Voldemort Timeline

Morfin Gaunt attacks Tom Riddle Sr. with hives jinx
Merope Gaunt liked to wait by the window for a glimpse of handsome Tom Riddle Sr., a rich Muggle boy. Morfin Gaunt, Merope’s brother, mocked her for it and late one night he caught her at it. Just for spite, he hit Tom Riddle Sr. with a Hives Jinx. This… Read MoreMerope Gaunt fools Tom Riddle into marrying her
c. December 1925 – Merope Gaunt, besotted as she is with the handsome Muggle who rides his horse near her miserable hovel, somehow hoodwinks him into marrying her. Most likely, she does so by giving him a love potion. Read MoreMarvolo Gaunt returns from Azkaban to find Merope gone
He had been given a six-month sentence. Forced to live alone, he withers away and dies sometime within the next two and a half years. Read MoreMerope Gaunt gets pregnant with Tom Marvolo Riddle
Her husband, Tom Riddle, leaves her very soon afterward – Dumbledore suspects because she stops giving him love potion. Read MoreMrs. Cole starts working at the orphanage
Shortly after Mrs. Cole takes the job at the London orphanage, Merope Gaunt appears on the doorstep on a snowy New Year’s Eve, gives birth to a baby boy, then dies within an hour. Cole was a teenager at the time. Read More
Merope Gaunt sells Slytherin's locket to Borgin and Burkes
Pregnant and desperate for money, she has no idea what it’s worth and is only given ten Galleons for it. The locket is later sold to Hepzibah Smith. Read MoreTom Marvolo Riddle is born
He is born in a Muggle orphanage to a witch mother, Merope Gaunt, and Muggle father, Tom Riddle. His mother Merope dies an hour later, living just long enough to name her son after his father, Tom, and her father, Marvolo Gaunt (HBP13). She is nineteen years old. The older… Read More
Merope Gaunt dies after giving birth to Tom Marvolo Riddle
Merope Gaunt arrives at the orphanage in the evening, destitute and near death. She had no will to live and has forsworn magic after being abandoned by her Muggle husband, Tom Riddle, whom she had tricked into wedlock with a love potion. Shortly after arriving, she gives birth to a boy… Read More
Morfin Gaunt returns from Azkaban
He returns after a three-year sentence to find both his father, Marvolo and sister, Merope, dead. He lives alone in the Gaunt house for many years, until Tom Riddle returns and frames him for murdering the Riddle family. (HBP10)… Read More
Tom Riddle terrorizes two children in the sea cave
On a summer visit to the seashore with the children from the orphanage, Tom Riddle coerces two of the other kids, Amy Benson and Dennis Bishop, to go with him into a cave. The two other children, according to Mrs. Cole, were never the same after. Tom said only that… Read More
Tom Riddle gets his wand at Ollivander's
Young Tom Marvolo Riddle receives a wand made of yew wood with a phoenix feather core at Ollivander’s before he starts at Hogwarts (PS5). Harry Potter’s holly wand also had a phoenix core, making them “brother wands,” and leading to the Priori Incantatem effect years later in the Little… Read More
Dumbledore visits Tom Riddle's orphanage
August, 1938: After charming the skeptical matron with magic, manners, and gin, Dumbledore meets Riddle in his room and reveals that the boy is a wizard and invites him to Hogwarts. Tom Riddle proves himself to be a bossy, hostile, independent, and calculating child who terrifies and torments the other… Read More
Tom Riddle starts at Hogwarts
He charms all his teachers with the exception of Albus Dumbledore, the Transfiguration teacher, who is uneasy about him. Read More
Tom Riddle learns about the Chamber of Secrets and decides to find and open it
He is in his first year at Hogwarts when he learns about the existence of the Chamber. He is determined to find it but doesn’t succeed until five years later, in June of 1943. Read More
Slughorn is head of Slytherin
Horace Slughorn teaches Potions at Hogwarts and is Head of House for Slytherin. He spends a good deal of time forming friendships with well-connected and particularly gifted students. Read More
Tom Riddle murders his father and grandparents
