In this illuminated-manuscript-like piece, Professor Snape sees an image of himself with Lily Potter in attempting to clear his mind for Occlumency. Harry Potter waits his turn among the potions.
This image is copyrighted to Gabriel Picolo. Do not reproduce this work without permission. Click for more information.
Image title supplied by the artist.
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In this illuminated-manuscript-like piece, Professor Snape sees an image of himself with Lily Potter in attempting to clear his mind for Occlumency. Harry Potter waits his turn among the potions.
This artist has created beautiful scenes from the Harry Potter books, based on a discipline, such as Occlumency, or on a spell. His pictures show a page from an ancient textbook, which explains the discipline or spell, and a vibrant image bursting through. In this case, Professor Snape tries to clear his mind of thoughts that would make him a vulnerable target to Harry Potter as Occlumens.