The Crouch family is a Pure-Blood Wizarding family, one of the so-called “Sacred Twenty-Eight.” Notable members include Bartemius Sr., prominent Ministry official during the second rise of Voldemort, and Bartemius Jr., his son and a Death Eater close to the Dark Lord himself.
- Crouch, Bartemius (Sr.) (d. June 1995)
- Crouch, Bartemius (Jr.) (soul destroyed by Dementors, June 1995)
- Crouch, Caspar married to Charis Black , and had one son and two daughters (BFT)
- Crouch, Mrs. (wife of Bartemius Sr.) (d. circa 1994 in Azkaban having taken the place of her son there)
According to the Black Family Tree, Charis Black married Caspar Crouch. She was born in 1919, so we assume that the marriage took place circa 1940-1945. They had three children, a son and two daughters. Those children would likely have been born before 1950, which would make them contemporaries of Arthur and Molly Prewitt, but a little older. It is certainly possible, then, that Caspar and Charis were the parents of Bartemius Crouch Sr. and grandparents of Barty Crouch Jr.
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