He first visits his uncle, Morfin Gaunt, and uses magic to steal Marvolo’s ring and frame Morfin for the murders of the Muggles in the Riddle house. Tom uses the murders to create his first Horcrux, the ring. The next day, Morfin is taken to Azkaban, where he remains until his… Read More
Morfin is framed for the Riddle murders
Tom Riddle Jr. came looking for his maternal family in Little Hangleton and discovered a disheveled Morfin in the filthy Gaunt hovel. He learned of the history of his mother and father, then Stupefied Morfin. He went across to the Riddle house, murdered his… Read More
Tom Riddle turns Marvolo's ring into his first Horcrux
Shortly after murdering his father and grandparents, Tom Marvolo Riddle uses those murders to create a Horcrux from Marvolo Gaunt’s heirloom ring. The ring had once belonged to the Peverell family. Read More
Tom Riddle starts his fifth year at Hogwarts and is made a Prefect
Hagrid is starting his third year. Read More
Tom Riddle meets with Professor Slughorn and asks him about Horcruxes
He is now wearing the ring he stole from his uncle Morfin during the summer, and is accompanied by his group of friends which includes Avery and Lestrange. Read More
Tom Riddle learns to open the Chamber of Secrets and releases the Basilisk
He had first heard about the Chamber of Secrets five years before and had spent that time working out there it could be located and how to enter it. When he finally does open it, he uses Parseltongue to control and release the Basilisk within. A Hogwarts student, Myrtle Warren,… Read More
Moaning Myrtle's Death
Myrtle Warren is being teased by Olive Hornby and flees into a second floor bathroom to sulk. She hears a male voice — that of Tom Riddle opening the Chamber of Secrets — and steps out to tell him off for being in the girls’ bathroom. Instead she comes face… Read More
Hagrid is falsely accused of opening the Chamber of Secrets
He is so accused because Tom Riddle catches him raising an Acromantula in the castle (CS17). Read More
Tom Riddle is given an Award for Special Services to the School
He receives it for helping “catch” Hagrid and accusing him (falsely) of opening the Chamber of Secrets (CS13, CS17). Read More
Rubeus Hagrid is expelled from Hogwarts
Hagrid is expelled after being accused of opening the Chamber of Secrets and releasing a monster who killed Myrtle Warren. He was framed for this by Tom Riddle, who saw Hagrid as an easy target for persecution, being oversized and clumsy and unusually fond of dangerous creatures. Tom confronted Hagrid,… Read More
Tom Marvolo Riddle turns the diary into a Horcrux
He uses murder of Myrtle in June (BLC) and the knowledge he gained from Slughorn to work the Dark Magic required to turn the diary into a Horcrux (HBP23). Read More
Grey Lady reveals her secret to Tom Riddle
c. 1944 – Tom Riddle, using his considerable charisma and charm, convinces the ghost of Ravenclaw House, Helena Ravenclaw, to reveal the secret hiding place of her mother’s long-lost diadem. Years later, she would confess to Harry that he seemed to understand her anguish and remorse (DH31). Read MoreTom Riddle begins his seventh year at Hogwarts and is made Head Boy
He is dabbling in the Dark Arts, having already created a Horcrux, and some of his closest friends are already referring to him as Lord Voldemort; outwardly, however, he is a model student (CS17, HBP23). Read MoreTom Riddle finishes his seventh year and applies for a job teaching at Hogwarts
Headmaster Armando Dippet turns him down, saying that at eighteen he is too young. He then goes to work for Borgin and Burkes instead. Read More
Tom Riddle kills Hepzibah Smith, framing her house-elf, Hokey
After doing so, he steals Slytherin’s locket and Hufflepuff’s cup – items he later uses to make Horcruxes. Read More
Tom Riddle creates a Horcrux from Hufflepuff's cup, this time using the murder of Hepzibah Smith
After murdering Smith, Riddle steals Hufflepuff’s cup and Slytherin’s locket. He uses the murder of Smith to create a Horcrux from the cup. Read More
Tom Marvolo Riddle disappears
After the death of Hepzibah Smith, Riddle vanishes for ten years. He travels far and wide, sinking deeply into the Dark Arts, consorting with the very worst of wizard-kind. He undergoes so many dangerous, magical transformations that when he resurfaces years later as Lord Voldemort, he is barely recognizable. Read More
