Ministry of Magic
Barberus Bragge becomes Chief of the Wizards' Council
Bragge’s tenure is marked by boorish actions, including the introduction of cruel Snidget hunting into the sport of Quidditch (QA4). Read More
Snidget introduced into Quidditch
At a Quidditch match, Chief Barberus Bragge of the Wizards’ Council releases a Golden Snidget and offers 150 Galleons to whichever player catches it first; this eventually proves so popular that a new position is added to Quidditch teams, the “Hunter,” whose sole task is to catch a Golden Snidget… Read More
Burdock Muldoon is Chief of the Wizards' Council
Muldoon struggled to find a working legal definition for “beast” and “being” during a summit on the subject. His simplistic idea for calling anything that walked on two legs a “being” and therefore to be given full rights backfired spectacularly when goblins introduced trolls, hags, and a number of other… Read MoreWizards' Council Summits on Classification of Beasts and Beings
In the 14th century, two ill-fated summits were called to determine which of the many types of magical creatures were actually to be considered as sentient and therefore worthy of representation on the Wizards’ Council. In each case, the summits appear to have been intentionally disrupted by goblins, who… Read More
Elfrida Clagg Chief of Wizards' Council
She succeeds Burdock Muldoon (FB) and declares the Golden Snidget to be a protected species, forbidding its use in Quidditch (QA4). Clagg also tries to establish a standard by which creatures will be given legal rights as “beings”, but her attempt fails (FB). Read MoreQuidditch matches banned within 50 miles of towns
The Wizard’s Council is concerned about anti-Muggle precautions and issues this decree to try to curtail the exuberance of fans and players. The rule proves ineffective and further rulings over the next decades demonstrate the Council’s frustration over the issue. Read MoreQuidditch matches banned within 100 miles of towns
The 50 mile Quidditch match limit of 1362 wasn’t big enough…. (QA5)… Read MoreMore Quidditch legislation enacted
The Wizards’ Council declares that Quidditch should not be played “anywhere near anyplace where there is the slightest chance that a Muggle might be watching or we’ll see how well you can play whilst chained to a dungeon wall” (QA5). Read More
Wand use by Quidditch players during matches is banned
After the extremely violent final match of the first Quidditch World Cup in 1473, seven hundred fouls were identified and listed. Most of these violent fouls were the result of players using wands to curse opposing players, which led in 1538 to an outright ban on using a… Read More
Goblin Rebellion of 1612
The Goblin Rebellion of 1612 takes place at least partially in Scotland, since the inn at Hogsmeade serves as headquarters during this rebellion (PS5). The goblins object to the rules against goblin ownership of wands which are set down by the Wizarding community. Read MoreWand Ban (Non-Humans) of 1631
The Wand Ban of 1631 is the First Article of the Wizards’ Convention. It makes it illegal for any non-human magical being to carry a wand (JKR-W3). Read More
Ministry of Magic Delegation to William and Mary
The delegation approached the King and Queen to ask for protection under Muggle law. Many see the failure of this mission as one of the prime motivating factors behind the Statute of Secrecy. Read MoreThe International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy goes into effect
A summit meeting of the International Confederation of Wizards takes place. The discussion about magical creatures lasts seven weeks and includes delegations of goblins, centaurs, and merpeople. The result of this summit is the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, which effectively hid the Wizarding community away from the Muggles (Pm). Read MoreThe Ministry of Magic is formed
The Ministry is formed as part of the massive transition in the Wizarding world which followed the passage of the International Statute of Secrecy in 1692. UIick Gamp is chosen to be the first Minister for Magic. The initial task of the Ministry, led by Gamp, was calming… Read More
