1692-1881 - The Wizarding World in Secret
1690-1881 A.D.
The wizarding world develops its own culture, hidden away from the Muggles. The newly formed Ministry of Magic deals with the massive undertaking of creating a government, social structures, and infrastructure while managing and guiding everything from dragons in the mountains and Dementors in Azkaban to magical children on their way to school. In North America, the Magical Congress of the United States was humiliated when one of the most serious breaches of the Statute of Secrecy occurred, thanks to the foolishness of the daughter of one of the top officials of MACUSA.

Ministry of Magic Delegation to William and Mary
The delegation approached the King and Queen to ask for protection under Muggle law. Many see the failure of this mission as one of the prime motivating factors behind the Statute of Secrecy. Read MoreThe International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy goes into effect
A summit meeting of the International Confederation of Wizards takes place. The discussion about magical creatures lasts seven weeks and includes delegations of goblins, centaurs, and merpeople. The result of this summit is the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy, which effectively hid the Wizarding community away from the Muggles (Pm). Read MoreMACUSA founded
In 1693 after the International Statute of Secrecy was passed, American witches and wizards set up their own government known as the Magical Congress of the United States. This underground government totally separate from the No-Maj included representatives from magical groups all over North America, and was set up in… Read MoreJosiah Jackson elected MACUSA President
When MACUSA was founded in 1693 soon after the Salem Witch Trials, Josiah Jackson became the first President (Pm). Read MoreJosiah Jackson recruits first MACUSA Aurors
The first president of MACUSA, Josiah Jackson, also set up the Department of Magical Law Enforcement for North America with a dozen volunteer Aurors who would risk their lives tracking down the Scourers responsible for the Salem Witch Trials (PM: MACUSA). Read More
Dymphna Furmage dies
Her fears are not entirely unfounded, as she had been abducted by pixies while vacationing in Cornwall. Read More
Almerick Sawbridge dies
Sawbridge became famous for conquering the River Troll of the Wye River. Read MoreQuidditch is introduced to Australia
The introduction of the game comes possibly from New Zealand, where it had been brought by European wizards, or possibly directly from Europe (QA8). Read MoreThe Ministry of Magic is formed
The Ministry is formed as part of the massive transition in the Wizarding world which followed the passage of the International Statute of Secrecy in 1692. UIick Gamp is chosen to be the first Minister for Magic. The initial task of the Ministry, led by Gamp, was calming… Read More
Quaffles are first colored red
Before the invention of the Pennifold Quaffle, dropped quaffles often fell to the ground. Red balls were easier to distinguish against the muddy, wintertime Quidditch pitch (QA6). Read MorePennifold Quaffle invented
The Pennifold Quaffle was invented by Daisy Pennifold after the introduction of the red Quaffle in 1711. It causes the Quaffle to fall slowly towards the ground rather than dropping “like a rock” due to gravity. This allows Chasers to catch the Quaffle while they are… Read More
Three Dark curses are defined as Unforgivable
1717 – The Ministry of Magic declares that the Cruciatus, Imperius and Avada Kedavra Curses are classified as Unforgivable. Severe penalties are laid down for the use of these Dark magic spells (TBB). Read MoreGamp ends his tenure as Minister for Magic
He had been working on plans to build a wizarding prison on a remote Hebridean island when he is replaced by Damocles Rowle, who wins election on a platform of getting “tough on Muggles.” The plans for building a prison are scrapped by Rowle in favor of using Azkaban (Pm). Read MoreDamocles Rowle elected as second Minister for Magic
Rowle successfully campaigns on a platform of being tough on Muggles. His antagonistic rhetoric appeals to a wizarding community angered by the requirements of the Statute of Secrecy forcing them to hide away (Pm). Read More
Azkaban prison is established
Rowle, the second Minister for Magic, ignores the warnings of experts about the terrible effects of Dementors and of the evil permeating the fortress. He begins bringing prisoners to Azkaban and allows the Dementors to torment them (Pm). Read MoreDilys Derwent starts at St. Mungo's
She leaves that job in 1741 to be the headmistress of Hogwarts (OP22). Read MoreDamocles Rowle forced to step down as Minister for Magic
His anti-Muggle actions as Minister earn him sanctions by the International Confederation of Wizards. He steps down under censure and is replaced by Perseus Parkinson (Pm). Read MorePerseus Parkinson becomes Minister for Magic
He replaces Damocles Rowle and carries on his predecessor’s anti-Muggle policies (Pm). Read More
