The Erumpent is a huge African magical beast which resembles a rhinoceros. Its horn, which can pierce almost anything, contains a fluid that explodes, destroying what it has hit.
- Because male Erumpents frequently blow each other up during mating season, the species is somewhat endangered (FB).
- The female's horn glows orange during mating season (WFT).
- Xenophilius Lovegood had an Erumpant horn on his wall, believing it to be the horn is one of the imaginary Crumpled-Horn Snornack. When his home was attacked by Death Eaters trying to catch Harry Potter and his friends, the horn blew up the house as the trio disapparated out (DH20, DH23).
- In 1920, Newt Scamander had a female Erumpent which escaped from his case and tried to mate with a hippo at the Central Park Zoo in New York City. Newt tried to use a mating dance and Erumpent musk to lure the beast, but instead it chased No-Maj Jacob Kowalski up a tree, which then exploded and fell due to the Erumpent fluid. Luckily just as the animal nearly reached mating-distance with Jacob, it slid on the ice and Newt was able to recapture it with his case (WFT).
- Jacob Kowalski had cookies in his bakery shaped like Erumpents (WFT).
- The horns, tails, and Exploding Fluid are all used in potions, but are considered Class B Tradeable Materials, "Dangerous and Subject to Strict Control" (FB).
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