Ulick Gamp becomes the first Minister for Magic
He had been the head of the Wizengamot when the International Statute of Secrecy went into effect, and became the first Minister with the formation of the Ministry of Magic. Read More
Three Dark curses are defined as Unforgivable
1717 – The Ministry of Magic declares that the Cruciatus, Imperius and Avada Kedavra Curses are classified as Unforgivable. Severe penalties are laid down for the use of these Dark magic spells (TBB). Read MoreGamp ends his tenure as Minister for Magic
He had been working on plans to build a wizarding prison on a remote Hebridean island when he is replaced by Damocles Rowle, who wins election on a platform of getting “tough on Muggles.” The plans for building a prison are scrapped by Rowle in favor of using Azkaban (Pm). Read MoreDamocles Rowle elected as second Minister for Magic
Rowle successfully campaigns on a platform of being tough on Muggles. His antagonistic rhetoric appeals to a wizarding community angered by the requirements of the Statute of Secrecy forcing them to hide away (Pm). Read More
Azkaban prison is established
Rowle, the second Minister for Magic, ignores the warnings of experts about the terrible effects of Dementors and of the evil permeating the fortress. He begins bringing prisoners to Azkaban and allows the Dementors to torment them (Pm). Read MoreDamocles Rowle forced to step down as Minister for Magic
His anti-Muggle actions as Minister earn him sanctions by the International Confederation of Wizards. He steps down under censure and is replaced by Perseus Parkinson (Pm). Read MorePerseus Parkinson becomes Minister for Magic
He replaces Damocles Rowle and carries on his predecessor’s anti-Muggle policies (Pm). Read MoreThe Wizarding community votes Perseus Parkinson out of office
As Minister for Magic, Parkinson attempted to pass legislation making it illegal to marry a Muggle, carrying on the anti-Muggle policies of his predecessor, Damocles Rowle. This stance had become unpopular and Parkinson was voted out of office (Pm). Read MoreEldritch Diggory becomes Minister for Magic
Diggory is a popular Minister who breaks with the anti-Muggle policies of his predecessors, Parkinson and Rowle (Pm). Read More
Minister for Magic Eldritch Diggory dies in office
Diggory, who had been a popular and effective Minister, succumbs to Dragon Pox. He is succeeded by the ineffectual Albert Boot (Pm). Read MoreAlbert Boot becomes Minister for Magic
During Boot’s time in office, a goblin rebellion takes place. Boot is ineffective in dealing with the crisis (Pm). Read MoreThe Statute of Secrecy is breached
The international agreement is breached in an incident involving vampires. Legislation follows to make another such breach less likely. There was a question about this incident on Harry’s History of Magic O.W.L. exam. Read MoreThe Department of Magical Games and Sports is established (1750)
This Department is established 58 years after the International Statute of Secrecy prompts the creation of the Ministry of Magic (QA6). Read MoreThe International Code of Wizarding Secrecy is amended
Clause 73 is added to the code, making it the responsibility of each nation’s Ministry of Magic to work to conceal the magical creatures living within their borders. The text of the Clause reads as follows: Each wizarding governing body will be responsible for the concealment, care, and control of… Read MoreGoblin Rebellion of 1752
One of a number of Goblin rebellions throughout the history of the Wizarding community in Britain. This particular rebellion was handled poorly by two successive Ministers for Magic, Albert Boot and Basil Flack, both of whom resigned in 1752. As the tumultuous year progressed, werewolves joined the goblins in rebellion. Read MoreAlbert Boot resigns as Minister for Magic
His tenure as Minister was marked by growing bureaucracy — several new Departments were added to the Ministry during his time — but he proved ineffective at managing a genuine crisis and resigned (Pm). Read MoreBasil Flack become minister for magic
Basil takes the position in the midst of a goblin rebellion which had been poorly handled by his predecessor. Flack doesn’t fare much better (Pm). Read MoreWerewolves join the Goblin Rebellion