Elladora Ketteridge dies
At some earlier point in her life, Ketteridge narrowly escapes suffocation due to the ingestion of gillyweed by sticking her head underwater (FW). Read MoreThe Wizarding community votes Perseus Parkinson out of office
As Minister for Magic, Parkinson attempted to pass legislation making it illegal to marry a Muggle, carrying on the anti-Muggle policies of his predecessor, Damocles Rowle. This stance had become unpopular and Parkinson was voted out of office (Pm). Read MoreEldritch Diggory becomes Minister for Magic
Diggory is a popular Minister who breaks with the anti-Muggle policies of his predecessors, Parkinson and Rowle (Pm). Read MoreDilys Derwent headmistress of Hogwarts
In doing so she leaves her previous job as a Healer at St. Mungo’s Hospital. Read More
Minister for Magic Eldritch Diggory dies in office
Diggory, who had been a popular and effective Minister, succumbs to Dragon Pox. He is succeeded by the ineffectual Albert Boot (Pm). Read MoreAlbert Boot becomes Minister for Magic
During Boot’s time in office, a goblin rebellion takes place. Boot is ineffective in dealing with the crisis (Pm). Read MoreThe Statute of Secrecy is breached
The international agreement is breached in an incident involving vampires. Legislation follows to make another such breach less likely. There was a question about this incident on Harry’s History of Magic O.W.L. exam. Read More
American wizard Abraham Peasegood creates Quodpot
Abraham Peasegood invented the game of Quodpot when a Quaffle came into contact with his wand when the items had been transported in his luggage from Britain. Peasegood took the Quaffle out to play Quidditch and the ball exploded (QA8). Read MoreThe Department of Magical Games and Sports is established (1750)
This Department is established 58 years after the International Statute of Secrecy prompts the creation of the Ministry of Magic (QA6). Read MoreThe International Code of Wizarding Secrecy is amended
Clause 73 is added to the code, making it the responsibility of each nation’s Ministry of Magic to work to conceal the magical creatures living within their borders. The text of the Clause reads as follows: Each wizarding governing body will be responsible for the concealment, care, and control of… Read MoreGulliver Pokeby, expert on magical birds, is born
He would go on to write about his discovery that the cry of an augurey foretells rain, not death, in his bookWhy I Didn’t Die When the Augurey Cried (FB, Pm)… Read MoreGoblin Rebellion of 1752
One of a number of Goblin rebellions throughout the history of the Wizarding community in Britain. This particular rebellion was handled poorly by two successive Ministers for Magic, Albert Boot and Basil Flack, both of whom resigned in 1752. As the tumultuous year progressed, werewolves joined the goblins in rebellion. Read MoreAlbert Boot resigns as Minister for Magic
His tenure as Minister was marked by growing bureaucracy — several new Departments were added to the Ministry during his time — but he proved ineffective at managing a genuine crisis and resigned (Pm). Read MoreBasil Flack become minister for magic
Basil takes the position in the midst of a goblin rebellion which had been poorly handled by his predecessor. Flack doesn’t fare much better (Pm). Read MoreWerewolves join the Goblin Rebellion
Their involvement results in the resignation of Minister for Magic Basil Flack after only two months in office (Pm). Read MoreBasil Flack resigns as Minister for Magic
When werewolves join the ongoing Goblin rebellion, Flack, like his predecessor, gives up the post. His successor is a tough, battle-ready Auror, Hesphaestus Gore (Pm). Read MoreHesphaestus Gore takes on the Goblin Rebellion
Gore, an accomplished Auror, becomes the Minister for Magic and puts down the Goblin Rebellion (Pm). Read More
Broom race ends in the destruction of the Colosseum
1754 – Many spectators gathered at the finish line to watch Torquil McTavish of Scotland and Silvio Astolfi Italy race from Aberdeen to the Colosseum in Rome. It is not known who won, but, by the time explosions damaging the Colosseum awoke the Muggles of Rome, Astolfi had been transfigured… Read More
Mending Charm invented
When a broom race between bitter rivals resulted in a huge predawn explosion at the finish line, damaging the Colosseum in Rome, Ministry witch Orabella Nuttley demonstrated a spell she’d created which could repair broken objects. The Ministry officials on the scene quickly learned the spell and quickly repaired the ancient… Read MoreFaris Spavin is born
Spavin grows up to become the longest-serving Minister for Magic in history. Read MoreLady Carmilla Sanguina dies
She had used her victims’ blood for bathing, in the hopes that it would help her stay young and beautiful. She dies a few years short of turning 200 years old (FW). Read More
MACUSA relocates to Williamsburg
