Harry Potter's Second Year 1992-1993
1992-1993 – The year of learning the history of the school and saving Ginny Weasley from a Basilisk.

Moaning Myrtle's Death
Myrtle Warren is being teased by Olive Hornby and flees into a second floor bathroom to sulk. She hears a male voice — that of Tom Riddle opening the Chamber of Secrets — and steps out to tell him off for being in the girls’ bathroom. Instead she comes face… Read MoreThe Nimbus 2001 broomstick is released
Lucius Malfoy soon buys them for the Slytherin Quidditch team. As it happens, Draco is made Seeker during the upcoming school term. Read More
Gobstones: Wales v Hungary
Mr Grugwyn Rufford, a member of the Welsh National Gobstones Team, wrote to the Daily Prophet complaining that they did not cover the tournament that had taken place on 10th June and, in particular, had not reported the resounding Welsh win over Hungary (DP1). Read MoreDobby intercepts Harry's mail all summer
In an attempt to protect Harry by making him feel he has no reason to return to Hogwarts for his second year, Dobby intercepts and keeps all mail being sent to Harry by his new friends from school (CS2). Read More
Harry's 12th birthday
This is the worst birthday that Harry can remember. The Dursleys have completely forgotten that today is Harry’s birthday, and he ends up having to spend it doing chores in preparation for a very important dinner party hosting one of Uncle Vernon’s clients, Mr. Mason, and his wife, Mrs. Mason. Harry is… Read MoreDobby watches Harry from a hedge
When sitting on a bench in the garden after breakfast and ruminating on the bad start to his twelfth birthday, Harry gets a surprise when he notices two big eyes watching him from a hedge (CS1). Read More
Dobby tries to dissaude Harry from returning to Hogwarts
Dobby appears in Harry’s bedroom and tells Harry that his life will be in danger if he returns to Hogwarts for his second year. Between his excitement about meeting Harry, his sense of urgency in his mission to warn him, his astonishment at Harry’s kindness, and his guilt and fear… Read More
Harry receives a warning letter from the Ministry
Dobby’s use of a Hover Charm at Number 4 Privet Drive prompts Mafalda Hopkirk of the Improper Use of Magic Office to send a letter reminding Harry that underage magic outside of school and magic that is noticed by Muggles are not allowed and letting him know that he could… Read More
Harry imprisoned in his room after Dobby's visit
Harry is punished by being locked in his room and only allowed out to use the bathroom twice a day (CS2). Furious with Harry for Dobby’s effect on the Dursleys’ dinner with the Masons and newly aware that Harry cannot legally use his magic to avoid punishment, Uncle Vernon… Read More
Harry is rescued with the Ford Anglia
Ron, Fred, and George wake Harry up in the middle of the night to take him to the Burrow. They use Mr. Weasley’s flying car to pull the bars off the window, and then they help Harry get his belongings and load them into the car. They manage to do… Read More
Overnight Ministry raids
Arthur Weasley participates in six overnight raids, in his capacity as head of the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts office, but members of the Committee on Experimental Charms discovered some “extremely odd ferrets” which had been owned by a wizard named Mortlake (CS3). Read More
The flying car arrives at the Burrow
Leaving Privet Drive in Surrey, Fred and George fly the Anglia west to Devon, toward the Burrow. The trip apparently takes several hours, since when they leave it’s nighttime and when they arrive the sun is coming up (which would be just before 6 am at that location and on… Read More
Lockhart's book signing at Flourish and Blotts
Harry, Hermione, and the Weasleys visit Flourish and Blotts to buy school books. There they discover that Gilderoy Lockhart is signing his new book, Magical Me. When Lockhart spots Harry, he drags the boy up in front of the camera with him and announces the crowd that he will be… Read More
A visit to Knockturn Alley
Using Floo powder for the first time, Harry fails to follow all the instructions he’s given by the Weasleys and ends up one fireplace off. It happens to be the fireplace in Borgin and Burkes, a shop in Knockturn Alley selling all manner of dark magic items. He barely hides… Read More
Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley get in a fight
At Gilderoy Lockhart’s book signing at Flourish and Blotts, Lucius Malfoy insults Arthur Weasley for associating with Muggles (Mr. and Mrs. Granger) and Arthur lunges at Lucius. Bookshelves are disturbed in the commotion. An Encyclopedia of Toadstools hits Lucius in one eye, and Arthur sustains a cut to the lip. To… Read More
Ginny is possessed by Tom Riddle in his diary
After finding an old diary in with her school books and assuming that it was something from her parents, Ginny starts to write in it, not thinking anything of it when the dairy starts writing back. Only realising something is wrong when she started to lose bit of her memory… Read More
Ford Anglia Goes Wild
After Harry and Ron can’t get onto platform 9 and 3/4, they take Mr. Weasleys’ Ford Anglia and fly it from the train station in London to Hogwarts. When they arrive, they are attacked by the Whomping Willow. Once they escape and get far enough away, the Ford Anglia throws… Read More
Ginny, Luna and Colin start at Hogwarts
Ginny and Colin are sorted into Gryffindor (CS6), and Luna becomes a Ravenclaw (OP9). Harry and his friends, meanwhile, start their second year. Read MoreTo King's Cross by Ford Anglia
Molly doesn’t notice that the car has been magically modified, even when eight people plus all their luggage fit comfortably. A few miles down the road, Ginny realizes she forgot her diary — the diary which is really a horcrux — and they go back for it. Read More
Dobby blocks the barrier at King's Cross
From a hiding spot where he has been watching for Harry, Dobby blocks the gateway to Platform 9 3/4 when Harry and Ron try to go through it, causing them to miss the Hogwarts Express (CS5, CS10). Read More
Harry and Ron fly the car to Hogwarts
When they crash into the barrier between platforms nine and ten (and Hedwig makes a noisy fuss about it), Harry and Ron attract the attention of Muggles at King’s Cross. Unable to follow the rest of the Weasleys to platform nine and three quarters, Ron and Harry miss the Hogwarts… Read More
Ron's wand is broken
Ron’s wand breaks when it hits the dashboard during the crash (CS5). He tries to repair the wand with Spellotape, but it doesn’t help (CS7). The broken wand creates its fair share of mayhem as the year goes along, culminating in the backfiring memory charm which permanently injures… Read More
Cornish pixies wreak havoc in Lockhart's class
In their first Defense Against the Dark Arts class as second years, Harry and his classmates are tested on minutiae about their new professor. Many students do poorly on this quiz focused on details from Lockhart’s books, but Hermione answers every question correctly. Many students are not taking Lockhart seriously… Read MoreThe Chamber of Secrets is reopened
This time the Chamber is opened by Ginny Weasley, under the influence of Tom Riddle, by means of his diary. Harry first hears the voice of the Basilisk during his detention with Lockhart. Read More
The Halloween Feast and 500th Deathday for Nearly Headless Nick
As a favor to Nearly-Headless Nick, Harry, Ron, and Hermione skip the Halloween feast and attend Nick’s Deathday Party in the dungeons. On the way back up from the party, Harry hears the sound of someone or something speaking a strange language. (CS8)… Read More
Mrs. Norris is petrified
Harry is discovered at the scene of the crime, and students start suspecting him to be the heir of Salazar Slytherin. Harry and his friends, meanwhile, begin to suspect Draco Malfoy. Read More
Chamber of Secrets is discussed in History of Magic
Professor Binns is perplexed when his students actually start discussing something in his class, particularly because the topic — the Chamber of Secrets — is something which he considers to be purely a legend and therefore not worthy of his time in a facts-based class. Read More
Quidditch match: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin (1992)
In a rainy Quidditch match against the Slytherin Quidditch Team, a rogue Bludger breaks Harry’s arm. During the game one Bludger persistently followed his every move, making it impossible for Harry to look for the Snitch or for Gryffindor’s Beaters to protect their Chasers (CS10). Determined… Read More