Their involvement results in the resignation of Minister for Magic Basil Flack after only two months in office (Pm). Read MoreBasil Flack resigns as Minister for Magic
When werewolves join the ongoing Goblin rebellion, Flack, like his predecessor, gives up the post. His successor is a tough, battle-ready Auror, Hesphaestus Gore (Pm). Read MoreHesphaestus Gore takes on the Goblin Rebellion
Gore, an accomplished Auror, becomes the Minister for Magic and puts down the Goblin Rebellion (Pm). Read MoreHesphaestus Gore leaves office
Gore’s 18 years as Minister were marked with conflict, but he managed to suppress the bloody rebellion which started in 1752, the year he took office. He also supported the use of Azkaban as a prison. He had no sympathy for the werewolves who joined the rebellion and refused to… Read MoreMaximillian Crowdy becomes Minister for Magic
Maximillian Crowdy becomes the eighth Minister for Magic. He serves until his death 1781 (Pm). Read More
Minister for Magic Maximillian Crowdy dies mysteriously in office
Sitting Minister for Magic Maximillian Crowdy dies suddenly and mysteriously in 1781. He had been instrumental in the exposure of several anti-Muggle extremist groups during his time in office. There are many books and conspiracy theories about Crowdy’s death (Pm). Read MoreProteus Knatchbull becomes Minister for Magic
Knatchbull succeeds Maximillian Crowdy, who died in office mysteriously. Read More
Muggle Prime Minister consults Minister for Magic about insanity of King George
Lord North confidentially asks Knatchbull if he could remedy the mental instability of King George III. Unfortunately for North, word of his bizarre belief in wizards got out and he was forced to resign. Read MoreUnctuous Osbert becomes the Minister for Magic
Osbert is impressed by those he considers the elite: wealthy, prejudiced pure-blood witches and wizards. Some say that Septimus Malfoy was held sway over Osbert and actually ran things behind the scenes. Read More
Artemisia Lufkin becomes the first witch Minister for Magic
Lufkin serves in that post until 1811. Read MoreEstablishment of the Department of International Magical Cooperation
This Department was founded by Minister for Magic Artemisia Lufkin during her tenure (1798-1811). Read More
Grogan Stump is appointed Minister for Magic
He soon comes up with several important improvements to the governance of the Wizarding World, including a workable definition of “Beast” and “Being” and and creating separate divisions for them in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures (FB). Read More
Banchory Bangers Quidditch team is banned
After a match against the Appleby Arrows in 1814, the Bangers attempted to capture a Hebridean Black dragon as their team mascot. Their foolishness led to their being banned from playing ever again (QA5). Read MoreThe Department of Magical Games and Sports is established (1810s)
Grogan Stump, popular Minister for Magic and Tutshill Tornados fan, founded this Department during his tenure (Pm). Read MoreGrogan Stump steps down as Minister for Magic
He is seen as a very effective and popular Minister for Magic. Read MoreJosephina Flint takes over as Minister for Magic
Flint develops anti-Muggle policies over the course of her time as Minister. Read MoreOttaline Gambol becomes the Minister for Magic
Gambol is intrigued by the inventions of Muggles, even going so far as to adopt one of their creations for Wizarding use: the steam train. Read More
Hogwarts Express introduced
Logistical difficulties plague efforts to get students to and from Hogwarts while adhering to the Statute of Secrecy. Minister for Magic Ottaline Gambol, who appreciates Muggle innovation, comes up with the idea of using a steam engine. The exact origin of the Hogwarts Express is uncertain, but it is rumoured… Read MoreRadolphus Lestrange succeeds Gambol as Minister for Magic
Lestrange tries to get rid of the Department of Mysteries. They completely ignore him. Read MoreRadolphus Lestrange steps down due to ill health