The Magical Congress of the United States was housed in a secret edifice somewhere in the Appalachian Mountains until 1760, when it was relocated to Williamsburg, Virginia, the home of Thornton Harkaway, then President of MACUSA (Pm). Unfortunately for the local No-Maj population, President Harkaway raised Crups, a type of… Read More
Several No-Majs savaged by President Harkaway's crups
For two days after the attack, the Muggles were only able to bark. Harkaway was forced to resign as President of MACUSA as a result of this incident. Read More
Artemisia Lufkin is sorted into Hufflepuff
Atemisia Lufkin starts her first year at Hogwarts and is sorted into Hufflepuff. Read MoreGrogan Stump is born
He would go on to add new departments and divisions to the Ministry (FB, FW, Pm). Read MoreMACUSA relocates to Baltimore
During the 1770s, the Magical Congress of the United States relocated from Williamsburg, Virginia, to the city of Baltimore, Maryland, home of MACUSA President Able Fleming (Pm:MACUSA). This was a short-lived location due to the arrival of the No-Maj Continental Congress to the city, as well as the beginning of… Read MoreHesphaestus Gore leaves office
Gore’s 18 years as Minister were marked with conflict, but he managed to suppress the bloody rebellion which started in 1752, the year he took office. He also supported the use of Azkaban as a prison. He had no sympathy for the werewolves who joined the rebellion and refused to… Read MoreMaximillian Crowdy becomes Minister for Magic
Maximillian Crowdy becomes the eighth Minister for Magic. He serves until his death 1781 (Pm). Read More
Levina Monkstanley invents the Wand-Lighting Charm
Monkstanley, who worked in the Department of Mysteries, invented the Wand-Lighting Charm purely to assist in finding things like dropped quills behind her desk. Her casual use of the charm at work came as a complete surprise to her co-workers (BoS). Read More
Amarillo Lestoat is born
Amarillo Lestoat, American vampire and author of the stupefying novel A Vampire’s Monologue, was born in 1776 (FW). Read MoreMACUSA relocates to Washington
Around 1776 when the Continental Congress moved to Baltimore during the Revolutionary War, the secret Magical Congress of the United States (MACUSA) decided it was time to move again, so they relocated to Washington. The move was followed by the “Country or Kind” debate of 1777 led by President Elizabeth… Read More
Able Fleming is President of MACUSA
Fleming is a resident of Baltimore, Maryland, and MACUSA meets in that city until the outbreak of the Revolutionary War and the advent of the Continental Congress to Baltimore in 1776. Read MoreAmerican Witches and Wizards Engage in "Country or Kind" Debate
In 1777, MACUSA President Elizabeth McGilliguddy presided over a gathering of witches and wizards from all over North America for the “Country or Kind” Debate. Thousands arrived, so the Great Meeting Hall was expanded magically to hold them all. Their purpose was to debate whether they should give allegiance to… Read MoreElizabeth McGillicuddy is President of MACUSA
President McGillicuddy presides over the “Country or Kind?” debate of 1777, when witches and wizards from all over North America decided whether or not to become involved in the American Revolutionary War. The Ministry of Magic in London sent a message saying “Sitting this one out.” President McGillicuddy responded “Mind… Read More
Minister for Magic Maximillian Crowdy dies mysteriously in office
Sitting Minister for Magic Maximillian Crowdy dies suddenly and mysteriously in 1781. He had been instrumental in the exposure of several anti-Muggle extremist groups during his time in office. There are many books and conspiracy theories about Crowdy’s death (Pm). Read MoreProteus Knatchbull becomes Minister for Magic
Knatchbull succeeds Maximillian Crowdy, who died in office mysteriously. Read MoreFlavius Belby survives a Lethifold attack
The attack comes while he is while holidaying in Papua New Guinea. Belby wards off the creature by conjuring a patronus (FB). While Belby is considered the only wizard to survive a lethifold attack (FW, FB), Celestina Warbeck’s mother, a Muggle woman, is another survivor of a lethifold attack (Pm). Read More
Muggle Prime Minister consults Minister for Magic about insanity of King George
Lord North confidentially asks Knatchbull if he could remedy the mental instability of King George III. Unfortunately for North, word of his bizarre belief in wizards got out and he was forced to resign. Read More
The American Revolutionary War results in a new country: the United States
Between 1775 and 1783, the original thirteen British colonies in North America rebel against foreign rule and establish a new country, the United States of America. North American witches and wizards debate whether or not to take sides against their British magical counterparts. In the end, both sides decide to… Read MoreBartholomew Barebone exposes the American Wizarding World
