Ignatia Wildsmith• Character
Ignatia Wildsmith was the inventor of Floo Powder (FW, Pm, WoM). Read MoreIgnatia Wildsmith, inventor of Floo powder, is born• EventIndia
India is the second most populous country in the world (behind China), located in southern Asia and jutting into the Indian Ocean. The Occamy and the Phoenix are both native to India (FB). The primary mode of wizarding transportation there is the flying carpet, as opposed to broomsticks; as a… Read MoreIntroduction to Muggle Studies• Article
(Just for fun, here’s one fan’s concept of what a Wizarding Muggle Studies textbook might be like…) Travel and space Understanding Muggles perceptions of how the world connects up is a big problem for wizarding people. We have to let go of a lot of our assumptions to grasp how… Read MoreItaly
A large southern European country shaped something like a boot jutting into the Mediterranean Sea, also ruling the islands of Sardinia and Sicily. The capital city is Rome. Read More