Most assume that his health problems stemmed from the strains of being Minister for Magic. Read MoreNew Minister for Magic: Hortensia Milliphutt
Milluphutt introduces a lot of new legislation, more than any other Minister. Read MoreEvangeline Orpington becomes Minister for Magic
Orpington is considered to be one of the most accomplished Ministers for Magic. She instituted the creation of Platform 9 and 3/4 to be the London terminus of the Hogwarts Express. Orpington served until 1855. Read MoreHortensia Milliphut leaves office as Minister for Magic
Her excessive and often pointless legislation led to her downfall. Read MoreEvangeline Orpington becomes Minister for Magic
Orpington is a close friend of Queen Victoria, who never realized that she was a witch. Read More
Minister for Magic Orpington establishes Platform 9 and 3/4
She designates this magical space in the newly-built King’s Cross Station as the London terminus for the Hogwarts Express, which had been established as the only way to travel to Hogwarts by her predecessor, Ottaline Gambol. Read MoreEvangeline Orpington steps down as Minister for Magic
She is rumored to have intervened in the Crimean War to help her close friend Queen Victoria. Read MorePriscilla Dupont becomes Minister for Magic
Over her time as Minister, Dupont developed a great dislike for the Muggle Prime Minister, Lord Palmerston. Read More
Priscilla Dupont is forced to step down as Minister for Magic
Dupont’s increasingly erratic behavior in her dislike for the Muggle Prime Minister, Lord Palmerston, resulted in her being forced out. Read MoreDugald McPhail becomes Minister for Magic
His years as Minister are considered a time of calm (Pm). Read MoreFaris "Spout-hole" Spavin becomes Minister for Magic
He will go on to be the longest-serving Minister for Magic in history. Read More
Stooging is outlawed in Quidditch
The Department of Magical Games and Sports introduces a new rule that only one Chaser at a time may be within the scoring area. This new rule provokes a strong response from fans who loved seeing opposing Keepers roughed up. The Ministry representative announces the rule this way:… Read More
Shooting arrows to celebrate an Appleby Arrows goal banned
The Appleby Arrow tradition is banned in 1894 after Nugent Potts, a referee, is pierced through the nose by an arrow (QA7). Read More
Faris "Spout-hole" Spavin attends the funeral of Queen Victoria
Spavin is the Minister for Magic and had been for almost forty years. He is 145 years old at this point and his behavior is becoming a little erratic. He attends the funeral dressed in an admiral’s hat and spats. The Wizengamot decides after that incident that he should retire,… Read MoreThe Wizengamot decides that it is time for Minister for Magic Spavin to step down
Spavin’s eccentric behavior prompts the Wizengamot to suggest to him that he should step aside at the age of 147. Spavin had attended Queen Victoria’s funeral wearing an admiral’s hat and spats two years before (Pm). Read MoreEx-Auror Venusia Crickerly takes over as Minister for Magic
She is considered to be a competent Minister. Read More
Minister for Magic Crickerly dies in a gardening accident
Venusia Crickerly was a well-liked, competent Minister when she died a mysterious death involving mandrakes, the cries of which can be fatal (MoM). Read MoreArcher Evermonde becomes Minister for Magic
Evermonde is Minister during the First World War. He forbids members of the magical community to get involved, but many do anyway. Read MoreHenry Potter begins serving on the Wizengamot
Henry stands up to Archer Evermonde, the Minister of Magic, and calls for the magical community to fight alongside British Muggles in World War I (Pm). Read More
Newt Scamander starts working in the Office of House-Elf Relocation
After leaving Hogwarts, Newt Scamander takes a job in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures’ Office of House-Elf Relocation. He finds it extremely boring. Two years later, he is transferred to the Beast Division (FB). Read More
World War I begins