Barebone was a descendant of Scourers who believed that all witches and wizards should be killed. He befriends a gullible young witch named Dorcus Twelvetrees, plies her with seemingly innocent questions, then steals her wand and publishes the locations of both Ilvermorny and MACUSA headquarters. Dorcus serves a year in… Read MoreUnctuous Osbert becomes the Minister for Magic
Osbert is impressed by those he considers the elite: wealthy, prejudiced pure-blood witches and wizards. Some say that Septimus Malfoy was held sway over Osbert and actually ran things behind the scenes. Read MoreFrench Revolution / Reign of Terror Begins
The period from 1789 – 1799 in France as their society beginning with the overthrow of the monarchy and the later dictatorship of Napoleon. The “Reign of Terror” refers to the popular use of the guillotine to chop off the heads of the wealthy or anyone under suspicion. (Wikipedia)… Read MoreDorcus Twelvetrees spends a year in jail
After putting the entire magical community in danger by spilling its secrets to a descendent of scourers, the daughter of Aristotle Twelvetrees is imprisoned for one year. Many in the magical community wish to see Dorcus killed or locked away for the rest of her life for her foolishness. Wizarding… Read MoreEmily Rappaport is President of MACUSA
Rappaport is the fifteenth president of MACUSA. In 1790, she puts in place the complete segregation of the magical and non-magical communities in the U.S. All contact is forbidden in what becomes known as Rappaport’s Law. Read MoreFlavius Belby dies
Flavius Belby, at one point the proud president of his local Gobstones Club, passes away nine years after successfully fighting off a lethifold in Papua New Guinea (FW, FB). Read MoreTriwizard Tournament disaster
The heads of Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang all are injured when, during a Triwizard Tournament event, a cockatrice goes on a rampage. Read More
Crispin Cronk is born
He grows up to be a collector of live Sphinxes, which not surprisingly sets him at odds with the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures (FW). Read More
Artemisia Lufkin becomes the first witch Minister for Magic
Lufkin serves in that post until 1811. Read More
A Ukranian Ironbelly dragon carries off a Muggle sailing ship
Fortunately there was no one aboard the ship at the time. Read More
Norwegian Ridgeback carries off a whale calf
This is according to an unsubstantiated report off the coast of Norway (FB). Read MoreEstablishment of the Department of International Magical Cooperation
This Department was founded by Minister for Magic Artemisia Lufkin during her tenure (1798-1811). Read More
Quidditch World Cup 1805
The Quidditch World Cup 1805 tournament took place somewhere in Britain between 1798 and 1811, while Artemisia Lufkin was Minister for Magic. The actual year is not specifically mentioned in canon – it could have taken place in 1801. Background Minister of Magic Lufkin, who was in office from 1798… Read More
Quidditch World Cup 1809
The Quidditch World Cup 1809 tournament is especially remembered for “The Attack of the Killer Forest“, after a disastrous event followed the final match between Romania and New Spain (QWC). Read More
Grogan Stump is appointed Minister for Magic
He soon comes up with several important improvements to the governance of the Wizarding World, including a workable definition of “Beast” and “Being” and and creating separate divisions for them in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures (FB). Read More
Banchory Bangers Quidditch team is banned
After a match against the Appleby Arrows in 1814, the Bangers attempted to capture a Hebridean Black dragon as their team mascot. Their foolishness led to their being banned from playing ever again (QA5). Read MoreThe Department of Magical Games and Sports is established (1810s)
Grogan Stump, popular Minister for Magic and Tutshill Tornados fan, founded this Department during his tenure (Pm). Read MoreGrogan Stump steps down as Minister for Magic
He is seen as a very effective and popular Minister for Magic. Read MoreJosephina Flint takes over as Minister for Magic
Flint develops anti-Muggle policies over the course of her time as Minister. Read More
Elliot Smethwyk invents the Cushioning Charm
The Cushioning Charm creates an invisible “pillow” on the stick where the witch or wizard sits, greatly increasing the comfort of riding a broomstick (QA9). Read MoreLaverne de Montmorency is born
She goes on to create a number of love potions during her lifetime. … Read MoreWhy I Didn't Die When the Augurey Cried is published
The book was written by Gulliver Pokeby and published by Little Red Books. The book contains the results of patient research revealing that – far from being a death omen, as widely believed – the cry of the Augurey merely indicates the approach of rain. (FB)… Read MoreOttaline Gambol becomes the Minister for Magic
Gambol is intrigued by the inventions of Muggles, even going so far as to adopt one of their creations for Wizarding use: the steam train. Read MoreLeopoldina Smethwyck is born
