Harry Potter Timeline

Lily Evans and James Potter are married
Sirius Black is their best man (PA11). Lily’s sister Petunia refused to attend the wedding because her husband Vernon did not get along with James Potter (Pm). Read More
Harry Potter is born
Harry James Potter was born to James Potter and Lily Evans Potter. His birth appeared to fulfill a prophecy given months before by Sybill Trelawney. This prophecy would be the impetus for many events, including the death of James and Lily 18 months later. Sadly, James’ parents, Fleamont and Euphemia Potter,… Read More
Harry receives a toy broomstick for his first birthday
The toy broomstick is a gift from Sirius. Lily Potter wrote a letter to Sirius, in part to thank him for the present: Dear Padfoot, Thank you, thank you, for Harry’s birthday present! It was his favorite by far. One year old and already zooming along on a toy broomstick,… Read More
The Fidelius Charm is cast to hide the Potters, with Peter Pettigrew acting as Secret Keeper
Dumbledore had offered to be secret keeper, but James and Lily had refused, planning to go with Sirius Black instead – but switching to Pettigrew at the last minute. Read More
Defeat of Voldemort; James and Lily Potter are killed
Voldemort attempts to kill Harry Potter after murdering his parents, but the spell rebounds onto Voldemort. Harry is left alive with a scar on his forehead that hides an accidental Horcrux made of Voldemort’s shattered soul. Voldemort, nearly dead and without physical form, retreats into the forests of Albania where… Read More
Sirius Black and Hagrid arrive in Godric's Hollow to find devastation
Both are grief stricken to realize that James and Lily are dead. They rescue baby Harry from the rubble. Sirius tries to take Harry, as he is the godfather, but Hagrid insists on following Dumbledore’s instructions and take the baby to his Muggle relatives. Sirius relents and lends Hagrid his… Read More
As a result of a curse gone wrong, a piece of Voldemort's soul attaches itself to baby Harry
Harry Potter receives a scar on his forehead when the curse rebounds off of him. Voldemort’s body is destroyed in the blast and a piece of his soul attaches itself to the only living thing in the room: one-year-old Harry Potter. While not becoming an actual Horcrux, Harry functions very… Read More
McGonagall arrives on Privet Drive in the form of a tabby cat
Minerva McGonagall disguised as her cat Animagus arrives outside the home of the Dursley family on Privet Drive early in the morning of November 1, 1981. At half-past 8 a.m., Vernon Dursley leaves his driveway and notices a tabby cat reading a map on the corner near his house, which made… Read More
Hagrid delivers baby Harry to Dumbledore in Privet Drive
Hagrid arrives with Harry on Sirius’s flying motorbike. Dumbledore is waiting in Privet Drive to leave the baby with the Dursleys. Read More
Harry is left on the Dursley's doorstep
After Voldemort kills Lily and James Potter and is defeated by baby Harry, Hagrid retrieves Harry and they travel by Sirius’ flying motorbike from Godric’s Hollow to Little Whinging. Harry is asleep by the time they meet Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall outside of Number Four, Privet Drive, the home of… Read More
Harry attends Muggle primary school
Harry attends primary school beginning in 1985. He is laughed at because of his oversized, hand-me-down clothes and taped glasses, and ostracized because none of the other kids will brave Dudley’s gang to befriend him. On one occasion he turns a teacher’s wig blue. On another occasion he inexplicably finds… Read More
Fred and George leave a Dungbomb in the corridor, get in trouble, and discover the Marauder's map
They discovered the map in their first year and put it to good use until bequeathing it to Harry in December, 1993. At that point they claimed to have it memorized. Read More
A very exciting trip to the zoo for Dudley's eleventh birthday
Harry accompanies Dudley, Piers Polkiss, Aunt Petunia, and Uncle Vernon to the zoo, where he unknowingly uses Parseltongue to speak with a boa constrictor. When Dudley notices and comes running, the glass of the snake’s enclosure mysteriously disappears and the snake escapes. Read More
Harry's Hogwarts letters begin arriving
Harry receives his first letter from Hogwarts, which Uncle Vernon burns. After he boards up the letter box, letters begin to appear rolled up inside eggs and down the chimney. Read More
Harry is moved into Dudley's second bedroom
When a letter arrives addressed to Harry in the cupboard under the stairs, Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia realize that Dumbledore knows how they’ve been treating the boy. In response, they move Harry into Dudley’s second bedroom, much to Dudley’s chagrin. The next letter, which arrives to following day, is… Read More
A second letter for Harry arrives in Privet Drive
A second letter arrives for Harry in the post addressed to ‘Mr. H. Potter, The Smallest Bedroom, 4 Privet Drive.’ Harry, Uncle Vernon, and Dudley wrestle over the letter. Vernon wins the fight and gets rid of the letter (PS3). Read More
A third day of the mysterious letters for Harry
Harry gets up at 6am and creeps downstairs. His plan was to wait for the mail carrier on the corner of Privet Drive to intercept the mail for Number Four. However, Uncle Vernon had positioned himself in front of the door in a sleeping bag to prevent just… Read More
A dozen more letters arrive for Harry
The letters had been pushed through every available opening into the house, including a small bathroom windows. Uncle Vernon didn’t react well to this. Uncle Vernon stayed at home again. After burning all the letters, he got out a hammer and nails and boarded up the cracks around the… Read More
Twenty-four letters arrive for Harry, rolled up inside two dozen eggs
It’s a Saturday morning. The milkman delivers two dozen eggs to Aunt Petunia by way of the kitchen window. To her consternation, she discovers a Hogwarts letter rolled up inside each of the eggs. She shreds them in her food processor. Read More
A barrage of letters drives the Dursleys from their home
When thirty or forty letters come pouring out of the kitchen chimney at number four, Privet Drive, Uncle Vernon has had enough. He packs everyone into the car and drives around for hours. The family ends up in Cokeworth and stay the night in the Railview Hotel. Read More
The Dursleys and Harry spend the night in the Hut-on-the-Rock
Uncle Vernon rows the family out to the hut just off the coast. He brings a rifle along. However the only food he brought was a couple of bags of crisps and some bananas. Harry and Dudley sleep in the front room while Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia sleep in… Read More
The Railview Hotel owner receives about a hundred letters addressed to Harry
While eating breakfast — stale cornflakes and cold tinned tomatoes on toast — the owner of the hotel lets them know that about a hundred letters have arrived at the hotel for Harry. The address on each one says “Mr. H. Potter, Room 17, Railview Hotel, Cokeworth.” Uncle Vernon sees… Read More
Uncle Vernon drives all over Britain and end up on the coast
Uncle Vernon drives all over the countryside, trying to get away from whomever is watching them. Exactly what he was looking for, none of them knew. He drove them into the middle of a forest, got out, looked around, shook his head, got back in the car, and off they… Read MoreHarry's Eleventh Birthday
Harry spent the night before his birthday laying on the cold floor of a shack that was built on top of a large rock, way out to sea, watching his watch tick over until it hit midnight and became officially his birthday. And once it did, he got a visitor… Read More
Hagrid arrives at the hut-on-the-rock
He brings Harry a birthday cake, tells him the truth about his parents, and invites him to Hogwarts (PS4). Read More
Harry's first visit to Diagon Alley
Harry and Hagrid visit Diagon Alley. Harry realizes how famous he is when he is recognized at the Leaky Cauldron. At Gringotts, Harry learns of his parents’ fortune and Hagrid retrieves the Philosopher’s Stone. Harry meets Draco Malfoy for the first time at Madame Malkin’s Robes for All Occasions. Harry… Read More
Harry and Hagrid visit Gringotts
Hagrid retrieves the Philosopher’s Stone to take it back to Hogwarts, and helps Harry to withdraw some gold from the fortune he never knew his parents had left him. (PS5) After entering the huge, grand bank and explaining what they want to a goblin, Hagrid and Harry are… Read More
Harry and Draco meet for the first time
Both boys get fitted for their Hogwarts robes at the same time. But Draco talks about Quidditch, being spoiled by his parents, his confidence in being sorted into Slytherin, unkind things he’s heard about Hagrid (who is waiting outside with ice cream), and his belief that Muggle-borns shouldn’t be allowed… Read More
Hagrid buys Harry his owl, Hedwig
While shopping in Diagon Alley for Harry’s school things, Hagrid purchases a snowy owl at Eeylops and presents her to Harry as his birthday gift (PS5). Harry later names her Hedwig, a name he finds in A History of Magic (PS6). Read More
Molly Weasley helps Harry find Platform Nine and Three-Quarters
She notices that he appears a bit lost, so she tells him that he must run straight into a metal barrier. By this point, Harry has witnessed enough magic — his Muggle blindness is leaving him, you might say — and he takes her at her word. He runs into… Read MoreHarry's first Hogwarts Express journey
Harry catches the Hogwarts Express at 11 am at King’s Cross Station, where he is helped by Molly Weasley and encounters several members of the Weasley family. He and his fellow students then travel until evening to Hogwarts. Harry properly meets Ron Weasley and they share a compartment; he and Ron immediately… Read More