World War I was a vast military conflict fought between the Allies, a group of nations including Britain, France, and the United States, and the Central Powers, which consisted principally of Germany and Austria-Hungary. The war originated in Europe due to a web of alliances and treaties which drew in… Read MoreHenry Potter ends his service on the Wizengamot
It is said that his pro-Muggle stance for involving the wizarding community in World War I was the reason that the Potter family was not included in the Sacred Twenty-Eight. Read MoreThe eccentric wizard Lorcan McLaird takes over as Minister for Magic
He barely talks, preferring to grunt and blow smoke out of his wand. Read MoreMcLaird's eccentric behavior results in his being forced out of office
Members of the Wizarding government find his penchant for monosyllables and smoke signals annoying and they force him out as Minister for Magic. Read MoreHector Fawley becomes Minister for Magic
Fawley’s gregarious and flamboyant style is a marked contrast to the taciturn nature of his predecessor. Read More
Bob Ogden's initial visit to the Gaunt hovel
Ogden is investigating an attack on a Muggle by Morfin Gaunt late the previous evening. In the yard outside the hovel, Ogden is attacked by Morfin, then he encounters the irate Marvolo Gaunt who, along with his son Morfin, refuse to admit Morfin has done anything wrong, either in attacking the… Read More
Marvolo and Morfin Gaunt arrested
Fifteen minutes after fleeing from Morfin Gaunt’s attack on him (for physically restraining Morfin from attacking Merope) and apparating back to the Ministry of Magic, Bob Ogden returns to the Gaunt cottage – this time with reinforcements who succeeded in overpowering the Gaunt men, although several are injured by Marvolo. Read MoreFailure to take seriously the threat posed by Gindelwald results in Hector Fawley being forced out of office
Fawley fails to respond strongly to the rise of Grindelwald and the threat posed by his anti-Muggle stance. Fawley loses his job as Minister for Magic as a result. Read MoreLeonard Spencer-Moon becomes Minister for Magic
Moon is Minister during a time of great upheaval and conflict, both in the Muggle and Wizarding worlds. Read MoreLeonard Spencer-Moon steps down as Minister for Magic
He has worked closely with Winston Churchill over the preceding decade as Britain faced war and the rise of Grindelwald. He steps down as the world finds itself at peace again. Read MoreWilhemina Tuft becomes Minister for Magic
Tuft takes over in a period of domestic peace and prosperity, but also a time of uncertainty as the Cold War and the Korean War dominate the Muggle news. Read MoreWilhemina Tuft dies in office from a severe allergic reaction
She discovers her severe allergy to alihotsy-flavored fudge when it’s too late. Read MoreIgnatius Tuft takes over as Minister for Magic
He replaces his mother, Wilhemina Tuft, who died in office of a severe allergic reaction to alihotsy-floavored fudge. Read MoreIgnatius Tuft's controversial plan to breed Dementors results in his being forced out of office
Tuft steps down when his hard-line policies are deemed to be unacceptable. Read MoreNobby Leach, the first Muggle-born Minister for Magic, begins his term
Leach’s appointment as Minister for Magic is protested by many pure-blood witches and wizards. Read MoreMinister for Magic Nobby Leach leaves office
Leach contracts a mysterious illness and steps down. His illness has been the subject of conspiracy theories ever since. Abraxas Malfoy is widely believed to have been part of the plot to get rid of the first Muggle-born Minister. Read MoreEugenia Jenkins takes over as Minister for Magic
She faces unrest in the form of Squib Rights marches followed by pure-blood riots. Read MoreSquib Rights marches
In the late sixties, civic unrest in the Wizarding community took the form of pure-blood riots in response to Squib Rights marches (Pm, JKR-W3). It is likely that Idris Oakby, the famous campaigner for squib rights, would have been involved in some way. She would have been nearly 100 years old… Read MorePure-blood riots
The pure-blood riots were in response to Squib Rights marches in the late 1960s. The crisis was handled well by newly-appointed Minister for Magic Eugenia Jenkins. Read More