Smethwyck later becomes the first witch to Referee a Quidditch match (FW). Read More
Hogwarts Express introduced
Logistical difficulties plague efforts to get students to and from Hogwarts while adhering to the Statute of Secrecy. Minister for Magic Ottaline Gambol, who appreciates Muggle innovation, comes up with the idea of using a steam engine. The exact origin of the Hogwarts Express is uncertain, but it is rumoured… Read MoreRadolphus Lestrange succeeds Gambol as Minister for Magic
Lestrange tries to get rid of the Department of Mysteries. They completely ignore him. Read More
Xavier Rastrick vanishes
Xavier Rastrick, the famous wizard entertainer, vanishes unexpectedly while tap dancing for a crowd of 300 in Painswick and is never seen again (FW). Read MoreMirabella Plunkett is born
She later becomes famous for falling in love with a merman while vacationing near Loch Lomond. Read MoreRadolphus Lestrange steps down due to ill health
Most assume that his health problems stemmed from the strains of being Minister for Magic. Read MoreNew Minister for Magic: Hortensia Milliphutt
Milluphutt introduces a lot of new legislation, more than any other Minister. Read MoreEvangeline Orpington becomes Minister for Magic
Orpington is considered to be one of the most accomplished Ministers for Magic. She instituted the creation of Platform 9 and 3/4 to be the London terminus of the Hogwarts Express. Orpington served until 1855. Read MoreHortensia Milliphut leaves office as Minister for Magic
Her excessive and often pointless legislation led to her downfall. Read MoreEvangeline Orpington becomes Minister for Magic
Orpington is a close friend of Queen Victoria, who never realized that she was a witch. Read More
Minister for Magic Orpington establishes Platform 9 and 3/4
She designates this magical space in the newly-built King’s Cross Station as the London terminus for the Hogwarts Express, which had been established as the only way to travel to Hogwarts by her predecessor, Ottaline Gambol. Read More
Crimean War
The Crimean War was a military conflict fought from October 1853 to February 1856 in which the Russian Empire lost to an alliance of the Ottoman Empire, France, Britain and Sardinia (Wikipedia). Evangeline Orpington, who was Minister for Magic during that time, is widely believed to have illegally… Read MoreEvangeline Orpington steps down as Minister for Magic
She is rumored to have intervened in the Crimean War to help her close friend Queen Victoria. Read MorePriscilla Dupont becomes Minister for Magic
Over her time as Minister, Dupont developed a great dislike for the Muggle Prime Minister, Lord Palmerston. Read More
Priscilla Dupont is forced to step down as Minister for Magic
Dupont’s increasingly erratic behavior in her dislike for the Muggle Prime Minister, Lord Palmerston, resulted in her being forced out. Read MoreDugald McPhail becomes Minister for Magic
His years as Minister are considered a time of calm (Pm). Read More
Goblins are given full control of Gringotts
The Ministry of Magic made a decision to leave full control of Gringotts Wizarding Bank in the hands of Goblins. It remained so until a partial takeover by the Death Eaters when Voldemort took control of the Ministry in 1997 (JKR-W3)… Read MoreFaris "Spout-hole" Spavin becomes Minister for Magic
He will go on to be the longest-serving Minister for Magic in history. Read More
Chudley Cannons win 1873 League Cup
A souvenir League Cup 1873 medal was issued and is a collector’s item for Chudley Cannons fans (DP2). This is one of the 21 times that they have won the Cup (QA7). Read More
Rancourous Carp tries unsuccessfully to get rid of Peeves
Hogwarts caretaker Rancourous Carp baits a trap for Peeves with various weapons he might enjoy, hoping to lure him and then drop a large bell jar over him (Pm). But Peeves breaks the jar and escapes “armed with several cutlasses, crossbows, a blunderbuss and a miniature cannon,” which causes the… Read More
Quidditch World Cup 1877
The Quidditch World Cup 1877 is a mystery – no one knows what actually happened. Although the Quidditch World Cup is said to be held every four years, this particular tournament had to be repeated in 1878, the following year. Therefore, 1877’s Quidditch World Cup is known as “… Read More
Quidditch World Cup 1878
The Quidditch World Cup 1878 tournament was staged as a replacement for the “missing” Tournament that Nobody Remembers of 1877 (QWC). Read More
Team sent to reduce the herd of Vipertooths
Peruvian Vipertooth dragons are particularly dangerous. They are very fast flyers, they are very venomous, and humans are their preferred food. By the end of the 1800s, the Vipertooths had become such a problem that the International Confederation of Wizards sends a team of exterminators to Peru to reduce the number. Read More
Albus Dumbledore is born
Albus Dumbledore, one of the greatest wizards of the modern era, is born to Kendra and Percival Dumbledore in the village of Mould-on-the-Wold (DH2, DH11). Read More