Tom Riddle murders a Muggle tramp and creates the Locket Horcrux
After stealing Salazar Slytherin’s locket from Hepzibah Smith, Tom Riddle uses the murder of “a Muggle tramp” to turn the locket into a Horcrux with part of his soul inside (BLC). Read MoreMorfin Gaunt dies in Azkaban
Morfin, believing until the end that he was guilty of killing the Riddles, dies in Azkaban and is buried outside the walls of the prison (HBP17). Read More
Voldemort turns Ravenclaw's diadem into a Horcrux
Tom Riddle had wheedled the location of the Horcrux from the Grey Lady while a student at Hogwarts. At some point after leaving school, he traveled to Albania, retrieved the diadem, and used the murder of an Albanian peasant to turn the diadem into a Horcrux (DH31). Read More
Voldemort hides the Diadem Horcrux in the Room of Requirement
Ten years after the death of Hepzibah Smith, Voldemort returns to Hogwarts, ostensibly to ask Dumbledore for a teaching job. Dumbledore refuses. Voldemort then curses the Defence Against the Dark Arts position, and since that day, no professor has stayed for more than one year in that post. Voldemort’s… Read More
Lord Voldemort visits Hogwarts to ask for a teaching job
Lord Voldemort sets up a meeting with the recently-appointed Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, to ask for the Defense Against the Darks Arts position at Hogwarts. However, Dumbledore pointed out that Voldemort was certainly aware that the headmaster would never have offered that position to him and asked what his true… Read More
Lord Voldemort rises to power
With his band of Death Eaters, Voldemort’s first reign of terror begins. His ascent to power is marked by strange disappearances. Read More
Unable to deal with the rising threat of Voldemort, Minister for Magic Eugenia Jenkins is forced from office
She handled riots and marches fine in the late Sixties but Voldemort’s rise starting around 1970 proved too much for Jenkins. Read More
Kreacher and Voldemort visit the sea cave
Voldemort announces that he requires the services of a house-elf. Regulus Black volunteers Kreacher, the old house-elf who serves his family in Grimmauld Place, ordering him to do whatever the Dark Lord demands, then to come home. Voldemort takes Kreacher to the sea cave where he has prepared an island… Read More
Snape overhears part of the Prophecy and rushes to tell Voldemort
When Dumbledore met at the Hog’s Head with Sybill Trelawney as a “courtesy” to interview her for the post of Divination Professor, she suddenly launched into a real prophecy about a child with the ability to vanquish the Dark Lord. (OP37) Lurking outside the door and listening at the… Read MorePeter Pettigrew starts passing information to Voldemort
Dumbledore and his allies begin to realize that there is a spy in their midst but Peter is not suspected. Read More
Defeat of Voldemort; James and Lily Potter are killed
Voldemort attempts to kill Harry Potter after murdering his parents, but the spell rebounds onto Voldemort. Harry is left alive with a scar on his forehead that hides an accidental Horcrux made of Voldemort’s shattered soul. Voldemort, nearly dead and without physical form, retreats into the forests of Albania where… Read More
As a result of a curse gone wrong, a piece of Voldemort's soul attaches itself to baby Harry
Harry Potter receives a scar on his forehead when the curse rebounds off of him. Voldemort’s body is destroyed in the blast and a piece of his soul attaches itself to the only living thing in the room: one-year-old Harry Potter. While not becoming an actual Horcrux, Harry functions very… Read MoreQuirrell takes a year off and encounters Voldemort
Quirrell takes a year off from Hogwarts for some first hand experience fighting the Dark Arts. He will be gone from September 1990 through June of 1991. While in Albania, he encounters Voldemort and brings him back. Read More
Failed attempt to steal the Philosopher's Stone
He is directed by Voldemort to attempt to steal the Stone, but he fails. As a result of this failure, Voldemort decides to possess Quirrell in order to control his actions more closely. Read More
Voldemort possesses Quirrell
Quirrell begins wearing a turban to hide Voldemort’s face, which is sticking out of the back of Quirrell’s head. Read More