Dobby visits Harry in the Hospital Wing
Late at night in the Hospital Wing, Harry awakes to find that his brow is being sponged by Dobby. An emotional Dobby laments that Harry has returned to Hogwarts and accidentally reveals that he was responsible for both the closed gateway at King’s Cross and the rogue bludger. Dobby also… Read More
Colin Creevey petrified
Harry is in the Hospital Wing regrowing all the bones in his arm and hears them bring in Colin Creevey in the middle of the night. The next morning, Ron and Hermione start working on brewing Polyjuice Potion (CS10). Read More
The Duelling Club
Harry unwittingly uses Parseltongue to talk to a snake in front of the whole school; the Hufflepuffs in particular are now entirely convinced he’s the heir of Salazar Slytherin. There is a huge turnout for the first and only meeting of Lockhart’s duelling club. Snape is also there to help… Read More
Harry learns about Parselmouths
Back in Gryffindor Tower after the Duelling Club, Ron and Hermione explain to Harry why everyone was so scared and upset when he told the snake not to attack Justin. The idea that he could be a descendent of famous Parselmouth Salazar Slytherin worries Harry and keeps him awake for… Read More
Justin and Nick are petrified
While searching for Justin so he can explain his actions of the previous night’s dueling club Harry overhears a group of Hufflepuffs gossiping about him. He confronts them, but leaves abruptly in fury, causing him to blunder through the castle unfocused. Hurrying through a dark corridor Harry trips over a… Read More
Harry sent to Dumbledore's Office, Visits the Sorting Hat and Fawkes
When Professor McGonagall finds Harry in the hallway near the petrified Justin Finch-Fletchly and Nearly Headless Nick (CS11), she takes him to Dumbledore’s Office, using the password “Sherbet Lemon” (CS12). While waiting, Harry looks around at the many sleeping Headmaster portraits on the wall, as well as Dumbledore’s… Read More
Mr and Mrs Weasley visit Bill in Egypt
The school-aged Weasley children stay at Hogwarts over the holidays while their parents visit their oldest child, Bill, who is working in Egypt as a curse breaker for Gringotts (CS12). … Read More
Harry and Ron use Polyjuice to "become" Crabbe and Goyle
Crabbe and Goyle are drugged (by some Sleeping Draught that Hermione puts in some chocolate cakes) and have their hair stolen by Harry and Ron. They add their hairs to the potion and drink it in the bathroom. Disguised as Crabbe and Goyle, Ron and Harry quiz Draco Malfoy and… Read More
Hermione is changed partially into a cat
Hermione accidentally puts a cat hair into the polyjuice potion she creates during her second year and when she drinks it, she is transformed partially into a cat. She has cat ears and a tail. She spends the next month in the hospital wing (CS12). Read More
Quidditch match: Sweetwater All-Stars vs. Quiberon Quafflepunchers
The Quiberon Quafflepunchers, an established European team from France, were defeated by the Sweetwater All-Stars of Texas, USA. The match lasts five days and this win elevated the American team to international status (QA8). Read More
Dolores Umbridge crafts anti-werewolf legislation
The new law makes it almost impossible for Remus Lupin to get a job. Read MoreThe secret passage on fourth floor collapses
A very roomy secret passage to Hogsmeade was located behind a big mirror on the fourth floor, but it caved in during the winter of 1992-1993 (PA10). Read More
A Muggle train disappears
As part of a bet, Cornelius Fudge’s nephew causes a Muggle “tube train” to disappear. Muggle travellers wait an hour and a half for their train before figuring out that it has vanished. As results of the event, Rufus is suspended from his job at the Improper Use of Magic… Read More
Valentine's Day with singing dwarfs
Lockhart takes it upon himself to whip up a Valentine’s Day celebration in an effort to improve morale: The walls were all covered with large, lurid pink flowers. Worse still, heart-shaped confetti was falling from the pale blue ceiling … Lockhart, wearing lurid pink robes to match the decorations,… Read More
An Anonymous Singing Valentine for Harry
