Fifi LaFolle• Character
Fif LaFolle was the author of the Enchanted Encounters romance series (WoM). Read More"Langlock"
A jinx that glues the target’s tongue to the roof of his or her mouth. Source: The Half-Blood Prince… Read More"Levicorpus (non-verbal)"
Levicorpus is a spell which dangles the target person upside-down by the ankle in mid-air. The spell was developed by the Half-Blood Prince, the incantation for which was written down in his old Potions textbook without a description of the effects (but fortunately with the counter-jinx) (HBP12). The… Read MoreThe Lexicon's 20th Anniversary Celebration!• Event
The Lexicon is 20 Years Old! To celebrate in true Lexicon fashion, we’re having a Canon Celebration from July through December of 2020. Explore the magic with us! Every week we’ll be celebrating part of the Harry Potter canon. We can’t cover everything, of course, so we’re… Read MoreLexicon Reader's Guide Series• Page
Books by Steve Vander Ark About The Reader’s Guide series Welcome to the Harry Potter Lexicon Reader’s Guide series. Each Guide expands a reader’s understanding of and appreciation for the books in the Harry Potter series of books by J.K. Rowling. The commentary and annotations presented are the observations… Read MoreLibatius Borage• Character
Libatius Borage was a famous potioneer and author. Borage attended the Castelobruxo Wizarding School in Brazil (Pm). He wrote several books, including: Advanced Potion-Making, Asiatic Anti-Venoms and Have Yourself a Fiesta in a Bottle!… Read MoreLibrary
Hogwarts castle and grounds • Rooms, chambers, and floors
The Hogwarts library contains tens of thousands of books on thousands of shelves (PS12). Included in its many sections is an Invisibility Section (CS11), a section with information about dragons (PS14), and a Restricted Section at the back, set off with a rope. A signed note from… Read More
library book spells
Madam Pince puts a variety of spells and curses on the books in the Hogwarts library to make sure that kids don’t damage them. (At least, not twice…) c.f. THIEF’S CURSE. Read MoreI Must Not Tell Lies
When he was serving detention, Dolores Umbridge forced Harry to write this sentence using her own magical quill. The words were instantly cut into the back of his hand and the words appeared on the paper with his own blood as the ink. Read MoreLife and Lies of Albus Dumbledore
Books and Literature
A long and sensational biography of Albus Dumbledore, published shortly after his death. Read MoreMy Life as a Muggle
Books and Literature
An account of a year spent living as a muggle. Read MoreMy Life as a Squib
Books and Literature
Autobiography of Angus Buchanan… Read MoreLily's Letter
Harry’s mother Lily wrote a letter to his godfather, Sirius Black, a few months before she died and it remained in his bedroom at twelve, Grimmauld Place until discovered by first Severus Snape, then by Harry Potter (DH10, DH33). Read MoreThe List - Loose Ends before DH• Essay
“Ah, what a tangled web we weave… Or in this case, what a tangled web Jo Rowling has woven. With one volume left to wrap up all the threads, we Harry Potter fanatics have created a list of all the sphinx-like comments, unfinished story lines, incomplete character trajectories and cryptic references to… Read MoreSue Li• Character
Sue Li was one of the original forty students at Hogwarts that J.K. Rowling created. She never appeared in canon, but did appear in the BBC interview with J.K. Rowling in 2001, Harry Potter and Me. Her name also appears in a new writing from J.K. Rowling on Pottermore,… Read MoreDangerous Dai Llewellyn• Character
Dai Llewellyn was the Caerphilly Catapults’ most famous Quidditch player, known for his reckless and foolhardy style of play (QA7). His biography, He Flew Like a Madman, was written by Kennilworthy Whisp (QA). Tragically, he was eaten by a Chimaera while on holiday in Mykonos,… Read MoreGilderoy Lockhart• Character
Gilderoy Lockhart is a celebrity wizard and author, on staff for the 1992-1993 school year at Hogwarts as Professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. Read MoreLove and Death in Harry Potter• Essay
Love and death are major themes in J.K.Rowling’s Harry Potter books. She herself has said in a recent interview in recent interview in The Tatler magazine that “My books are largely about death.” And in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, one of J.K. Rowling’s chosen spokespersons, Professor Dumbledore, impresses upon Harry that his “ability… Read MoreLovegood family• Character
A small, eccentric wizarding family residing near Ottery St. Catchpole. Notable members of this family include: Xenophilius Lovegood Pandora Lovegood Luna Lovegood… Read MoreLucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley get in a fight at Flourish and Blotts• Event
At Gilderoy Lockhart’s book signing at Flourish and Blotts, Lucius Malfoy insults Arthur Weasley for associating with Muggles (Mr. and Mrs. Granger) and Arthur lunges at Lucius. Bookshelves are disturbed in the commotion. An Encyclopedia of Toadstools hits Lucius in one eye, and Arthur sustains a cut to the lip. To… Read More