“Arcana 3 and 4, the Empress and the Emperor, stand for the archetypes of mother and father. So from Harry’s perspective I decided they’d have to be Lily and James.
I drew Lily holding baby Harry in front of their old cottage in Godric’s Hollow. It’s a beautiful summer day and the garden around their house is in full bloom. The Empress embodies mother goddesses like Demeter, so I felt a natural and abundant but also cultured setting would be perfect for her.
As a card the Empress signifies creative potential, fertility of body and mind, beauty, success and harmony and the ebb and flow of life. It urges the seeker to attune to the cycles of life, to realize the miracle of creation and to experience feelings of caring for others.
The face of Lily is based on Geraldine Somerville, who plays her in old photos and as a ghost. The pose of the mother holding the infant is based on stock from :iconmizzd-stock:”
Image title supplied by the artist.
Beautiful picture of Lily and Harry Potter on the Empress card. It looks Shakespearian.