Unable to deal with the rising threat of Voldemort, Minister for Magic Eugenia Jenkins is forced from office
She handled riots and marches fine in the late Sixties but Voldemort’s rise starting around 1970 proved too much for Jenkins. Read MoreHarold Minchum becomes Minister for Magic
Minchum is seen as a hard-liner who will be able to handle the rising crisis with Lord Voldemort. Read MoreHarold Minchum steps down as Minister for Magic
Minchum, like his predecessor, is unable to cope with the rise of Voldemort, in spite of such hard-line policies as putting additional Dementors around Azkaban. Read MoreMillicent Bagnold replaces Minchum as Minister for Magic
Bagnold takes over at the height of Voldemort’s power, only to be spared having to deal with it when the Dark Lord disappears a year later in an attack in Godric’s Hollow. Read More
Cornelius Fudge becomes Minister for Magic
He is very insecure in the position and sends many owls to Dumbledore, who had been offered the post, asking for advice. Read More
Harry receives a warning letter from the Ministry
Dobby’s use of a Hover Charm at Number 4 Privet Drive prompts Mafalda Hopkirk of the Improper Use of Magic Office to send a letter reminding Harry that underage magic outside of school and magic that is noticed by Muggles are not allowed and letting him know that he could… Read More
Dolores Umbridge crafts anti-werewolf legislation
The new law makes it almost impossible for Remus Lupin to get a job. Read More
A Muggle train disappears
As part of a bet, Cornelius Fudge’s nephew causes a Muggle “tube train” to disappear. Muggle travellers wait an hour and a half for their train before figuring out that it has vanished. As results of the event, Rufus is suspended from his job at the Improper Use of Magic… Read MoreChipping Clodbury riot
The riot broke out in Chipping Clodbury, where talks regarding the Goblin Bill of Rights were occurring between the Brotherhood of Goblins and the British Ministry of Magic, when Goblins who had acquired wands started using them to wreak havoc. The rioting Goblins caused some items in the… Read MoreHagrid is sent to Azkaban; Dumbledore is removed
After Hermione and Penelope Clearwater are petrified, Harry and Ron go to Hagrid’s hut and watch from under the invisibility cloak as Cornelius Fudge and Lucius Malfoy serve the orders (CS14). Read More
Sirius Black escapes from Azkaban
He escapes by changing into his dog form and swimming back to the mainland. Read More
Tonks becomes an Auror
Tonks completes her three years of training and qualifies as an Auror. As a Metamorphmagus, she excelled at Concealment and Disguise training, but she noted that her natural clumsiness made Stealth difficult (OP3). Read More
Buckbeak's Hearing in London
Hagrid takes Buckbeak on the Knight Bus to appear before the Committee of the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures. Hermione helps Hagrid prepare a defense but it’s not enough. Lucius Malfoy bullies the Committee into condemning Buckbeak to be executed. Hagrid writes a tear-stained letter back to Hermione at… Read More
Buckbeak escapes his execution
Harry and Hermione lead the hippogriff away while the execution party – an elderly member of the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures, Walden Macnair (the executioner), Dumbledore, and Hagrid – is busy inside Hagrid’s hut. Prompted by Dumbledore, Harry and Hermione used Hermione’s Time-Turner to return to the time… Read More
Chaos in the campground after the World Cup
Sometime after the end of the Quidditch World Cup final, the carousing in the campground turns malicious. A crowd of Death Eaters magically hoists the Muggle Roberts family high into the air and tosses them about. Other witches and wizards, perhaps drunk or merely overcome by a mob mentality, happily… Read More
Motion to restrict Quidditch mascots defeated
Mascots have been a problem at several Quidditch matches. An attempt by the International Confederation of Wizards Quidditch Committee (ICWQC) to restrict the size and nature of mascots to “herbivores, creatures smaller than a cow and nothing that breathes fire” was defeated in 1995 (Pm). Currently… Read More
Death of Barty Crouch Sr.