Across the Lake to Hogwarts castle
Their first view of Hogwarts is a shining castle reflected in the dark Lake. They glide through a curtain of ivy to a small, hidden pebble beach where they disembark, walk up a path, and come to the massive wooden front doors. Read More
Harry Potter is Sorted into Gryffindor
At the Sorting Ceremony, Harry is worried that he won’t be accepted, that the Hat will tell him he has to go back to the Dursleys. He thinks, “The hat seemed to be asking rather a lot; [he] didn’t feel brave or quick-witted or any of it at the moment. If… Read More
Harry's first Welcome Feast
Harry, who has spent the last ten years of his life being rather poorly fed, is astonished to see a vast display of delicious food appear on the golden plates after the Sorting: Harry’s mouth fell open. The dishes in front of him were now piled with food. He had… Read MoreStart of term for Harry's first year
Classes begin at Hogwarts for Harry Potter. Harry and Ron get into trouble with Filch when they get lost. He assumes they’re trying to break into the forbidden third floor corridor. Read MoreHarry begins his classes at Hogwarts
Harry’s classes begin at Hogwarts and he spends his first week learning his way around the school and about his classes and teachers. Read More
Harry's first potions class
Harry discovers that Professor Snape actively dislikes him when he embarrasses Harry in front of the rest of the class. However, some of the information Snape gives him was valuable later on, such as the ingredients for Wolfsbane Potion and the proper use of a bezoar to avoid poisoning. Read More
Gryffindors and Slytherins have their first flying lesson
Madam Hooch instructs the First Years in the basics of flying, using twenty of the school’s sub-par brooms. Neville injures himself falling off his his broom, and Madam Hooch escorts him to the Hospital Wing. While the class is thus unsupervised, Harry and Draco fight it out on brooms… Read More
A duel in the Trophy Room turns into an encounter with Fluffy
Draco challenges Harry to a duel the evening of their first flying lesson. Draco suggests midnight in the Trophy Room. In reality, Draco is setting Harry up to be caught out of bed after hours and has no intention of dueling anyone. Harry, with Ron in tow as his second,… Read More
Harry receives his Nimbus 2000
When Professor McGonagall saw Harry fly for the first time, she knew he would be a natural Seeker for the Gryffindor team. On the day of his first practice with Gryffindor Captain Oliver Wood, a brand new Nimbus 2000 arrives for Harry, courtesy of McGonagall. It is accompanied by a… Read More
Harry's first Quidditch practice
September 19, 1991 — Harry brings his new Nimbus 2000 broom to the Quidditch pitch at 7 pm. While waiting for Gryffindor Quidditch Captain Oliver Wood to show up, Harry flies around the goal posts, reveling in the responsiveness of the broom. When Wood arrives, he complements Harry’s… Read More
The Halloween Feast and the Mountain Troll
The feast is interrupted by a Mountain Troll who almost kills Hermione Granger; she is saved by Harry and Ron, after which they become friends. Meanwhile, Quirrell, who let the troll in, heads for the Philosopher’s Stone hidden beneath the trapdoor in the third floor corridor – but is… Read More
Quidditch match: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin (1991)
For this important Gryffindor v Slytherin Quidditch match – Harry Potter’s first ever, Harry’s friends in the audience support him with a banner reading “Potter for President” and cheer him on. From the stands, Professor Quirrell tries to knock Harry off his broom with magic during the… Read More
Harry receives the Invisibility Cloak
Among his Christmas gifts, Harry is astonished to receive is an Invisibility Cloak with an anonymous notes informing Harry that it had belonged to his father, and the admonition to “Use it well” (PS12). Read More
Harry's first Christmas dinner at Hogwarts
Harry’s first Christmas dinner at Hogwarts is a memorable affair, involving mountains of delicious food, Dumbledore wearing a bonnet, magical Christmas crackers, and the rare vision of tipsy Hagrid kissing the cheek of a blushing McGonagall (PS12). Read More
Harry discovers the Mirror of Erised
Harry slips into an unused classroom to avoid being caught out of bed by Filch and Snape. Inside the classroom is a tall, ornate mirror. When Harry looks in it, he sees his parents and generations of his family. Harry remains transfixed by what he sees until a noise startles… Read More
Harry and Dumbledore discuss the Mirror of Erised
Dumbledore explains what the Mirror does — that it shows the deepest desire of a person’s heart — and warns of the danger of losing oneself in the dream it presents. He informs Harry that the Mirror will no longer be found in that disused classroom. Read MoreCharlie's friends take Norbert
Using the invisibility cloak, Harry and Hermione sneak Norbert up to the top of the astronomy tower, where Charlie’s friends successfully attach Norbert’s crate to their brooms and fly away with the dragon without being caught. Unfortunately, Harry and Hermione forget the invisibility cloak at the top of the tower are… Read More
Detention in the Forbidden Forest
With Hagrid supervising, they track down a dead unicorn. Harry encounters Voldemort for the first time in the form of a hooded figure drinking unicorn blood. Read More
Firenze rescues Harry
Harry and Draco are on detention in the Forbidden Forest along with Fang when they view a monstrous hooded creature beside a dead unicorn drinking the animal’s silvery blood. As the creature turns to stare and then crawls on the ground towards them, Draco screams and runs away with Fang,… Read More
The Trio follow Quirrell through the trap door
After finding out that Dumbledore is gone from Hogwarts, and being unable to convince McGonagall of any danger, the trio decide to go through the trap door themselves to protect the Stone. Neville tries to stop them in a show of bravery only to be hit with a Full-Body Bind… Read More
Hermione solves the potions riddle
Hermione works out the logic of the puzzle, which she says is an excellent form of defense, since many powerful wizards have no sense of logic. She figured out which potion bottle she needed to drink to go back safely through the purple flames and warn Dumbledore and which one… Read More
Harry confronts Quirrell, defeats Voldemort
Going on alone from the potions room, Harry finds Professor Quirrell and the Mirror of Erised in the next chamber. Harry is shocked to find that Quirrell (and not Snape) has been trying to kill him and get the Philosopher’s Stone. Quirrell tries to use the Mirror of Erised to… Read MoreQuidditch match: Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw (1992)
Following his struggle with the Voldemort-possessed Professor Quirrell, a battered Harry Potter is unconscious in the Hospital Wing for three days. Because of this, he missed the last Quidditch match of the 1991-92 school year, against Ravenclaw. There was no alternative Seeker for the… Read MoreEnd of Term Feast: Quidditch & House Cups awarded (1992)
Gryffindor wins the House Cup, but not the Quidditch Cup, which goes to Slytherin. As Dumbledore starts speaking before the feast, Slytherin leads in house points with 472, Gryffindor is last with 312, and Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw are in the middle. But Dumbledore recognizes the achievements of Harry and his… Read MoreDobby intercepts Harry's mail all summer
In an attempt to protect Harry by making him feel he has no reason to return to Hogwarts for his second year, Dobby intercepts and keeps all mail being sent to Harry by his new friends from school (CS2). Read More
Harry's 12th birthday
This is the worst birthday that Harry can remember. The Dursleys have completely forgotten that today is Harry’s birthday, and he ends up having to spend it doing chores in preparation for a very important dinner party hosting one of Uncle Vernon’s clients, Mr. Mason, and his wife, Mrs. Mason. Harry is… Read More
Harry receives a warning letter from the Ministry
Dobby’s use of a Hover Charm at Number 4 Privet Drive prompts Mafalda Hopkirk of the Improper Use of Magic Office to send a letter reminding Harry that underage magic outside of school and magic that is noticed by Muggles are not allowed and letting him know that he could… Read More
The flying car arrives at the Burrow
Leaving Privet Drive in Surrey, Fred and George fly the Anglia west to Devon, toward the Burrow. The trip apparently takes several hours, since when they leave it’s nighttime and when they arrive the sun is coming up (which would be just before 6 am at that location and on… Read More
A visit to Knockturn Alley
Using Floo powder for the first time, Harry fails to follow all the instructions he’s given by the Weasleys and ends up one fireplace off. It happens to be the fireplace in Borgin and Burkes, a shop in Knockturn Alley selling all manner of dark magic items. He barely hides… Read More
Lucius Malfoy and Arthur Weasley get in a fight
At Gilderoy Lockhart’s book signing at Flourish and Blotts, Lucius Malfoy insults Arthur Weasley for associating with Muggles (Mr. and Mrs. Granger) and Arthur lunges at Lucius. Bookshelves are disturbed in the commotion. An Encyclopedia of Toadstools hits Lucius in one eye, and Arthur sustains a cut to the lip. To… Read MoreTo King's Cross by Ford Anglia
Molly doesn’t notice that the car has been magically modified, even when eight people plus all their luggage fit comfortably. A few miles down the road, Ginny realizes she forgot her diary — the diary which is really a horcrux — and they go back for it. Read More
Harry and Ron fly the car to Hogwarts
