During the Second War, battles were fought between Death Eaters and allies of the Ministry, including Aurors and members of the Order of the Phoenix. Some of these battles were single combats, but others were pitched battles between small groups of combatants. In the end, the final defeat of Voldemort involved a huge battle at Hogwarts castle.
Although these larger battles have not been named in the books, we will refer to them with names to identify them in the Lexicon:
Battle of the Department of Mysteries – June 18, 1996
Battle of the Tower – June 30, 1997
Battle of the Seven Potters – July 27, 1997
Battle of Hogwarts – May 1-2, 1998
Although these larger battles have not all been named in the books, we will refer to them with names to identify them in the Lexicon
The Battle of the Department of Mysteries
June, 1996
Death Eaters cornered a group of Hogwarts students in the Hall of Prophecy after the teenagers had been lured there by Lord Voldemort. The students were led by Harry Potter while the Death Eaters were under the direction of Lucius Malfoy. The students, who were part of the group called the DA, or Dumbledore's Army, suffered numerous injuries in a running battle through the various rooms of the Department of Mysteries but inflicted damage on their enemies as well. However, they had nearly been defeated when a contingent from the Order of the Phoenix arrived and turned the tide of battle in the Death Chamber. Finally, Dumbledore arrived and captured nearly all the Death Eaters.Lord Voldemort himself then Apparated into the Ministry of Magic, unaware that his archnemesis was present, and he and Dumbledore fought a tremendous duel in the Atrium. Voldemort was defeated in this duel and fled with Bellatrix Lestrange. Many were wounded on both sides and Sirius Black of the Order of the Phoenix was killed (OP34-36).
Combatants: Dumbledore's Army Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley Ginny Weasley Neville Longbottom Luna LovegoodOrder of the Phoenix Remus Lupin Sirius Black (k) Nymphadora Tonks Kingsley Shacklebolt Alastor Moody Albus Dumbledore |
Death Eaters Lucius Malfoy (leader) Bellatrix Lestrange Avery Augustus Rookwood Nott Rodolphus Lestrange Crabbe Rabastan Lestrange Jugson Antonin Dolohov Walden Macnair Mulciber Lord Voldemort |
The Battle of the Department of Mysteries: An Analysis of the Chase and Battle, June 1996
by Kendall Smiley
The Battle of the Tower
June, 1997
Using a forgotten Vanishing Cabinet, Draco Malfoy discovered a way to slip Death Eaters into Hogwarts castle. He brought a small army to support him as he went up the Astronomy Tower to confront and kill Dumbledore, who he knew would be lured to the top of the Tower by the Dark Mark which had been cast there. Luckily, members of the DA had been alerted by Harry Potter and they, in turn, alerted members of the Order of the Phoenix who had been stationed at Hogwarts as guards. The battle raged in the corridors below the Tower as Malfoy, four other Death Eaters, and then Snape went up to confront Dumbledore. The Headmaster had been seriously wounded earlier in the evening and he lacked the strength to fight back. Malfoy's courage failed him, so Snape killed Dumbledore with a Killing Curse. As Snape and Malfoy tried to escape, they were pursued by Harry Potter and Hagrid, but they managed to get past the gates and Apparate away. Many were wounded in this battle, particularly Bill Weasley who was seriously slashed and bitten by Greyback, the werewolf (HBP27-28).
Combatants: Dumbledore's Army Harry Potter Hermione Granger Ron Weasley Ginny Weasley Neville Longbottom Luna LovegoodOrder of the Phoenix Minerva McGonagall Remus Lupin Nymphadora Tonks Rubeus Hagrid Albus Dumbledore (k) Bill Weasley |
Death Eaters Draco Malfoy Amycus Carrow Alecto Carrow Fenrir Greyback Severus Snape heavy-faced DE enormous blonde wizard Gibbon (k)Other combatants Filius FlitwickAccessories Borgin (of Borgin and Burkes) Madam Rosmerta |
The Battle of the Seven Potters
July 27, 1997
Fought in the skies over southern England as the Order of the Phoenix tried to rescue Harry Potter from Privet Drive and was attacked by over thirty Death Eaters. Mad-Eye Moody was killed in this battle, as were several Death Eaters. Voldemort revealed his ability to fly and almost caught and killed Harry Potter (DH4,5).
Combatants: For Harry Harry Potter Rubeus Hagrid Hermione Granger Ron Weasley Alastor 'Mad-Eye' Moody (k) Fred Weasley George Weasley Bill Weasley Arthur Weasley Nymphadora Tonks Remus Lupin Fleur Delacour Kingsley Shacklebolt Mundungus Fletcher |
For Voldemort(about 30 total) Stan Shunpike Lord Voldemort Selwyn Travers Severus Snape Bellatrix Lestrange Rodolphus LestrangeSafe houses (12 total) Moody's house Kingsley's house Aunt Muriel's house Andromeda and Ted Tonks's houseCreatures Hedwig (k) |
The Battle of Hogwarts
May 2, 1998
The climactic final showdown between the side of good and the side of evil. Hogwarts castle was damaged in this battle and fifty people died defending it, including Fred Weasley, Tonks, Lupin, and Colin Creevey. The Death Eaters enlisted giants, Dementors, and Acromantulas to fight for them, while the defenders of Hogwarts included Centaurs, house-elves, students and their parents, shopkeepers from Hogsmeade, enchanted armor and statues and desks, and many others. In the end, Harry Potter killed Voldemort in the Great Hall (DH31-36). The date of the battle was provided by Rowling in a documentary (YL).
Combatants: Loyal to Dumbledore Harry Potter Ron Weasley Hermione Granger Aberforth Dumbledore Neville Longbottom Seamus Finnigan Lavender Brown Parvati Patil Padma Patil Terry Boot Ernie Macmillan Anthony Goldstein Michael Corner Luna Lovegood Dean Thomas Ginny Weasley Fred Weasley (k) George Weasley Lee Jordan Cho Chang Minerva McGonagall Severus Snape (k) Filius Flitwick Pomona Sprout Horace Slughorn Argus Filch Peeves Kingsley Shacklebolt Remus Lupin (k) Nymphadora Tonks (k) Oliver Wood Katie Bell Angelina Johnson Alicia Spinnet Bill Weasley Fleur Weasley Arthur Weasley Molly Weasley Percy Weasley Remaining teachers Firenze Rubeus Hagrid Grawp Fang Hogwarts paintings Hannah Abbott Augusta Longbottom Sybill Trelawney Colin Creevey (k) Centaurs Charlie Weasley Thestrals Buckbeak Ban Ronan Magorian Hogwarts House-elveslosses: roughly 50 dead |
Loyal to Voldemort Alecto Carrow Amycus Carrow Lord Voldemort (k) Nagini Giants (at least 2) Vincent Crabbe (k) Gregory Goyle Pius Thicknesse Acromantulas Augustus Rookwood Slytherin students (exc. for Draco) Antonin Dolohov (k?) Travers Yaxley Fenrir Greyback (k?) Bellatrix Lestrange (k) Thorfinn RowleChanged loyalty Draco Malfoy Lucius Malfoy Narcissa Malfoy |
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