Barty Crouch Sr. is found staggering out of the forest on the Hogwarts grounds, acting like a madman. Harry leaves him with Krum while going for help, but on return Crouch is gone and Krum’s unconscious body is discovered. On subsequent search, Crouch cannot be located. Read MoreFudge and Dumbledore take separate paths
Fudge hides his head in the sand, while Dumbledore begins to call together those he can trust to fight Voldemort. Read MoreReaction to Harry's Patronus Charm
Mrs. Figg reveals her identity to Harry; Mundungus Fletcher arrives and is sent to report to Dumbledore. The Improper Use of Magic Office atttempts to expel Harry from Hogwarts, but Dumbledore arrives at the Ministry and forces them to comply with the letter of the law. Read More
The Ministry of Magic passes Educational Decree 22
This decree allows the Ministry to appoint a Defence Against the Dark Arts professor since Dumbledore has not yet found one. Fudge chooses Dolores Umbridge. Read MoreEducaitonal Decree 23 creates Hogwarts High Inquisitor
The Daily Prophet reports that this position was offered to Dolores Umbridge, who happily accepted the post in addition to her teaching duties. Read MoreWith the revelation that Voldemort has in fact returned, Fudge resigns in disgrace
Fudge has spent several years telling the public that Voldemort is not back and vilifying Dumbledore and Harry in the press. When Voldemort appears in the Atrium of the Ministry of Magic, battling Dumbledore and leading a group of Death Eaters, Fudge must admit he was wrong and he is… Read More
Rufus Scrimgeour takes over as Minister for Magic as war breaks out
Scrimgeour is an ex-Auror and one who will face a threat rather than pretend it doesn’t exist. However, he quickly becomes bogged down in the politics and bureaucracy of the Ministry and fails to stop Voldemort’s actions. Read More
Fudge and Scrimgeour visit the Muggle Prime Minister
Fudge, who has recently been sacked, catches the Prime Minster up on the developing Wizarding War, then introduces him to the new Minister for Magic, Rufus Scrumgeour. Read More
Fall of the Ministry
The Minister of Magic, Rufus Scrimgeour, is tortured and murdered. Pius Thicknesse, who was put under the Imperius Curse a week or two before, is installed as the new Minister. With the power of the Ministry behind them, Death Eaters openly attack Order of the Phoenix… Read MoreMinister for Magic Rufus Scrimgeour is murdered by Voldemort
He is killed for refusing to tell Harry Potter’s whereabouts (Pm, DH11). Read More
Pius Thickness is placed under the Imperious Curse and made Minister for Magic
He is completely unaware of what he is doing, serving as a “puppet” for Voldemort and the Death Eaters (DH11). Read MoreUmbridge sits in judgement over Mary Elizabeth Cattermole
Umbridge sits high above the accused Muggle-born witches and wizards, condemning them the Azkaban on the charge that they “stole magic.” Umbridge protects herself from the Dementors in the room by allowing her cat Patronus to pace back and forth in front of her. Read MorePius Thickness is replaced by Kingsley Shacklebolt as Minister for Magic
Thickness had serves while under the Imperious Curse and is frequently left out of official records of the Ministry as a result. Kingsley was named temporary Minister for Magic mere hours after the defeat of Voldemort and the Death Eaters. Read More
Battle of Hogwarts
May 1-2, 1998 The climactic final showdown between the side of good and the side of evil. Hogwarts Castle was damaged in this battle and fifty people died defending it, including Fred Weasley, Tonks, Remus Lupin, and Colin Creevey. The Death Eaters enlisted… Read More
Kingsley Shacklebolt becomes temporary Minister for Magic
Immediately after the defeat of Voldemort in the Battle of Hogwarts, Kingsley Shacklebolt was made “caretaker” Minster for Magic (Pm). He was subsequently elected to the office, a position he held for many years. Read More
Kingsley Shacklebolt removes the Dementors from Azkaban
As the new Minister for Magic, Shacklebolt takes on the dangerous task of removing the Dementors from the ancient, evil fortress of Azkaban (BLC). They had been serving as guards there for hundreds of years, a function which allowed the Ministry to maintain some measure of control… Read More
Harry Potter becomes Head of the Auror Department
After joining the Aurors at the age of 17 after his defeat of Voldemort in 1998, Harry went on to become Head of the Department in 2007. Read More
Hermione Granger is Minister for Magic
By the time that the Hogwarts Express is leaving King’s Cross for the start of her daughter Rose’s fourth year, Hermione Granger has become the Minister for Magic (CC1.5). This had been predicted by Rita Skeeter during her commentary at the 2014 Quidditch World Cup final (Pm). Read More