“I am posting the pips as sets of four showing the permutations of each element as it reaches the next stage. Roughly defined Wands stand for Fire and for a person’s will and spirit, Cups stand for Water and the emotions and soul, Swords for Air and the intellect and rational thought, and Disks represent Earth and the body and physical being.
In the 2s, each of the element gets doubled up, i.e. it gets to react to a similar impulse. For the Swords this means that two thoughts or ideas come together and the outcome is balance and equilibrium. I am thinking of a logical equation that has not been resolved yet. You can hold two ideas in your mind and not yet decide which one you’ll adopt (because that would be a third impulse…)
When drawn the 2 of Swords signifies dualistic thinking, harmony through understanding, balance, justice and the resolution of differences. It is a good card to resolve a seemingly impossible situation through calm analysis or for being a mediator.
As a drawing I used a close-up of an astronomical clock, close to the large one in the main window at Hogwarts with two hands in balance. Incidentally they are pointing at the astronomical cross-reference for this card: the Moon in Libra.”
Image title supplied by the artist.
"I am posting the pips as sets of four showing the permutations of each element as it reaches the next stage. Roughly defined Wands stand for Fire and for a person's will and spirit, Cups stand for Water and the emotions and soul, Swords for Air and the intellect and rational thought, and Disks represent Earth and the body and physical being.
In the 2s, each of the element gets doubled up, i.e. it gets to react to a similar impulse. For the Swords this means that two thoughts or ideas come together and the outcome is balance and equilibrium. I am thinking of a logical equation that has not been resolved yet. You can hold two ideas in your mind and not yet decide which one you'll adopt (because that would be a third impulse...)
When drawn the 2 of Swords signifies dualistic thinking, harmony through understanding, balance, justice and the resolution of differences. It is a good card to resolve a seemingly impossible situation through calm analysis or for being a mediator.
As a drawing I used a close-up of an astronomical clock, close to the large one in the main window at Hogwarts with two hands in balance. Incidentally they are pointing at the astronomical cross-reference for this card: the Moon in Libra."
The "Equilibrium" tarot card is illustrated with an astronomical clock, like the one at Hogwarts.