When they crash into the barrier between platforms nine and ten (and Hedwig makes a noisy fuss about it), Harry and Ron attract the attention of Muggles at King’s Cross. Unable to follow the rest of the Weasleys to platform nine and three quarters, Ron and Harry miss the Hogwarts… Read More
The Halloween Feast and 500th Deathday for Nearly Headless Nick
As a favor to Nearly-Headless Nick, Harry, Ron, and Hermione skip the Halloween feast and attend Nick’s Deathday Party in the dungeons. On the way back up from the party, Harry hears the sound of someone or something speaking a strange language. (CS8)… Read More
Quidditch match: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin (1992)
In a rainy Quidditch match against the Slytherin Quidditch Team, a rogue Bludger breaks Harry’s arm. During the game one Bludger persistently followed his every move, making it impossible for Harry to look for the Snitch or for Gryffindor’s Beaters to protect their Chasers (CS10). Determined… Read More
The Duelling Club
Harry unwittingly uses Parseltongue to talk to a snake in front of the whole school; the Hufflepuffs in particular are now entirely convinced he’s the heir of Salazar Slytherin. There is a huge turnout for the first and only meeting of Lockhart’s duelling club. Snape is also there to help… Read More
Harry learns about Parselmouths
Back in Gryffindor Tower after the Duelling Club, Ron and Hermione explain to Harry why everyone was so scared and upset when he told the snake not to attack Justin. The idea that he could be a descendent of famous Parselmouth Salazar Slytherin worries Harry and keeps him awake for… Read More
Harry sent to Dumbledore's Office, Visits the Sorting Hat and Fawkes
When Professor McGonagall finds Harry in the hallway near the petrified Justin Finch-Fletchly and Nearly Headless Nick (CS11), she takes him to Dumbledore’s Office, using the password “Sherbet Lemon” (CS12). While waiting, Harry looks around at the many sleeping Headmaster portraits on the wall, as well as Dumbledore’s… Read More
Harry and Ron use Polyjuice to "become" Crabbe and Goyle
Crabbe and Goyle are drugged (by some Sleeping Draught that Hermione puts in some chocolate cakes) and have their hair stolen by Harry and Ron. They add their hairs to the potion and drink it in the bathroom. Disguised as Crabbe and Goyle, Ron and Harry quiz Draco Malfoy and… Read More
Valentine's Day with singing dwarfs
Lockhart takes it upon himself to whip up a Valentine’s Day celebration in an effort to improve morale: The walls were all covered with large, lurid pink flowers. Worse still, heart-shaped confetti was falling from the pale blue ceiling … Lockhart, wearing lurid pink robes to match the decorations,… Read More
An Anonymous Singing Valentine for Harry
Later in the afternoon of Valentine’s Day, one of Lockhart’s “card-carrying cupid” dwarfs accosts Harry as he and the other Gryffindor second years head for Charms. The dwarf tackles Harry, sits on his ankles, and sings a Valentine’s message to him: His eyes are as green as… Read More
Harry and Ron meet Aragog
Harry and Ron follow the spiders, stopping at Hagrid’s hut to get Fang to go with them before entering the forest. Deep in the dark, thick forest, they come across Mr. Weasley’s Ford Anglia, which appears to have gained some degree of sentience and free will since it crashed into… Read More
Mr Weasley's Ford Anglia rescues Harry, Ron, and Fang
Harry, Ron, and Fang are about to be attacked and eaten by Aragog’s many offspring when the Ford Anglia, which had gone wild in the Forbidden Forest since escaping there the previous September, crashes into the clearing and rescues them. Read More
Ford Anglia Forest Rescue
After telling Harry and Ron what he knows about the Chamber of Secrets and its monster, Aragog indicates to his family that they are allowed to eat the boys and Fang. Just in time, the Ford Anglia, which appears to have “gone wild” in the Forbidden Forest and developed sentience… Read More
Harry and Ron discover the Chamber of Secrets
Harry and Ron learn that Ginny has been taken into the Chamber and go to offer their knowledge to Professor Lockhart. When they discover he’s trying to take off (and that the things he claimed to have done in his books were actually done by other people), they instead disarm him… Read More
Harry enters the Chamber of Secrets
Harry, Ron, and Professor Lockhart open the entrance to the underground Chamber. Along the way, Lockhart uses Ron’s broken wand and blasts himself with permanent Memory Spell damage and bringing down a section of the ceiling. Harry, cut off from the others, proceeds to the Chamber on his own where… Read More
The spirit-form of Voldemort is defeated by Harry
Harry kills the Basilisk and uses its fang to destroy the diary, therefore destroying Riddle and saving Ginny’s life. Gilderoy Lockhart’s memory is destroyed when he attempts to Obliviate Ron and Harry and get out of the Chamber. Later that night, the Petrified people are restored using Mandrake Draught. Read MoreHarry's 13th birthday; Aunt Marge comes for a visit with the Dursleys
Shortly after midnight, Harry receives mail from a trio of owls (PA1). Later that morning, Uncle Vernon’s sister Marge arrives with her dog Ripper for a weeklong visit (PA2)… Read More
Harry blows up Aunt Marge and runs away
Marge insults Harry’s father, and Harry’s deep anger leads to uncontrolled magic. Marge inflates like a balloon and floats up to the ceiling. Knowing he’s in trouble with the Dursleys for blowing up Marge and believing he’s expelled from Hogwarts for performing magic outside of school, Harry grabs his school… Read More
Harry stays at the Leaky Cauldron
He does his homework out in the open, eats free ice creams, picks up his books, and repeatedly stops by Quality Quidditch Supplies to admire the Firebolt. (PA3)… Read More
Harry starts his third year
Dementors search the Hogwarts Express while students are on their way to school, making Harry collapse. Read More
Dementors Board the Hogwarts Express
During a heavy rainstorm, a group of Dementors stop the Hogwarts Express as it travels to Scotland and search the train. One Dementor enters the compartment where Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny, and Lupin are traveling. Harry collapses as the Dementor approaches, but Lupin drives the Dementor away with… Read More
Lupin teaches his Third Year class how to handle a Boggart
Lupin, who believed that practical experiences were the best way to teach, brought his class of Third Years to the staff room where a Boggart had taken up residence in the wardrobe. The Boggart tried to scare a number of kids in the class, beginning with a very nervous Neville… Read More
Quidditch match: Gryffindor vs. Hufflepuff (1993)
The Gryffindor Quidditch Team loses to Hufflepuff in a match played in a howling thunderstorm. Hermione casts a spell on Harry’s glasses so that they repel water which at least allows him to see. In the midst of the match he sees a large dog in the stands… Read More
Harry spends the rest of the weekend in the Hospital Wing after his Nimbus 2000 is destroyed
After the losing the Quidditch match to Hufflepuff and his broomstick to the Whomping Willow, Harry remains in the Hospital Wing, where he gets several visitors, through the rest of the weekend (PA10). Although it is not clear what, if anything, if wrong with Harry after he wakes up… Read More
Fred and George give Harry the Marauder's Map
Fred and George Weasley know that Harry desperately wants to go to Hogsmeade but he is not allowed because escaped convict Sirius Black is on the loose and the castle is surrounded by Dementors. So they decide to give him the Marauder’s Map,… Read More
Harry receives a Firebolt
Harry wakes up on Christmas morning in 1993 to a pile of presents at the foot of his bed. Among them is a long thin box with no note attached. When Harry opens it a brand new Firebolt rolls out of the wrappings. Harry and Ron are in shock. They… Read More
Quidditch match: Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw (1994)
Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw in Harry Potter’s third year is the first Quidditch match where he is allowed to fly on his new Firebolt broom, which was given back to him only in time for one practice session with the team (PA13). It is a “must win” situation… Read More
Quidditch match: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin (1994)
In this match, the Slytherin team members resort to dirty tactics to try and beat Gryffindor’s team in what is the last Quidditch match of the year. However, in spite of Slytherin’s efforts to foul and cheat, Harry Potter catches the Snitch and Gryffindor wins… Read More
Peter Pettigrew, disguised as Scabbers the rat, is cornered and revealed
In the Shrieking Shack, Sirius Black and Remus Lupin explain the story of Pettigrew – and the story of the Marauders (PA17, PA18) Outside the shack, though, it’s a full moon – and Lupin transforms into a werewolf. In the confusion, Pettigrew escapes (PA20) and spends the… Read More
Buckbeak escapes his execution
Harry and Hermione lead the hippogriff away while the execution party – an elderly member of the Committee for the Disposal of Dangerous Creatures, Walden Macnair (the executioner), Dumbledore, and Hagrid – is busy inside Hagrid’s hut. Prompted by Dumbledore, Harry and Hermione used Hermione’s Time-Turner to return to the time… Read More
Sirius Black escapes from Hogwarts on the back of the Hippogriff Buckbeak
Buckbeak is scheduled to be executed at sundown; Sirius Black is captured and held to receive the Dementor’s Kiss (PA21). With Dumbledore’s guidance, Harry and Hermione use a time-turner to travel back three hours and free Buckbeak. Harry then casts a Patronus Charm to save himself and Sirius from… Read MoreHarry's 14th birthday