Later in the afternoon of Valentine’s Day, one of Lockhart’s “card-carrying cupid” dwarfs accosts Harry as he and the other Gryffindor second years head for Charms. The dwarf tackles Harry, sits on his ankles, and sings a Valentine’s message to him: His eyes are as green as… Read More
A visit to the past by means of the mysterious diary
Harry learns how to work Riddle’s diary when he dribbles ink onto the pages and words appear. He has a written conversation with the memory of Tom Marvolo Riddle held in the diary and travels into Riddle’s memory of fifty years ago. In the memory Harry sees Tom… Read MoreChipping Clodbury riot
The riot broke out in Chipping Clodbury, where talks regarding the Goblin Bill of Rights were occurring between the Brotherhood of Goblins and the British Ministry of Magic, when Goblins who had acquired wands started using them to wreak havoc. The rioting Goblins caused some items in the… Read More
Hermione Granger and Penelope Clearwater are petrified
The Gryffindor vs Hufflepuff Quidditch game, to determine the Hogwarts Quidditch Cup, is cancelled abruptly by Professor McGonagall. She takes Ron Weasley and Harry Potter to the Hospital Wing where they find that Hermione Granger and Penelope Clearwater are the latest victims to be… Read MoreHagrid is sent to Azkaban; Dumbledore is removed
After Hermione and Penelope Clearwater are petrified, Harry and Ron go to Hagrid’s hut and watch from under the invisibility cloak as Cornelius Fudge and Lucius Malfoy serve the orders (CS14). Read More
Harry and Ron meet Aragog
Harry and Ron follow the spiders, stopping at Hagrid’s hut to get Fang to go with them before entering the forest. Deep in the dark, thick forest, they come across Mr. Weasley’s Ford Anglia, which appears to have gained some degree of sentience and free will since it crashed into… Read More
Mr Weasley's Ford Anglia rescues Harry, Ron, and Fang
Harry, Ron, and Fang are about to be attacked and eaten by Aragog’s many offspring when the Ford Anglia, which had gone wild in the Forbidden Forest since escaping there the previous September, crashes into the clearing and rescues them. Read More
Ford Anglia Forest Rescue
After telling Harry and Ron what he knows about the Chamber of Secrets and its monster, Aragog indicates to his family that they are allowed to eat the boys and Fang. Just in time, the Ford Anglia, which appears to have “gone wild” in the Forbidden Forest and developed sentience… Read More
Ginny is taken into the Chamber of Secrets
Harry and Ron have just figured out what the monster was and where to find the Chamber of Secrets. They run to the staff room but no one is there. A few moments later an emergency staff meeting is called and Harry suggests that they hide in the wardrobe to hear what’s going on… Read More
Harry and Ron visit Hermione and learn of basilisks
Harry and Ron visit the Hospital Wing, where Hermione is kept after being petrified in the library. They notice and retrieve a piece of paper from Hermione’s grasp. The paper turns out to be an old book page on basilisks. In addition to the text stating that direct eye contact… Read More
Harry and Ron discover the Chamber of Secrets
Harry and Ron learn that Ginny has been taken into the Chamber and go to offer their knowledge to Professor Lockhart. When they discover he’s trying to take off (and that the things he claimed to have done in his books were actually done by other people), they instead disarm him… Read More
Harry enters the Chamber of Secrets
Harry, Ron, and Professor Lockhart open the entrance to the underground Chamber. Along the way, Lockhart uses Ron’s broken wand and blasts himself with permanent Memory Spell damage and bringing down a section of the ceiling. Harry, cut off from the others, proceeds to the Chamber on his own where… Read More
The spirit-form of Voldemort is defeated by Harry
Harry kills the Basilisk and uses its fang to destroy the diary, therefore destroying Riddle and saving Ginny’s life. Gilderoy Lockhart’s memory is destroyed when he attempts to Obliviate Ron and Harry and get out of the Chamber. Later that night, the Petrified people are restored using Mandrake Draught. Read MoreLucius Malfoy is removed from the Board of Governors of Hogwarts
Hagrid and Dumbledore return to Hogwarts. Read More