The Magical Congress of the United States, or MACUSA, came into being around the same time that the Statute of Secrecy was signed, although not with that name. The wizarding government relocated several times over the next hundred years as the British colonies in North America became the United States, at which time the name of the new country was incorporated into the title. By the 1920s, MACUSA was headquartered in a magical space created as part of the Woolworth Building in New York City.
Salem Witch Trials
Tragic trials and convictions of witches and wizards in North America by Puritans who believed that magic was the devil possessing the accused person. Many of the accused were actually magical, although some were merely unfortunate No-Majs. At least two Judges were known Scourers (Pm:History of Magic in North America). Read MoreMACUSA founded
In 1693 after the International Statute of Secrecy was passed, American witches and wizards set up their own government known as the Magical Congress of the United States. This underground government totally separate from the No-Maj included representatives from magical groups all over North America, and was set up in… Read MoreJosiah Jackson recruits first MACUSA Aurors
The first president of MACUSA, Josiah Jackson, also set up the Department of Magical Law Enforcement for North America with a dozen volunteer Aurors who would risk their lives tracking down the Scourers responsible for the Salem Witch Trials (PM: MACUSA). Read MoreJosiah Jackson elected MACUSA President
When MACUSA was founded in 1693 soon after the Salem Witch Trials, Josiah Jackson became the first President (Pm). Read More
Thornton Harkaway is President of MACUSA
Harkaway, a flamboyant Virginian, brings the Congress to his home town of Willimasburg. He leaves the Presidency in disgrace, however, after his pack of Crups attack some No-Majs. Read More
MACUSA relocates to Williamsburg
The Magical Congress of the United States was housed in a secret edifice somewhere in the Appalachian Mountains until 1760, when it was relocated to Williamsburg, Virginia, the home of Thornton Harkaway, then President of MACUSA (Pm). Unfortunately for the local No-Maj population, President Harkaway raised Crups, a type of… Read More
Several No-Majs savaged by President Harkaway's crups
For two days after the attack, the Muggles were only able to bark. Harkaway was forced to resign as President of MACUSA as a result of this incident. Read MoreMACUSA relocates to Baltimore
During the 1770s, the Magical Congress of the United States relocated from Williamsburg, Virginia, to the city of Baltimore, Maryland, home of MACUSA President Able Fleming (Pm:MACUSA). This was a short-lived location due to the arrival of the No-Maj Continental Congress to the city, as well as the beginning of… Read More
Able Fleming is President of MACUSA
Fleming is a resident of Baltimore, Maryland, and MACUSA meets in that city until the outbreak of the Revolutionary War and the advent of the Continental Congress to Baltimore in 1776. Read MoreMACUSA relocates to Washington
Around 1776 when the Continental Congress moved to Baltimore during the Revolutionary War, the secret Magical Congress of the United States (MACUSA) decided it was time to move again, so they relocated to Washington. The move was followed by the “Country or Kind” debate of 1777 led by President Elizabeth… Read MoreAmerican Witches and Wizards Engage in "Country or Kind" Debate
In 1777, MACUSA President Elizabeth McGilliguddy presided over a gathering of witches and wizards from all over North America for the “Country or Kind” Debate. Thousands arrived, so the Great Meeting Hall was expanded magically to hold them all. Their purpose was to debate whether they should give allegiance to… Read MoreElizabeth McGillicuddy is President of MACUSA
President McGillicuddy presides over the “Country or Kind?” debate of 1777, when witches and wizards from all over North America decided whether or not to become involved in the American Revolutionary War. The Ministry of Magic in London sent a message saying “Sitting this one out.” President McGillicuddy responded “Mind… Read MoreBartholomew Barebone exposes the American Wizarding World
Barebone was a descendant of Scourers who believed that all witches and wizards should be killed. He befriends a gullible young witch named Dorcus Twelvetrees, plies her with seemingly innocent questions, then steals her wand and publishes the locations of both Ilvermorny and MACUSA headquarters. Dorcus serves a year in… Read MoreEmily Rappaport is President of MACUSA
Rappaport is the fifteenth president of MACUSA. In 1790, she puts in place the complete segregation of the magical and non-magical communities in the U.S. All contact is forbidden in what becomes known as Rappaport’s Law. Read MoreDorcus Twelvetrees spends a year in jail
After putting the entire magical community in danger by spilling its secrets to a descendent of scourers, the daughter of Aristotle Twelvetrees is imprisoned for one year. Many in the magical community wish to see Dorcus killed or locked away for the rest of her life for her foolishness. Wizarding… Read MoreRappaport's Law is instituted
Put in place in 1790 by MACUSA President Emily Rappaport in order to completely sever ties between the Wizarding and No-Maj communities in America. Thus, the American magical community became completely segregated, unlike the European Wizarding World where inter-Muggle marriage and government cooperation were allowed (Pm). Read More
Great Sasquatch Rebellion of 1892
An uprising by the hairy giants of North America which caused the Magical Congress of the United States (MACUSA) to move operations from Washington to New York City (Pm). The blame for this is generally placed on Irene Kneedander, Head of the Body for Protection of Magical Species (Humanoid) at… Read MoreMACUSA Headquarters Relocated
In 1892, or shortly thereafter, the MACUSA headquarters are relocated from Washington to New York. Read More
MACUSA relocates to New York
Following the 1892 Sasquatch uprising, MACUSA moved its headquarters from Washington to the newly built Woolworth Building in New York City (Pm). When the building was under construction, wizards joined the construction crew. Thanks to these undercover wizards, the Woolworth building was not only a building for No-Majs, it also… Read More
Seraphina Picquery becomes President of MACUSA
Picquery is an extremely competent and accomplished witch who guides the United States magical community through the difficult years of the rise of Grindelwald and the catastrophic attacks of the Obscurial in New York City in 1926. She leaves office in 1928 (WFT, Pm). Read MoreTina takes Newt in to MACUSA headquarters
Tina Goldstein arrests Newt Scamander after he uses various spells in the presence of Jacob Kolwalski and fails to Obliviate him — and nearly loses a niffler in the process. No one at MACUSA will listen to her report except Percival Graves, who come down to her tiny office to… Read More