He receives loads of food – and four birthday cakes – to help combat Dudley’s diet. Read More
An invitation arrives for Harry to go to the Quidditch World Cup final
The letter from the Weasleys is in an envelope literally covered with stamps, which annoys Uncle Vernon. Harry asks if he can go and Uncle Vernon is torn between not wanting to let Harry have something good and wanting to have Harry leave his house. After much hand-wringing and threatening,… Read More
Taking the Portkey to the Quidditch World Cup
At Stoatshead Hill, Amos and Cedric Diggory, Arthur, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny Weasley, Harry, and Hermione touch a timed portkey in the form of an old boot. Harry experiences a bizarre sensation like being pulled by a hook located somewhere behind his bellybutton as the party is transported to… Read More
1994 Quidditch World Cup (Final)
The Quidditch World Cup 1994 final game is brutal and so fast-paced that Ludo Bagman’s commentary can barely keep up. The Bulgarian National Team’s young Seeker, Viktor Krum, uses his excellent flying skills to catch the Snitch, doing so despite his team being down more than… Read More
Chaos in the campground after the World Cup
Sometime after the end of the Quidditch World Cup final, the carousing in the campground turns malicious. A crowd of Death Eaters magically hoists the Muggle Roberts family high into the air and tosses them about. Other witches and wizards, perhaps drunk or merely overcome by a mob mentality, happily… Read More
Harry and his friends travel to Hogwarts
Harry, Hermione, and most of the Weasleys travel by way of three Muggle taxis from the Burrow to King’s Cross, crammed in with their luggage and overexcited pets. After the group reaches Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, Mrs. Weasley, Bill, and Charlie hint at the surprise tournament awaiting the students at Hogwarts… Read More
Durmstrang and Beauxbatons arrive at Hogwarts
The Durmstrang Institute’s ship appears in the Lake. The people from Beauxbatons arrive in a carriage pulled through the sky by Abraxans. Read More
The Triwizard Champions are chosen
After the Halloween feast is over, the venerable Goblet of Fire is brought forward. One by one, the names of the chosen champions fly out of the Goblet. They are Viktor Krum, Fleur Delacour, Cedric Diggory, and, to everyone’s surprise, Harry Potter. Read More
A fight before Double Potions
The hostility towards Harry since he became the second Hogwarts champion – and Harry’s own frustration in response – comes to a head when Harry and Malfoy have a confrontation before Potions class (GF18). Harry and Hermione head to Double Potions after lunch and find the Slytherins waiting outside… Read More
Colin Creevey retrieves Harry from Potions
Colin Creevey interrupts a particularly unpleasant period of Double Potions with the task of retrieving Harry for some sort of Tournament-related business. Professor Snape angrily tells Harry to leave, and Colin leads Harry to the classroom where the Weighing of the Wands will take… Read More
Interview in the broom cupboard
Before the Weighing of the Wands, Rita Skeeter sweeps Harry away for an interview in a broom cupboard. Harry is bothered by Skeeter’s slanted questions and the dramatic and inaccurate words of her Quick-Quotes Quill (GF18). Read MoreThe Weighing of the Wands
Garrick Ollivander makes sure the champions’ wands all work properly. They all do. Photos are taken for the Prophet (GF18). Read More
Harry practices the Summoning Charm
After Professor Moody/Barty Crouch Jr. gives Harry some hints, he realizes that he can summon his broomstick and use it to deal with dragons. Harry enlists Hermione’s help, and they skip lunch to practice the Summoning Charm in an empty classroom. At first, Harry struggles and has trouble concentrating. They… Read More
The First Task
The champions take it in turn to try to steal a golden egg from the clutches of a different kind of dragon. Harry summons his broom to help him get the egg from his dragon a Hungarian Horntail, and he completes the task in the shortest amount of time. Before… Read More
Harry, Ron, and Hermione visit the Hogwarts kitchens
Harry and Ron accompany Hermione on her visit to the house-elves in the Hogwarts kitchens. Among the house-elves in the kitchen are Dobby and Winky, who have been working at Hogwarts for a week. Winky is still deeply upset about being sacked, Dobby is happy with his new situation, and… Read More
Harry figures out the egg's clue
Following Cedric’s hint, Harry takes his golden egg with him to the Prefects’ bathroom and – with some nudging from Moaning Myrtle – figures out that he can make out the words to a cryptic merpeople song about the second task and the Hogwarts lake when he listens to the… Read More
The Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament
Harry swims to rescue Ron from the depths of the lake, where he is being held by merpeople. Hermione is rescued by Viktor Krum. Read More
Hogsmeade trip and meeting with Sirius
Harry, Ron, and Hermione leave the castle at noon on a mild Saturday in March and walk to Hogsmeade. They buy some outlandish socks at Gladrags as a thank-you gift for Dobby. At 1:30, they meet up with Sirius (who is in his animagus form) at the outskirts of the village… Read MoreHarry's classmates sit their end-of-term exams
Harry’s classmates sit their end-of-term exams in June, finishing them on the day of the third task of the Triwizard Tournament (GF31). The Triwizard Champions are exempt from exams. Up until the day of the task, while his classmates are being tested, Harry sits in the back of the room… Read More
Duel in the Graveyard
After Voldemort’s rebirth in the Little Hangleton graveyard, he forces Harry into a duel. He intends to show his superiority over Harry in defeating him. However, the twin wand cores result in a very different outcome when the Priori Incantatem effect produces images of the last spells Voldermort cast. These… Read More
The Third Task
The third task is a maze of 20 foot high hedges on the quidditch pitch, with the Triwizard cup placed in the center. The first to reach it will be the winner of the Triwizard tournament. Hagrid and Professors McGonagall, Moody and Flitwick are dispatched as patrollers around the edge… Read MoreVoldemort kidnaps Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory
Cedric is killed by Wormtail using Voldemort’s wand. Voldemort is restored to his body in an ancient ceremony (GF32). The Death Eaters are called back to him and they gather (GF33). Voldemort and Harry then duel, and Harry manages to escape with Cedric’s body (GF34). Back at… Read More
Voldemort is reborn
After years of plotting, striving, and thwarted attempts, Lord Voldemort is reborn by means of a complicated ritual in the graveyard near Little Hangleton. Wormtail performs the ritual, sacrificing his own hand in the process. The ritual also required blood from Harry Potter and the bones of Tom Marvolo Riddle’s… Read More
Harry escapes the graveyard by portkey
As Voldemort and Harry duel in front of the Death Eaters, the twin phoenix feather cores of their wands create a “Reverse Spell Effect” known as Priori Incantatem, and shades of Voldemort’s previous victims come out of his yew wand and protect Harry, including… Read More
Dementors attack Dudley and Harry
Two Dementors attack Harry and Dudley in an alley in Little Whinging. The Dementors show up just as Harry is frightening Dudley by pretending to perform magic. The Dementors, we find out later, had been sent by Dolores Umbridge (OP32). After Harry saves his cousin and himself (he successfully conjures… Read More
The Advance Guard escort Harry to No 12 Grimmauld Place
The Dursleys depart for what they believe to be the prize-giving of the All-England Best Kept Suburban Lawn Competition. The Advance Guard — “Mad-Eye” Moody, Remus Lupin, Nymphadora Tonks, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Elphias Doge, Dedalus Diggle, Emmeline Vance, Sturgis Podmore, and Hestia Jones — arrive at number four, Privet Drive to… Read More
Harry's disciplinary hearing
Harry attends his hearing for underage magic in front of a Muggle in defending himself and Dudley from Dementors. Fudge continues to disbelieve him about Voldemort’s return, and Dumbledore arrives to assist Harry. Mrs. Figg testifies and Harry is cleared of all charges. He sees the Department of Mysteries corridor… Read More
First day of Harry's fifth year
At 11 am, the Hogwarts Express departs King’s Cross Station. Ginny introduces Harry and Neville to Luna Lovegood (OP10). After the train arrives at Hogwarts, Harry sees Thestrals for the first time (OP10). At the feast, the Sorting Hat sings a song of warning, and Dolores Umbridge is introduced (OP11). Read More
Classes begin for Harry's fifth year
Ron confronts Cho Chang about the Tutshill Tornados, after which Hermione tells him off (OP12). From this point on, Hermione tends to drag Ron out of the way when Cho wants to talk with Harry. Harry is given a week’s worth of detentions by Umbridge and a biscuit by… Read More
Second day of class and Harry's first detention with Umbridge
Harry gets public support from Luna Lovegood and Ernie Macmillan, while Angelina appears to be channeling Oliver Wood’s spirit. At 5 p.m., Harry’s first detention with Umbridge begins. Read MoreHarry's third detention with Umbridge
Harry then encounters Ron, who learns the full truth about the detentions as Harry learns about Ron’s private Keeper practices. Read MoreAt 5 p.m., both the Gryffindor Keeper tryouts and Harry's fourth detention with Umbridge begin
Harry’s detention lasts until after nightfall. Ron Weasley is selected as Gryffindor’s Keeper. Read More
Harry and Hermione found the D.A.
