felix felicis potion, six little glasses, glass, good fortune
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"The 6s stabilize and order the unbridled and sometimes destructive energy of the 5s and are associated with the sun, with clarity, order and energy of life.
For the cups the energy of the sun heightens emotions to just pure, unconditional happiness. We find within us a wellspring of creativity, contentment, charisma, success and the ability to let ourselves go with the flow and to tap into synchronicity.
What better to symbolize this card than that old felix felicis potion, the magic stuff that simply will not let you fail and that will allow you to do just the perfect thing at the right time - and six little glasses to share your good fortune with your friends?"
Such good, productive things are associated with Felix Felicis, like when Ron Weasley helps win the tournament for his team (he didn't actually drink it, but he thought he did) and when Professor Slughorn gives up his memory for the benefit of Harry and Dumbledore.