Harry confronts Quirrell, defeats Voldemort
Going on alone from the potions room, Harry finds Professor Quirrell and the Mirror of Erised in the next chamber. Harry is shocked to find that Quirrell (and not Snape) has been trying to kill him and get the Philosopher’s Stone. Quirrell tries to use the Mirror of Erised to… Read More
Ginny is possessed by Tom Riddle in his diary
After finding an old diary in with her school books and assuming that it was something from her parents, Ginny starts to write in it, not thinking anything of it when the dairy starts writing back. Only realising something is wrong when she started to lose bit of her memory… Read MoreThe Chamber of Secrets is reopened
This time the Chamber is opened by Ginny Weasley, under the influence of Tom Riddle, by means of his diary. Harry first hears the voice of the Basilisk during his detention with Lockhart. Read More
A visit to the past by means of the mysterious diary
Harry learns how to work Riddle’s diary when he dribbles ink onto the pages and words appear. He has a written conversation with the memory of Tom Marvolo Riddle held in the diary and travels into Riddle’s memory of fifty years ago. In the memory Harry sees Tom… Read More
The spirit-form of Voldemort is defeated by Harry
Harry kills the Basilisk and uses its fang to destroy the diary, therefore destroying Riddle and saving Ginny’s life. Gilderoy Lockhart’s memory is destroyed when he attempts to Obliviate Ron and Harry and get out of the Chamber. Later that night, the Petrified people are restored using Mandrake Draught. Read More
Bertha Jorkins is murdered by Voldemort
She is missing for over a month at the time of the Quidditch World Cup of August 1994. Her Head of Department, Ludo Bagman, is too busy — and irresponsible — to send someone to look for her. Voldemort uses her murder to create a Horcux out of Nagini (BLC). Read More
Voldemort's murder of Bertha Jorkins allows him to create a Horcrux using Nagini
The ritual to create the Horcrux would have been performed at some point fairly soon after the murder of Jorkins. Read More
Voldemort moves into the Riddle House
Voldemort is in the form of a grotesque homonculus, kept alive with constant feedings of a potion which included venom from Nagini. Peter Pettigrew, now known only as Wormtail, is taking care of his master, although his distaste for the task is evident. Voldemort’s intention is to stay until the Quidditch… Read More
Frank Bryce is killed
Frank, the elderly caretaker, investigates intruders in the Riddle House. He is killed by Voldemort in an upstairs room. Harry Potter, two hundred miles away in Little Whinging, wakes up with his scar hurting after seeing this event in a dream (GF1). Read More
Duel in the Graveyard
After Voldemort’s rebirth in the Little Hangleton graveyard, he forces Harry into a duel. He intends to show his superiority over Harry in defeating him. However, the twin wand cores result in a very different outcome when the Priori Incantatem effect produces images of the last spells Voldermort cast. These… Read MoreVoldemort kidnaps Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory
Cedric is killed by Wormtail using Voldemort’s wand. Voldemort is restored to his body in an ancient ceremony (GF32). The Death Eaters are called back to him and they gather (GF33). Voldemort and Harry then duel, and Harry manages to escape with Cedric’s body (GF34). Back at… Read More
Voldemort is reborn
After years of plotting, striving, and thwarted attempts, Lord Voldemort is reborn by means of a complicated ritual in the graveyard near Little Hangleton. Wormtail performs the ritual, sacrificing his own hand in the process. The ritual also required blood from Harry Potter and the bones of Tom Marvolo Riddle’s… Read More
Harry escapes the graveyard by portkey
As Voldemort and Harry duel in front of the Death Eaters, the twin phoenix feather cores of their wands create a “Reverse Spell Effect” known as Priori Incantatem, and shades of Voldemort’s previous victims come out of his yew wand and protect Harry, including… Read More
Ten Death Eaters escape in the first mass breakout from Azkaban