Hermione invites interested students to the Hog’s Head, and twenty-eight people show up. In the dirty, seedy Hog’s Head pub, where many of the more typical patrons keep their faces covered, students gather who are interested in going around Umbridge and learning more than just theory of Defense Against… Read More
The first meeting of Dumbledore's Army
Thanks to a tip from Dobby, they find a place to meet – the Room of Requirement – and spend the first lesson working on Expelliarmus. Read More
Quidditch match: Gryffindor vs. Slytherin (1995)
The Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch teams play their first match of the 1995-96 season. Ravenclaw Luna Lovegood has constructed a roaring Lion Hat to show her support for Gryffindor. The Slytherin supporters have invented a song, “Weasley is Our King“, to unnerve Keeper Ron Weasley. Ron, who… Read More
Harry's first kiss
After the last DA lesson before Christmas, Cho Chang remains behind in the Room of Requirement with Harry. They talk about the DA and about Cedric’s death, she starts to cry, then they kiss. Later, in the common room, Harry describes the experience as “wet.”… Read More
Neville and his Gran visit his parents in St. Mungos
On Christmas day, Neville and his Gran visit Neville’s parents in St Mungos. While there, Harry, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione happen to visit the same ward and are surprised to learn the truth about Neville’s parents – that they were tortured to insanity by Bellatrix and her cronies and that… Read More
Valentine's Day in Hogsmeade
Harry Potter has his first date with Cho Chang. They have coffee at Madam Puddifoot’s Tea Shop and Harry’s tactlessness causes a misunderstanding. Harry then meets Hermione at the Three Broomsticks where he finds her sitting with Rita Skeeter and Luna. Harry agrees to be… Read More
Quibbler publishes Harry's story
Harry receives many letters unexpectedly at breakfast and realizes that the Quibbler interview he gave to Rita Skeeter on Valentines’ Day has been published in the March issue. Umbridge is not impressed and tries to ban the magazine. By mid-morning, Educational Decree #27 makes possession of the Quibbler an expulsion… Read More
The D.A. is caught
Marietta Edgecombe squeals on the D.A. to Umbridge. Rather than let Harry get expelled, Dumbledore takes the fall instead and is removed from Hogwarts. Unwilling to “go quietly,” he instead makes a dramatic escape. Read More
McGonagall and Umbridge give Harry careers advice
Professor McGonagall supports Harry’s ambition to become an Auror over Headmistress and Hogwarts High Inquisitor Umbridge’s objections (OP29). Read More
Quidditch match: Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw (1996)
During the Gryffindor vs. Ravenclaw Quidditch match, from which Harry Potter is banned from playing, he and Hermione Granger go with Hagrid deep into the Forbidden Forest to meet his giant half-brother Grawp (OP30). In spite of Slytherin supporters singing “Weasley is our… Read MoreStudents in Harry's year start their O.W.L.s
Harry and the others in his Year sit their Ordinary Wizarding Level (O.W.L.) examinations. The first day is Charms, with a written exam in the morning and a practical exam in the afternoon. O.W.L.s occurs over the span of two weeks. Here’s the full schedule. First week of O.W.L.s: Monday… Read More
Harry takes his O.W.L.s, but they are interrupted by a vision of Sirius being tortured
In the afternoon, Harry takes his History of Magic exam. He has a vision of Sirius being tortured in the Department of Mysteries and tries to figure out what to do. After a delay trying to contact Grimmauld Place and being caught by Umbridge (OP32), Harry takes off for… Read More
The Battle of the Department of Mysteries
On the evening of June 20, 1996, a running battle is fought between members of the D.A. led by Harry Potter, a group of Death Eaters led by Lucius Malfoy, and members of the Order of the Phoenix. Sirius Black is killed and many others are wounded (OP35). When… Read More
Sirius Black is killed by Bellatrix
During the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Bellatrix hits Sirius Black with a spell in the chest. His body, still smiling, falls through the veil in the Death Chamber (OP35). Read More
Harry learns the truth about the Prophecy
After the death of Sirius during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, and after Voldemort and Dumbledore duel spectacularly in the Atrium, Harry is transported back to Dumbledore’s office by means of a Portkey as dawn breaks. When Dumbledore returns, Harry rages and breaks things while… Read More
The Second War begins
It’s a busy two weeks: When Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge refuses to step aside for Voldemort, the Brockdale Bridge is destroyed, killing dozens of Muggles. Amelia Bones, Head of Magical Law Enforcement, and Emmeline Vance, a member of the Order of the Phoenix, are murdered – the former by… Read More
Harry receives Dumbledore's letter about the his upcoming visit to Privet Drive
Professor Dumbledore writes that he will come on Friday night to take Harry to the Burrow, where he will spend the remainder of his summer (HBP3). Read More
Dumbledore chats with the Dursleys in their living room
He comes to collect Harry but needs to settle a few details first. Thinking Dumbledore coming to take him on an errand and then to the Burrow might just be too good to be true, Harry hasn’t packed or told the Dursleys about this when Dumbledore arrives on Privet Drive… Read More
Dumbledore and Harry visit Slughorn
July 13, 1996, just after midnight – En route to the Burrow from Privet Drive, Dumbledore takes Harry to call on Horace Slughorn – who, in trying to evade the Death Eaters, possible employers, and anyone who would make him do work or associate himself with one side over another in… Read More
Conversation in the broomshed at The Burrow
July 13, 1996 – Harry and Dumbledore travel via Side-Along Apparition to the Burrow, arriving just after midnight. Before going in, Dumbledore takes Harry aside. In an uncharacteristically intimate conversation, the two discuss Sirius’ death and Harry’s reaction to it, the fact that Harry should confide in Ron and Hermione,… Read More
O.W.L. results arrive at the Burrow
Harry and Ron each earned seven O.W.L.s while Hermione earned eleven – ten Outstandings and one Exceeds Expectations (HBP5). The only grades below “Exceeds Expectations” that Harry got were in History of Magic (he passed out during the exam), Astronomy (the exam during which Hagrid was arrested in full… Read MoreHarry's 16th birthday
Harry celebrates at the Burrow, but the celebrations are marred by reports of Dementor attacks and disappearances brought home by Arthur, Bill, and Lupin. Read More
Slug Club meeting on Hogwarts Express
On the train, Harry sits with Neville and Luna until Slughorn invites him to tea. Then Harry endures hours of boring conversation with Slughorn and Hogwarts students with important connections (HBP7). Read More
On Harry's first day of class, he receives the Half-Blood Prince's old Potions book
Snape tries to jinx Harry in Defence Against the Dark Arts, but he excels in Potions and wins a bottle of Felix Felicis. Harry owes his success to the old copy of Advanced Potion-Making from Slughorn’s cupboard, inscribed with the name “The Half-Blood Prince,” which was edited by a past… Read More
Harry's first lesson with Dumbledore
On the way to Dumbledore’s office, Harry avoids Professor Trelawney, who has been drinking and is interpreting what a set of playing cards indicate about the future. They view Bob Ogden‘s memory of his first visit to the Gaunt house and discuss the circumstances surrounding Voldemort’s… Read More
Harry's second lesson with Dumbledore
First, Harry and Dumbledore briefly discuss Mundungus and Draco, and Dumbledore discusses Merope Gaunt with Harry again. Together, they then view a memory of Dumbledore’s, in which he visits Tom Riddle’s childhood orphanage to invite him to Hogwarts. Dumbledore learns Riddle’s history and discovers that he has already been using magic, hates… Read More
Harry asks Luna to go to Slughorn's party with him
Harry, beset by flocks of girls vying to be his date for the party, on an impulse asks Luna to go with him. He meets her as she comes out of the bathroom. She had been comforting Hermione, who had been crying after Ron mockingly imitated her in class (… Read More
Slughorn's Christmas party
To the dismay of Romilda Vane and other admirers of the Chosen One, Harry attends with Luna Lovegood; Hermione brings Cormac McLaggen to annoy Ron. Also in attendance are a vampire, sundry notables “collected” by Slughorn, Professor Snape, Professor Trelawney, and a wait staff of House Elves. Hermione leaves Cormac… Read More
Harry's third lesson with Dumbledore
