"Dobby has no master! ... Dobby is a free elf, and Dobby has come to save Harry Potter and his friends!"

Hermione disguises Harry’s appearance with a stinging jinx just before the Snatchers kidnap all three of them. The Snatchers recognize Hermione and find the sword of Gryffindor, so they are taken to Malfoy Manor instead of the Ministry of Magic. After arriving, they are questioned and Hermione is tortured by Bellatrix Lestrange, who wants to know how they got the sword. Harry uses the broken two-way mirror to beg for help, and Dobby the house-elf appears. Dobby rescues Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas and Mr Ollivander, who are all the captives at the Manor. Peter Pettigrew comes to check on the captives and is killed by his own silver hand when he refrains from killing Harry. A fight ensues, but Harry, Ron and Dobby disarm all the Death Eaters (Harry wrestles the wands away from Draco Malfoy). Dobby manages to apparate with Harry, Ron, Hermione and Griphook before Lord Voldemort arrives, but Dobby is fatally wounded by Bellatrix. He dies in Harry’s arms after they arrive at Shell Cottage.
Calendar and Dates
Begins immediately after the preceding chapter's action, which puts it sometime in March. Draco is home for the Easter holidays, according to his mother.
Interesting facts and notes
"Anyone still got a wand?"
"No," said Ron and Hermione from either side of him.
So at this point all three of them have been disarmed. Harry still has the broken pieces of his original wand in the mokeskin pouch, however, since the Death Eaters searched his pockets but didn't take the pouch away from him. (And as Hagrid said when he gave the pouch to Harry, nobody but the owner can take something out of the pouch once it has been put in (DH7)).
"Half-blood," said Hermione.
Presumably this really is Penelope Clearwater's blood status, since Hermione has gone to the trouble of identifying herself as a real person whom she knows.
My son, Draco, is home for his Easter holidays.
Checking the U.S. Naval Observatory's Astronomical Applications Department website, in 1998 Ash Wednesday was February 25 and Easter Sunday was 12 April.
then took a short silver knife from under her robes.
I have no idea whether this is magical or not, or why she cut Hermione's bindings with this rather than using a Severing Charm. It serves to establish that Bellatrix is carrying a knife that doesn't depend on her being able to Conjure a weapon with her wand, though, so that we know she has access to it whether or not she has her wand.
even though there were four of them
In addition to Scabior (who has already been Stunned), so that means that there are three other Snatchers in addition to Greyback and Scabior.
"And we'll have that," whispered Ron, tugging Wormtail's wand from his other hand.
So now Ron has Peter Pettigrew's wand, while Harry and Hermione are still disarmed.
You will not win, you cannot win! That wand will never, ever be yours
From this, it sounds as though someone let Grindelwald know about Albus Dumbledore's death, which would make it impossible for the Elder Wand's full powers to pass to anyone else if Albus had died without ever being defeated or Disarmed by another wizard.
"Expelliarmus!" he roared, pointing Wormtail's wand at Bellatrix
So now Harry has Bellatrix's wand, having Disarmed her, and Ron has Pettigrew's wand (having taken it from him without using magic).
he dropped Bellatrix's wand on the floor at his feet. Ron did the same with Wormtail's.
They were ordered to drop the wands, but neither was Disarmed magically or by force.
Draco hurried back with the wands
So now Draco has Bellatrix's wand and Pettigrew's wand, having just picked them up.
All of them looked upwards in time to see the crystal chandelier tremble
Possibly this ought to be added to the Evil Overlord's list, if it's not there already: never have a chandelier in your headquarters, because in the end they always fall down.
Harry took his chance; he leapt over an armchair and wrested the three wands from Draco's grip
We know that Draco had just picked up the wands dropped by Harry (Bellatrix's) and Ron (Pettigrew's), but now there are three of them. As we find out from Ollivander later (DH24), the third wand turns out to be Draco Malfoy's own wand.
Narcissa's wand, too, flew into the air and landed on the other side of the room
So Dobby just Disarmed Narcissa, but neither took the wand nor passed it to someone else.
a blur of flying silver, as Bellatrix's knife flew across the room at the place where he was vanishing
And caught Dobby in the chest, though we don't yet know this.
Exceptional character moments
Bellatrix, who can take odds of four to one easily.
Bellatrix, using the Cruciatus Curse rather than the Imperius Curse to try to compel Hermione to tell her the truth - and jumping to conclusions about what the truth is, making it easier for Hermione to lie and say that the true sword is the false one, since Bellatrix is more concerned with how it was obtained than exactly what it is. (Veritaserum, of course, would have been even better, but I don't suppose there's a lot of that left lying around Malfoy Manor.)
Dobby, returning to Malfoy Manor although he is terrified to do so.
Hermione, maintaining the story that the true sword is only a copy under torture.
Griphook lying about the sword.
Memorable lines
"I can't - I can't be sure"
"Oh, no, I didn't want you to be caught!"
"If she dies under questioning, I'll take you next," she said. "Blood traitor is next to Mudblood in my book."
"You must not hurt Harry Potter"
"You dirty little monkey!"
"Harry ... Potter ..."
Words and phrases
Characters Introduced
From the Web
Writing by J K Rowling on WizardingWorld (Pottermore):
- Revenge Part III: Harry's Mercy
- MuggleCast Episode 139: Spiders, Vampires, Lords and Wizards (Chapter 23 of Deathly Hallows)
- The Draco Malfoy Complex
- When Black Characters Are Cut: Dean Thomas's Story
Harry Potter Wiki:
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