On the main desktop, click on the Rumours tabloid, it opens on top of the screen.
Scroll and click a rumor on the left page, read her response on the right.
If a Dark Mark spoiler warning appears, you must click on it to read the rumour.
The first set of rumors are dated February 18 (wonder if this is a significant date?), the rest show the actual date that she posted them.
On Dec. 10, 2004 the Page scroll <<01/02>> became operational.
On March 9, 2006 the tabloid was redesigned, but the content remained the same except for the addition of one new advert.
The original tabloid showed a date on the front of June 19, 2003 (corresponds to the release date of OP). This is gone on the redesigned version.
The changing ads:
At the bottom of the pages are displayed constantly changing ads. There are 8 different ads. Every time you open the Rumours tabloid 2 ads appear, one on each page. Which ads appear is random, not always the same two together. Each ad has a different number of changes.
The ads read thus:
THE QUIBBLER The Wizarding World’s Alternative Voice {paper with “EXCLUSIVE!” headline}
In this week’s issue ~ Fudge Forced to Flee! Minister for Magic Chased from Office!
Can you afford NOT to read it?
Charm Your Own Cheese by Gerda Curd ~ New Revised Edition!
The Cookery Classic that enchanted generations of wizards and witches now includes new chapters on:
Dragon Milk Cheeses
Cured and Cursed Cheeses
Cheese-Based Potions
5 Galleons from all good Spellbook shops
Spellwork Lost Its Fizz?
Charms Gone Stale and Droopy?
Then you need…
Losing power and concentration as you grow older?
Roll back the years with Magi-me-more! One daily pill and you will be transfiguring like a wizard of twenty!
Healer’s warning: side-effects include dizziness, vomiting and tusks.
BORGIN AND BURKES 13B, Knockturn Alley
We offer a confidential valuation service for unusual and ancient wizarding artifacts, such as may have been inherited in the best wizarding families.
Cursed and Jinxed objects welcome. Discretion guaranteed.
Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions ~ MID-SEASON SALE Up to 50% off selected lines!
Madam Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions ~ All our robes are self-ironing and repairing
We are now carrying WHOPPERWEAR, the robe range for the Outsize Witch or Wizard.
The Sorcerer’s Saucepot
is offering
three additional tour dates on the
11th, 12th, and 13th of this month. {“five Galleons each”}
Venue: Exmoor
Tickets: five Galleons each.
Owls should be sent to: Celestina Warbeck. {“five Galleons each”}
Anti-Muggle Security
Restrictions: book your Portkey Early {“no Muggles” sign}
Tired of Muggle neighbors walking in when you’ve got a Potion on the Boil?
Weary of the Scramble to Hide Broomsticks when the Doorbell rings?
Try our Muggle-Deterring-Gate!
One touch of a non-magical finger and our gate emits the Muggle-repelling alarm of your choice!
Choose between: ghostly wail of woe, sinister cackle of laughter or eerie scream of pain!
This product is not Ministry of Magic Approved.
(added March 9, 2006)
Bouncing bulbs losing height?
Devil’s Snare merely tickling?
Fanged Geranium nothing but gums?
Then tune your wireless to
Toots, Shoots ‘n’ Roots
the award-winning herbology presented by ~Tilden Toots,~ ‘the wizard with three green thumbs’
JKR.com: Rumours