They discuss Rufus Scrimgeour and view two memories: in the first, Morfin tells Voldemort about his family just before Voldemort kills the Riddles; in the second (which Slughorn has modified), Voldemort asks Slughorn about horcruxes. Finally, Dumbledore sets Harry homework – to obtain the rest of Slughorn’s memory. (HBP17) It… Read More
First Apparition Lesson
Harry and the other sixth years take their first Apparition lesson, under watchful eye of the Ministry instructor, Wilkie Twycross. None of the students manage to Apparate in this first lesson, although Susan Bones does manage to Splinch herself (HBP18). The lessons will continue for twelve… Read More
Harry's fourth lesson with Dumbledore
After getting the message about the lesson from Luna Harry arrives at his lesson with Dumbledore – having forgotten to do his homework and get the full memory from Slughorn. They watch two memories. In the first, Riddle visits Hepzibah Smith and sees what will become one of his horcruxes days before… Read More
Dobby and Kreacher discover that Malfoy is using the Room of Requirement
Late at night, Dobby and Kreacher appear in the common room to tell Harry what they have learned from tailing Draco Malfoy. Kreacher says only good things about Draco, but Dobby says that he has been visiting the Room of Requirment and using what seem to be several different students… Read More
Slughorn finally gives up his memory to Harry, thanks to Felix Felicis
Harry visits Hagrid with Slughorn, where the three hold a burial for Aragog. Slughorn and Hagrid drink to honor the deceased Acromantula, and when Hagrid falls asleep, Harry talks with Slughorn about his and Dumbledore’s efforts to reveal Voldemort’s past. Slughorn had refused to share his own… Read More
Harry uses Sectumsempra on Malfoy
A duel breaks out when Draco realizes that Harry has walked in on him crying and expressing his fears to Moaning Myrtle. Having been hoping for an opportunity to discover what the spell Sectumsempra does, Harry uses it on Malfoy. Harry regrets this and rushes to Malfoy when… Read More
Harry and Ginny kiss for the first time
The first kiss between Harry and Ginny happened spontaneously in front of the members of Gryffindor House after they won the Quidditch Cup (HBP24). Read More
Harry and Ginny begin dating
After their first kiss in the Gryffindor common room following Gryffindor’s win of the Quidditch Cup, Harry and Ginny spend a few weeks happily together. Read MoreHarry serves his first detention with Snape
Harry had duelled with Draco Malfoy and used the Dark spell Sectumsempra, leaving Draco bleeding on the floor until Professor Snape arrived to save his life. As a result, Harry had to serve a detention with Snape on Saturday instead of playing in the last Quidditch match… Read More
Harry and Dumbledore set out to find a Horcrux
They leave Hogwarts on foot since it’s not possible to Apparate on Hogwarts grounds and walk through Hogsmeade. They greet Madam Rosmerta by the Three Broomsticks, then walk on to the Hog’s Head before Apparating away. Read More
Harry and Dumbledore retrieve the fake Horcrux from inside Voldemort's sea cave
Harry and Dumbledore enter the cave where Voldemort has hidden a Horcrux. After swimming to the entrance, Dumbledore spatters it with his blood to gain entry and they take a hidden boat across a lake. Protecting the Horcrux is a potion that Dumbledore drinks, though Harry must force him to;… Read More
The Battle of The Tower
While Dumbledore is away, a gang of Death Eaters, led by Draco Malfoy, sneaks into Hogwarts through the vanishing cabinet in the Room of Requirement. They battle the Order of the Phoenix, and when Dumbledore and Harry return, Dumbledore freezes Harry as Draco arrives to Disarm Dumbledore (HBP27). After a… Read More
Dumbledore is killed
Lured to the Astronomy Tower by the Dark Mark above it upon his and Harry’s return from the sea cave, Dumbledore encounters Draco Malfoy. Dumbledore immobilizes Harry, who is hidden under his invisibility cloak. Draco says he will kills Dumbledore, but keeps stalling. Draco and Dumbledore discuss Draco’s efforts to… Read More
Preparation for the Horcrux Hunt
There was no way that Hermione and Ron were going to let Harry go Horcrux hunting alone. So they had to prepare. Hermione started to research, as she does, spells and potions that she thought they would need. One of those spells helped her create her purple beaded bag with… Read More
Battle of the Seven Potters
The Battle of the Seven Potters is an aerial battle over southern England fought on the evening of 27 July 1997 between members of the Order of the Phoenix led by Mad-Eye Moody and a group of Death Eaters led by Lord Voldemort. The Order of the Phoenix strives to… Read More
The Battle of Seven Potters ends with a motorbike crash
The Battle of the Seven Potters ends with Harry and Hagrid crashing into the pond, within the magical protections surrounding Tonk’s house. Voldemort, who was in pursuit, cannot pass through the magical barrier. Harry is safe, at least for now. Read More
Harry meets Andromeda and Ted Tonks
They rescue him and Hagrid after they crash into the pond in the Tonks’ garden at the end of the Battle of the Seven Potters. Read More
Harry comes of age
Harry, staying at the Burrow, wakes up from a dream of Voldemort searching for Gregorovich and realizes that the Trace is removed. He does random magic (Accio Glasses) and is given a book from Ron who tells him: “This isn’t your average book. It’s pure gold: Twelve Fail-Safe Ways to Charm Witches. Read More
The fight at the all-night cafe
The trio Disapparate from the infiltrated wedding at the Burrow to Tottenham Court Road. To calm down and figure out their next move the trio duck into an all-night café. However, because Hermione said ‘Voldemort’, enacting the Taboo for the first time, two undercover Death Eaters, Rowle… Read More
Kreacher returns with Dung
Dung informs them that the locket went to Umbridge, who wears it at the Ministry of Magic. Mundungus Fletcher is not happy about being abducted by Kreacher, and there is a brief struggle upon their arrival – with Mundungus getting disarmed by Hermione and tackled by Ron. Before Harry or his friends… Read More
Lupin quarrels with Harry in Grimmauld Place
Lupin, worried that his expected child with Tonks will be a werewolf and feeling guilty for starting a family despite his outcast status, comes to Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place and tries to convince Harry to let him join in on the quest. Harry gets angry at Lupin for abandoning his… Read More
The Infiltration of the Ministry
Harry, Ron, and Hermione use Polyjuice Potion to impersonate Ministry Employees (DH12). They recover a Horcrux and make a narrow escape (DH13). Read More
Harry, Ron, and Hermione move to a new town, encounter Dementors
On the run after escaping the Ministry, Harry, Ron and Hermione set up camp at the edge of a small town. Harry then takes his Invisibility Cloak and goes into the town in search of food. However, he does not get very far before he encounters dementors and discovers that… Read More
The trio camps at a farm, where they find bread and eggs
Hermione frets about stealing the bread and eggs even though she left money to pay for the items in the chicken coop. Ron, with his mouth full of scrambled eggs on toast, tells her “‘Er—my—nee, ’oo worry ’oo much. ‘Elax!” (DH14)… Read More
Ron leaves the quest
Ron, affected by the Horcrux locket, accuses Harry of not knowing what he’s doing, loses his temper, and leaves (DH15). Read More
Harry and Hermione visit Godric's Hollow
In disguise, Harry and Hermione visit Godric’s Hollow on Christmas Eve. First they see a statue of baby Harry with his parents (disguised to Muggles as a war memorial) and visit James’ and Lily’s graves, where they also see the Deathly Hallows symbol on Ignotus Peverell’s grave and the graves of… Read More
Nagini in Bathilda Bagshot's house
Harry and Hermione, in disguise as an elderly Muggle couple, encounter who they think is Bathilda Bagshot in Godric’s Hollow on Christmas Eve. They follow her to her house, where she is revealed to be Nagini. In the ensuing battle, Hermione’s quick thinking saves the day, but Harry’s wand is… Read More
A silvery doe reunites Harry with Ron and the sword
On watch in the Forest of Dean, Harry sees a silvery doe and follows it to discover Gryffindor’s sword in a frozen lake; when he tries to get it, Ron appears, saves Harry’s life when the locket tries to strangle him it the water, and uses the sword to destroy… Read More
Captured by Snatchers
After receiving an emotional high from hearing familiar voices and support on Potterwatch, Harry accidentally lets slip Voldemort’s name, which is taboo to speak. It breaks all of their protective enchantments and brings a group of Snatchers, led by werewolf Fenrir Greyback, to the Trio’s location. An… Read More
Escape from Malfoy Manor
