(CS8) Nearly Headless Nick, Death anniversary, Hallowe’en, Halloween, Deathday party, The Fat Friar, the Bloody Baron, The Grey Lady, Sir Patrick, Moaning Myrtle, the Wailing Widow, Peeves, ghosts
This image is copyrighted to Keith James. Do not reproduce this work without permission. Click for more information.
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Nearly Headless Nick and his ghost friends at his Deathday Party at Hogwarts. The ghosts are silver and transparent, dancing on the floor and near the ceiling to the ghost orchestra, and enjoying the putrid tidbits at the buffet.
This scene is from Chapter 8 of Chamber of Secrets, the Deathday Party. It reminds me of the Haunted Mansion at Disneyland, with the ghosts dancing around! The artist really brings this marvelous scene to life.