They are freed by Voldemort as he rebuilds his power. The Ministry led by Fudge blames the whole thing on Sirius Black. The Daily Prophet reports: The Ministry of Magic announced late last night that there has been a mass breakout from Azkaban. Speaking to reporters in his private office,… Read More
The Battle of the Department of Mysteries
On the evening of June 20, 1996, a running battle is fought between members of the D.A. led by Harry Potter, a group of Death Eaters led by Lucius Malfoy, and members of the Order of the Phoenix. Sirius Black is killed and many others are wounded (OP35). When… Read MoreAmelia Bones is killed by Voldemort
In 1996, the Head of Magical Law Enforcement put up a fight while being killed personally by Voldemort inside a locked room where she had been living alone (HBP1). Read MoreOllivander is kidnapped
A number of disappearances, including those of Garrick Ollivander and Florean Fortescue occur in the summer of 1996, shortly after the world realizes that Lord Voldemort is, indeed, back (HBP6). Ollivander is held captive in Malfoy Manor for a year and a half, tortured, and forced to make wands (… Read More
The Second War begins
It’s a busy two weeks: When Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge refuses to step aside for Voldemort, the Brockdale Bridge is destroyed, killing dozens of Muggles. Amelia Bones, Head of Magical Law Enforcement, and Emmeline Vance, a member of the Order of the Phoenix, are murdered – the former by… Read More
Dumbledore destroys the Ring Horcrux with the Sword of Gryffindor
Dumbledore discovers the ring in the ruins of the Gaunt hovel near Little Hangleton. He takes it back to his office at Hogwarts where he uses the Sword of Gryffidor to destroy it. Read More
Voldemort takes over Malfoy Manor
Malfoy Manor in Wiltshire becomes the headquarters for the Death Eaters at some point prior to August 1997. Read More
Harry and Dumbledore watch Slughorn's memory
Just after midnight on the same evening that Aragog is buried, Harry returns to the entrance to Gryffindor Tower to find the Fat Lady asleep. After the burial, under the influence of a fair amount of alcohol and a rush of sad memories, Slughorn had given Harry… Read More
Harry and Dumbledore retrieve the fake Horcrux from inside Voldemort's sea cave
Harry and Dumbledore enter the cave where Voldemort has hidden a Horcrux. After swimming to the entrance, Dumbledore spatters it with his blood to gain entry and they take a hidden boat across a lake. Protecting the Horcrux is a potion that Dumbledore drinks, though Harry must force him to;… Read MoreCharity Burbage is murdered
The Muggle Studies teacher’s body has been rotating above the table around which Voldemort and the Death Eaters are having a meeting, when Voldemort magically awakens her. In vain, Burbage begs her fellow teacher, Severus Snape, for help. Voldemort angrily explains to the Death Eaters that Burbage had recently written… Read More
Battle of the Seven Potters
The Battle of the Seven Potters is an aerial battle over southern England fought on the evening of 27 July 1997 between members of the Order of the Phoenix led by Mad-Eye Moody and a group of Death Eaters led by Lord Voldemort. The Order of the Phoenix strives to… Read More
Moody dies in battle
Moody is attacked by Voldemort in the skies over Surrey during the Battle of the Seven Potters. Mundungus Fletcher, who is riding with Moody, panics and Disapparates, leaving Mad-Eye vulnerable. Voldemort’s Killing Curse hits Moody and his body falls from his broom. Later that night, when the battle is over, members… Read More
Fall of the Ministry
The Minister of Magic, Rufus Scrimgeour, is tortured and murdered. Pius Thicknesse, who was put under the Imperius Curse a week or two before, is installed as the new Minister. With the power of the Ministry behind them, Death Eaters openly attack Order of the Phoenix… Read More
Nagini in Bathilda Bagshot's house
Harry and Hermione, in disguise as an elderly Muggle couple, encounter who they think is Bathilda Bagshot in Godric’s Hollow on Christmas Eve. They follow her to her house, where she is revealed to be Nagini. In the ensuing battle, Hermione’s quick thinking saves the day, but Harry’s wand is… Read More
Grindelwald is murdered