Narcissa brings the captives into the drawing room so Draco can positively identify Harry. He does so reluctantly and half-heartedly, but before the Dark Lord is summoned Bellatrix tortures Hermione and Griphook for information about the Sword of Gryffindor. During the torture Harry and Ron are brought to the cellar where… Read More
Dobby's funeral
After being killed by Bellatrix Lestrange’s knife (DH23), Dobby is laid to rest near Shell Cottage. Harry digs the grave by hand. As he does this, he is aware of the anger Voldemort is feeling, but Harry’s own grief is much stronger. The frustration and loss help Harry to… Read More
The Great Gringotts Robbery
Harry, Ron, Hermione, & Griphook break into Gringotts, steal Hufflepuff’s Cup, lose Gryffindor’s sword, and escape on a dragon. Before leaving Shell Cottage, Hermione disguises herself as Bellatrix Lestrange with the use of Polyjuice Potion and disguises Ron by using spells to alter his facial features. Harry and Griphook are… Read More
Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Griphook set out for Gingotts
They wake up at 6 AM, meet in the garden of Shell Cottage, and leave shortly thereafter. They get to Diagon Alley around 7AM. Read More
The Trio recover Hufflepuff's Cup, a Horcrux, from the Lestrange Family Vault
They discover the Cup when they break into Gringotts with the help of Polyjuice Potion and some well-placed Imperious Curses. Read More
The Gringotts dragon takes Harry, Ron, and Hermione north to a lake
The flight lasts many hours, from mid-morning until sundown, which would be between 8 and 9 pm, depending on where the lake was located. It isn’t a pleasant flight. On and on they flew, over countryside parceled out in patches of green and brown, over roads and rivers winding through… Read More
Prelude to battle
Hogwarts gears up for battle as Voldemort seeks out the Horcruxes and takes flight for the school; Ron and Hermione destroy Hufflepuff’s Cup as Harry seeks the diadem of Ravenclaw… Read More
The piece of Voldemort's soul in Harry is destroyed
Harry faces Voldemort in the forest, unarmed and awaiting death. Harry is not a Horcrux, but he is harboring a piece of the Dark Lord’s soul. This piece is destroyed when Voldemort hurls the Killing Curse at Harry, thereby eliminating one more option for immortality for the Dark Lord. Read More
Harry walks into the Forest to meet Voldemort
After emerging from the pensieve and realizing that he is a Horcrux and must be killed (DH33), Harry starts walking towards the forest. He is at once terrified and numb. He reflects on how precious life is. He has his Invisibility Cloak on as he passes by the Great… Read More
The Death of Voldemort
He dies when hit by his own curse in the Great Hall, the climax of the Battle of Hogwarts. (DH36)… Read More
Battle of Hogwarts
May 1-2, 1998 The climactic final showdown between the side of good and the side of evil. Hogwarts Castle was damaged in this battle and fifty people died defending it, including Fred Weasley, Tonks, Remus Lupin, and Colin Creevey. The Death Eaters enlisted… Read More
Harry and Dumbledore Talk at King's Cross
After Voldemort struck him down with the Killing Curse in the Forbidden Forest (DH33), Harry finds himself lying naked and without his glasses on a sort of floor surrounded by a bright white mist. Slowly his surroundings take on the shape of King’s Cross Station in London, and when… Read More
Harry Potter becomes Head of the Auror Department
After joining the Aurors at the age of 17 after his defeat of Voldemort in 1998, Harry went on to become Head of the Department in 2007. Read More
The new generation at King's Cross
Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione bring their children to Hogwarts Express and send the older ones off to school. Draco Malfoy is also there with his wife and son, and Teddy Lupin is also there, seeing off Victoire Weasley. Albus Severus Potter, Rose Weasley, and Scorpius Malfoy are all about to… Read MoreAlbus Potter starts his first year
Albus Potter, the second son of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley, boards the Hogwarts Express on Platform Nine and Three-quarters at King’s Cross to start his first year at Hogwarts School and, to everyone’s surprise, he is sorted into Slytherin House (CC1.2, CC1.3, CC1.4). Read MoreDraco asks the Ministry to deny rumours about Scorpius's parentage
Draco Malfoy speaks to Harry Potter at King’s Cross as their sons board the Hogwarts Express for their second year. Draco wants the Ministry of Magic to make a statement about the rumours that Scorpius is the son of Voldemort as a result of using a… Read MoreAlbus Potter destroys his Hogsmeade permission form
Albus Potter uses the Fire-Making Spell (“Incendio”) to destroy the Hogsmeade permissions form his father Harry has signed. Harry had pointed out that it was a chance for Albus to go to Honeydukes without his mother Ginny interfering. However, Albus has an argument with his father… Read MoreLily Potter starts her first year
Lily Potter boards the Hogwarts Express on Platform Nine and Three-quarters at King’s Cross, is sorted into Gryffindor House and starts her first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry (CC1.4). Her brother Albus may have had a small hope in his heart that she would… Read More
Harry Potter heads the Department of Magical Law Enforcement
By the time that the Hogwarts Express is leaving King’s Cross for the start of his son Albus’s fourth year, Harry Potter has become the head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement (CC1.5). This would be a promotion to the post from within the Ministry, as he… Read MoreA Time-Turner is confiscated in a Ministry raid
After hearing a rumour about an illegal Time-Turner, Harry Potter and his team of Aurors from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement raid the Nott residence and confiscate it. Harry turns over the Time-Turner to Hermione Granger, the Minister for Magic, for safekeeping (CC1.5). Read MoreHermione visits Harry's office and checks his paperwork
Waiting for Harry Potter to return to his office after the Department of Magical Law Enforcement raids Theodore Nott’s residence, Hermione Granger looks through the paperwork piles on his desk and discovers reports about movements of Voldemort’s former allies such as the trolls and giants. Harry… Read MoreAmos Diggory insists on meeting Harry Potter at home
After having several appointments to meet with Harry Potter at his office in the Ministry of Magic postponed, Amos Diggory comes to Harry and Ginny’s house the night before the start of term to beg him to use a Time-Turner to save his son Cedric. He… Read MoreAlbus Potter overhears Amos Diggory and meets Delphi
Albus Potter is sitting on the stairs and listens to the conversation between his father Harry and Amos Diggory, who is asking Harry to save his son Cedric. Albus is surprised by Delphi who explains her relationship with Amos and they have a conversation (CC1.6). Read MoreHarry Potter gives his children their pre-Hogwarts gifts
As it is the night before they are going back to Hogwarts, Harry Potter distributes gifts from himself and from their Uncle Ron Weasley to his three children. James gets his father’s Invisibility Cloak and a prank comb from Ron. Lily gets fluttering fairy wings… Read MoreLily Potter receives fairy wings from her father Harry
Lily Potter receives fluttering fairy wings from her father and some farting gnomes from her Uncle Ron as presents the night before the start of the school year (CC1.7). Read MoreHarry Potter and his son Albus argue
After receiving the back-to-school presents from his father, Albus Potter and Harry have an argument, which turns into a blazing row. Harry is hoping to become closer to his son, but Albus feels that he needs to be grateful – and he also struggles with having a famous… Read More
Harry hears Lord Voldemort's voice during a nightmare
Harry Potter has a nightmare after his argument with son Albus. While it starts with the night at the Hut-on-the-Rock (PS4), the voice of Lord Voldemort interrupts Hagrid telling Harry that he was a famous wizard (CC1.8). Harry and Ginny then discuss the… Read MoreLily Potter starts her second year
Lily Potter boards the Hogwarts Express on Platform Nine and Three-quarters at King’s Cross and starts her second year at Hogwarts (CC1.10). Read MoreMinistry of Magic meeting about Dark Magic
A public meeting is called at the Ministry of Magic by Minister Hermione Granger, to discuss the movements of Lord Voldemort’s former allies and ask for vigilance regarding Dark Magic – all worrying signs. Giants, trolls and werewolves have been increasingly active. The meeting descends into name-calling and… Read MoreAfter the failed Ministry meeting, a Hogwarts owl arrives
After the failure of the public meeting at the Ministry of Magic, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Ginny Weasley and Harry Potter sit in the Potter’s kitchen and discuss Draco Malfoy’s outburst. Hermione insists that she will not be like former Minister, Cornelius Fudge, and “stick… Read MoreThe worried parents of Albus and Scorpius meet at the Ministry
