1945-1960 - Calm Between the Wars
1945-1960 – With Grindelwald’s defeat, the wizarding world settles down to normal life. Only a few are aware that another evil wizard, who came of age when Grindelwald was defeated, was quietly gaining strength.

Slughorn is head of Slytherin
Horace Slughorn teaches Potions at Hogwarts and is Head of House for Slytherin. He spends a good deal of time forming friendships with well-connected and particularly gifted students. Read More
Darren O'Hare joins the Kenmare Kestrels
He would play Keeper for the Kestrels until 1960, by which time O’Hare was the team’s captain (QA7). Read More
Newt Scamander creates the Werewolf Register
Newt creates the Register while working for the Beast Division of the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures (FB). Read More
A History of Magic is published
The book becomes a required textbook at Hogwarts (PS5, PA1). Read More
Minerva McGonagall starts at Hogwarts
She is sorted into Gryffindor, although the Sorting Hat takes a long time to decide into which house, Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, she should be placed. After more than five minutes of deliberation, the Hat places her in Gryffindor (JKR, Pm). Read MoreLeonard Spencer-Moon steps down as Minister for Magic
He has worked closely with Winston Churchill over the preceding decade as Britain faced war and the rise of Grindelwald. He steps down as the world finds itself at peace again. Read MoreWilhemina Tuft becomes Minister for Magic
Tuft takes over in a period of domestic peace and prosperity, but also a time of uncertainty as the Cold War and the Korean War dominate the Muggle news. Read More
A blue roan hippocampus is caught by merpeople
Although the hippocampus is normally found in the Mediterraean Sea, the merpeople capture a blue roan hippocampus off the coast of Scotland and domesticate it. Read MoreSnallygaster Protection League founded
The Snallygaster Protection League is established in Maryland to obliviate No-Majs who encounter Snallygasters. Because the creatures do not shy away from Muggles, they tend to attract attention; the Snallygaster Protection League was created in response to multiple instances of Snallygaster sightings threatening to expose the magical world (FB). Read MoreAmelia Bones is born
Amelia is born into the prominent wizarding Bones family. She grows up to be head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and a powerful witch. Read More
Arthur Weasley is born
Arthur is a son (no daughters) born into a pure-blood wizarding family. Read More
Bellatrix Black is born
Bellatrix is the oldest daughter of Cygnus and Druella Black, members of an aristocratic family which placed a high value on blood status. Read More
Rita Skeeter is born
Rita grows up to become a prolific writer for the Daily Prophet and author of a number of books. Read More
Quidditch Through the Ages is published
Quidditch Through the Ages, the extremely popular book by Kennilworthy Whisp, has since gone through many revisions — the current edition which contains information into the 1990s. However, the original edition was published in 1952 by Whizz Hard Books, Diagon Alley, London. Read More
Quidditch match: Holyhead Harpies vs. Heidelberg Harriers (1953)
The Holyhead Harpies defeat the Heidelberg Harriers in what is widely agreed to be one of the finest Quidditch games ever seen. The game lasted for seven days, at the end of which Harriers captain Rudolf Brand proposed marriage to the captain of the Harpies,… Read More
Andromeda Black is born
Andromeda is sister to Narcissa and Bellatrix. Later in life she marries a Muggle-born, Ted Tonks, and is disowned by her Pureblood family. Read More
Lucius Malfoy is born
Lucius Malfoy is born to Abraxas Malfoy and his wife, an aristocratic wizard family which values their pureblood heritage. Their ancestral home is in Wiltshire. Lucius becomes the father of Draco Malfoy. Read MoreMinerva McGonagall starts working at the Ministry of Magic
McGonagall starts at the Ministry a few short months after leaving Hogwarts in 1954. Her boss at the Ministry is an older wizard, Elphinstone Urquart, with whom she develops a very close relationship. Read More
Universal Brooms Ltd. introduces the Shooting Star broomstick
The exciting new Shooting Star broom was released by Universal Brooms in 1955. They were the cheapest racing broom on the market and very popular. Unfortunately, the brooms unfortunately developed problems over time (QA9). Read More
Quidditch match: Caerphilly Catapults vs Karasjok Kites (1956)
A Welsh Quidditch team, the Caerphilly Catapults, triumphed against the Karasjok Kites of Norway in the final match of the European Cup of 1956 (QA7). Read More
Tom Riddle creates a Horcrux from Hufflepuff's cup, this time using the murder of Hepzibah Smith
After murdering Smith, Riddle steals Hufflepuff’s cup and Slytherin’s locket. He uses the murder of Smith to create a Horcrux from the cup. Read More
McGonagall refuses a promotion at the Ministry
McGonagall was unhappy at the Ministry and when offered a big promotion, she instead sent an owl to Hogwarts asking if she might be considered for a position at the school. She was offered a post and took it immediately. Read More
Minerva McGonagall begins teaching at Hogwarts
She chose to find a position at Hogwarts instead of continuing her career at the Ministry of Magic. Read More
Hamish MacFarlan becomes captain of the Montrose Magpies
He held that position until 1968 (QA7). The Montrose Magpies are the most successful quidditch team in their league (Pm). Read More
Kevin and Karl Broadmoor join the Falmouth Falcons
The Broadmoor brothers are known for being particularly violent Beaters. They joined the Falmouth Falcons Quidditch team in 1958. They will stay with the Falcons until 1969 (QA7). Read More
Tilden Toots is born
Toots grows up to become a famous Wizarding celebrity gardener and herbologist. Read MoreWilhemina Tuft dies in office from a severe allergic reaction
She discovers her severe allergy to alihotsy-flavored fudge when it’s too late. Read MoreIgnatius Tuft takes over as Minister for Magic
He replaces his mother, Wilhemina Tuft, who died in office of a severe allergic reaction to alihotsy-floavored fudge. Read More
Sirius Black is born
Sirius is the first child of Orion and Walburga Black of number 12, Grimmauld Place in London. He is named after previous Sirius Blacks: the brother (1845-1853), and son (1877-1952) of his great-great grandfather, Phineas Nigellus. The Black family is a pure-blood family with extreme elitist attitudes. Nearly the entire family was… Read More
Magnus Macdonald tries to reintroduce Creaothceann
In the 1960s, Magnus Macdonald attempted to re-introduce the Scottish game of Creaothceann, which was popular in the Middle Ages. This sport involved trying to catch hundreds of falling rocks and Bludgers in cauldrons attached to the player’s heads – and resulted in many deaths. It… Read More
Catriona McCormack is Captain and Chaser for the Pride of Portree
The ‘Prides’ win the league twice under her leadership (QA7). Read More