Voldemort traces the Elder wand to Grindelwald, who he then visits in a lonely cell atop the tallest tower of Nurmengard. When Grindelwald defies Voldemort, the Dark Lord murders him with a Killing Curse (DH23). Read More
The Trio recover Hufflepuff's Cup, a Horcrux, from the Lestrange Family Vault
They discover the Cup when they break into Gringotts with the help of Polyjuice Potion and some well-placed Imperious Curses. Read More
Snape is killed by Nagini in the Shrieking Shack
Voldemort, under the false impression that Snape was the master of the Elder Wand, orders Nagini to attack and kill the erstwhile Potions Master. Snape, bleeding profusely, has barely time to pass along to Harry silvery threads of memories showing his true allegiance and actions before dying. Read More
The Diadem Horcrux is destroyed by Fiendfyre
When the Room of Requirement is destroyed by the Fiendfyre spell cast by Crabbe, the Diadem of Ravenclaw is caught up in the inferno. Harry sees it tossed into the air as he speeds toward the door to escape and catches it. When he is outside of the room and… Read More
The piece of Voldemort's soul in Harry is destroyed
Harry faces Voldemort in the forest, unarmed and awaiting death. Harry is not a Horcrux, but he is harboring a piece of the Dark Lord’s soul. This piece is destroyed when Voldemort hurls the Killing Curse at Harry, thereby eliminating one more option for immortality for the Dark Lord. Read More
Harry walks into the Forest to meet Voldemort
After emerging from the pensieve and realizing that he is a Horcrux and must be killed (DH33), Harry starts walking towards the forest. He is at once terrified and numb. He reflects on how precious life is. He has his Invisibility Cloak on as he passes by the Great… Read More
Bellatrix Lestrange dies in a duel with Molly Weasley
During the Battle of Hogwarts, Mrs. Weasley defeats Bellatrix Lestrange in the Great Hall (DH36). Voldemort cries out in anger when Bellatrix dies. Read More
The Death of Voldemort
He dies when hit by his own curse in the Great Hall, the climax of the Battle of Hogwarts. (DH36)… Read More
Battle of Hogwarts
May 1-2, 1998 The climactic final showdown between the side of good and the side of evil. Hogwarts Castle was damaged in this battle and fifty people died defending it, including Fred Weasley, Tonks, Remus Lupin, and Colin Creevey. The Death Eaters enlisted… Read More
Harry Potter has a nightmare about Godric's Hollow
Harry Potter has a dream about visiting Godric’s Hollow with his Aunt Petunia, who tries to explain away the flowers for Lily and James. He again hears the voice of Lord Voldemort and sees his son Albus (CC3.12). As he talks about his dream with… Read More
A search of Delphi's room at St Oswald's reveals her identity
Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley make a search of Delphi’s room at the St Oswald’s Home for Old Witches and Wizards, trying to find out who she really is (CC3.21). Ginny discovers a hissing oil lamp which… Read MoreThe Wizarding World learns of Lord Voldemort's daughter
Minister for Magic Hermione Granger, at a second Extraordinary General Meeting, announces to the wizarding world that Lord Voldemort had a daughter, whose whereabouts are currently unknown (CC4.1). Hermione, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley and Ron Weasley stand together to take responsibility. Read MoreHarry and Ginny discuss Albus, Delphi and Lord Voldemort
31 October 1981 While Albus sleeps, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley discuss Harry’s love for their son (CC4.9). The wait for Delphi seems endless. Ginny realises that the reason Delphi has not already killed baby Harry is because she is waiting to meet her father Lord… Read More
Harry is transfigured into Lord Voldemort
31 October 1981 Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley and Draco Malfoy discuss with Albus and Scorpius how they can prevent Delphi and Lord Voldemort from meeting each other. But, as he is the only one of them who speaks Parseltongue,… Read More
Battle and defeat of Delphi
31 October 1981 While they wait for the transfigured Harry Potter to meet Delphi pretending to be her father and lure her inside St Jerome’s Church, Albus tells his mother Ginny that everything is his fault. Ginny replies that his father feels the same way “How… Read More