining Hogwarts• Quote
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry was the first thing I concentrated on. I was thinking of a place of great order but immense danger, with children who had skills with which they could overwhelm their teachers. Logically, it had to be set in a secluded place and pretty soon… Read MoreThe Imperius Curse and How to Abuse It
Books and Literature
The Imperius Curse and How to Abuse It is a book on Dark Magic (CC1.19). Read MoreImportant Modern Magical Discoveries
Books and Literature
A guide to more recent magical discoveries. Read MoreInd1• Source
Interview with The Independent, 29 January 1999. Notable quotes: The names of Dahl and C S Lewis are frequently mentioned alongside Ms Rowling’s, a comparison at which she has balks. “C S Lewis is quite simply a genius and I’m not a genius,” she said. “And while I think… Read MoreThe infamous 'Pure-Blood Directory' is published• Event
Although the book is published anonymously, the author is widely believed to be Cantankerus Nott. The book sparks controversy in the wizarding community when it specifies the so-called “Sacred Twenty-Eight,” a list of the most “pure” of the pure-blood families. Read MoreIngolfr the Iambic• Character
Ingolfr the Iambic was a Norwegian poet who wrote a poem about Quidditch (QA8). Read MoreInigo Imago• Character
Inigo Imago was the author of the book The Dream Oracle which is used as a textbook in fifth year Divination class at Hogwarts (OP12). Read More
instant scalping
— "none given"
As the name suggests, this hex removes hair. Read MoreIntermediate Transfiguration
Books and Literature
Intermediate Transfiguration was the required textbook for Transfiguration for third, fourth, and fifth year students at Hogwarts (PA4). (We know that Harry had to buy a copy for third-year Transfiguration but did not need a new Transfiguration textbook in his fourth or fifth year, so we deduce that the… Read MoreInterview in the broom cupboard• Event
Before the Weighing of the Wands, Rita Skeeter sweeps Harry away for an interview in a broom cupboard. Harry is bothered by Skeeter’s slanted questions and the dramatic and inaccurate words of her Quick-Quotes Quill (GF18). Read MoreInterviews• Source
These are the interviews which are used as sources for canon information. Each interview is listed chronologically, with the abbreviation used in the Lexicon: 1998 25 July 1998: “Harry Potter Charms a Nation.” Electronic Telegraph (ET) 1999 early spring 1999: amazon.co.uk (AmazonUK) 29 January 1999: The Independent, “The… Read MoreTrying out the Invisibility Cloak, Harry visits the Restricted Section• Event
After Christmas dinner, Ron immediately falls asleep and Harry decides to use his father’s Invisibility Cloak to explore the castle. Under the cloak, he sneaks past the Fat Lady and then decides to go research Nicolas Flamel in the library’s Restricted Section. The library is very dark and the Restricted… Read MoreInvisible Book of Invisibility
Books and Literature
Literally invisible, this book is essentially impractical. Read MoreIrma Pince• Character
Librarian at Hogwarts who looks like an underfed vulture (CS10) with a shriveled face, and who spends more time policing the library than helping with research (OP29). Pince is highly suspicious of the students and places nasty spells on books to make sure they’re returned on time:… Read MoreITV• Source
16 July 2005 Edinburgh “cub reporter” press conference. This press conference featured “cub” reporters — fans between the ages of 8 and 16 selected from around the world. Read More