At the Ministry of Magic, Hermione Granger holds a meeting with Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley and Ron Weasley to discuss what to do about the missing children Albus and Scorpius. After Draco and Ginny start shouting at each other, Harry admits that… Read MoreHarry Potter has another nightmare and hears the voice of Voldemort
Following the complete disappearance of his son Albus and Scorpius Malfoy from the Hogwarts Express, Harry Potter has a nightmare about living with the Dursleys and particularly his Aunt Petunia berating him. He also hears the voice of Voldemort again, a and sees Albus wearing the robes… Read MoreThe families of Albus and Scorpius arrive at Hogwarts
Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy start arriving in Headteacher McGonagall’s office at Hogwarts via the Floo Network, making a mess of her carpet. They agree to search the Forbidden Forest for Albus and Scorpius (CC2.3). Read MoreHarry Potter meets Bane in the Forbidden Forest
Harry Potter encounters the centaur Bane in the Forbidden Forest. Bane reminds him that the forest land has belonged to the centaurs since the Battle of Hogwarts and that Harry is trespassing without permission. However, although unwilling or unable to help find Albus in the forest,… Read MoreHarry Potter forbids his son Albus from being friends with Scorpius
Harry Potter, sitting by his son Albus’s bed in the hospital wing at Hogwarts, has a conversation with a portrait of Albus Dumbledore. Dumbledore’s portrait is unable to give him the advice he wants, saying “I am paint and memory, Harry” (CC2.8). When his son awakes, Harry… Read MoreAlbus Potter discovers the consequences of their time travel
Albus Potter chases his father Harry, arguing with him about his friendship with Scorpius Malfoy. They meet his uncle, a much-changed Ron Weasley, now staid and conservative. A shocked Albus realises that he and Scorpius have altered past events by their use of the Time-Turner. Read More
Harry Potter and Professor McGonagall argue about his son Albus
Harry Potter insists that Professor McGonagall monitors his son Albus’s movements with the Marauder’s Map. McGonagall argues with him about the wisdom of depending on the centaur Bane’s words or relying on advice from a portrait: “A headteacher’s portrait is a memoir. It is… Read More
Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter fight a duel
Ginny and Harry Potter disagree on how Harry is dealing with his fears over their son Albus (CC2.13). Draco Malfoy comes to their home and demands to know why Harry is keeping Scorpius and Albus apart. Harry questions Scorpius’s parentage. They fight a duel. Ginny… Read MoreDraco Malfoy and Harry Potter have a conversation
With Ginny Weasley on hand to keep the peace, Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter have a conversation about their sons and about friendship. Draco admits he has trouble talking to Scorpius since his wife Astoria died. He had always envied the friendship between Harry, Ron and… Read MoreGinny, Harry and Draco arrive in McGonagall's office
Ginny Weasley, her husband Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy arrive in Headmistress McGonagall’s office by Floo Powder, wanting to see their children. McGonagall agrees as she sees that Harry has backed down from keeping Albus and Scorpius apart. She checks the… Read More
Albus and Scorpius get into the Lake via Moaning Myrtle's bathroom
Albus Potter, with Scorpius Malfoy, enters Moaning Myrtle’s girls’ bathroom and demonstrates using the Engorgement Charm on a piece of soap. Myrtle appears in the sink and they tell her that they are planning to save Cedric Diggory. She reveals that the sink pipes in this… Read More
Hermione and Ron caught by Dementors, Snape fights Umbridge
October 2020 Ron Weasley is in pain on the return from using the Experimental Time-Turner at the First Task. He and Hermione Granger are caught by the Dementors, as they allow Severus Snape and Scorpius Malfoy to escape. However, Snape is stopped by… Read MoreAlbus and Scorpius are given a year's worth of detentions
An extremely angry and distressed Headmistress McGonagall gives Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy detention for the rest of the year. She points out the stupidity of what they were attempting and, even though their intentions were “honourable, but misguided”. Their actions had “resurrected the worst wizard the… Read MoreHarry Potter visits his son Albus in Slytherin
Harry Potter visits his son Albus in his room inside the Slytherin dormitory at Hogwarts. They talk to each other about what has happened. Albus tries to explain why he wanted to save Cedric Diggory. Harry listens and apologises for suspecting Scorpius Malfoy of being… Read More
Harry Potter has a nightmare about Godric's Hollow
Harry Potter has a dream about visiting Godric’s Hollow with his Aunt Petunia, who tries to explain away the flowers for Lily and James. He again hears the voice of Lord Voldemort and sees his son Albus (CC3.12). As he talks about his dream with… Read MoreScorpius and Albus are missing from their dormitory
Joined by Professor McGonagall, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley discover that their son Albus has left the Slytherin dormitory with Scorpius Malfoy. McGonagall goes to search the school, but Ginny asks Harry how heated his discussion with Albus had become (CC3.15). Read MoreDelphi is spotted with Albus and suspicions start to arise
Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger are in her office at the Ministry of Magic. He reveals that he was drunk at their original wedding and, knowing that they loved each other in other timelines, would like to have a marriage renewal ceremony (CC3.17). When Harry Potter,… Read More
A search of Delphi's room at St Oswald's reveals her identity
Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley make a search of Delphi’s room at the St Oswald’s Home for Old Witches and Wizards, trying to find out who she really is (CC3.21). Ginny discovers a hissing oil lamp which… Read MoreThe Wizarding World learns of Lord Voldemort's daughter
Minister for Magic Hermione Granger, at a second Extraordinary General Meeting, announces to the wizarding world that Lord Voldemort had a daughter, whose whereabouts are currently unknown (CC4.1). Hermione, Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Ginny Weasley and Ron Weasley stand together to take responsibility. Read More
Dumbledore's portrait and Harry talk - and Draco Malfoy arrives
31 October 2020 While Harry Potter is in his office at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Albus Dumbledore visits his portrait and they have a conversation. Dumbledore attempts to speak to Harry about love. Harry counters that that he is so bad at understanding his own… Read MoreAlbus and Scorpius discuss ways to send a message through time
31 October 1981 Needing to warn his father Harry quickly about Delphi’s plan to kill him, Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy are waiting and watching in Godric’s Hollow outside Lily and James Potter’s house. They discuss possible ways of telling his father where they… Read MoreHarry and Ginny decipher the message on the blanket
31 October 2020 Sitting with his old baby blanket and remembering his parents – as he does every year on Hallow’s Eve, Harry Potter is joined by his wife Ginny in Albus’s room. As they look at the blanket, Harry sees the holes that the Love Potion… Read MoreThe Golden Time-Turner is used to go back in Time
31 October 2020 Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley arrive in Godric’s Hollow and are surprised at the changes. Putting aside their differences, they use the Golden Time-Turner to go back in Time (CC4.7). 31 October 1981 Arriving in… Read MoreHarry and Ginny discuss Albus, Delphi and Lord Voldemort
31 October 1981 While Albus sleeps, Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley discuss Harry’s love for their son (CC4.9). The wait for Delphi seems endless. Ginny realises that the reason Delphi has not already killed baby Harry is because she is waiting to meet her father Lord… Read More
Harry is transfigured into Lord Voldemort
31 October 1981 Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley and Draco Malfoy discuss with Albus and Scorpius how they can prevent Delphi and Lord Voldemort from meeting each other. But, as he is the only one of them who speaks Parseltongue,… Read More
Battle and defeat of Delphi
31 October 1981 While they wait for the transfigured Harry Potter to meet Delphi pretending to be her father and lure her inside St Jerome’s Church, Albus tells his mother Ginny that everything is his fault. Ginny replies that his father feels the same way “How… Read More