Albus Dumbledore Timeline

Albus Dumbledore is born
Albus Dumbledore, one of the greatest wizards of the modern era, is born to Kendra and Percival Dumbledore in the village of Mould-on-the-Wold (DH2, DH11). Read More
Ariana Dumbledore is attacked by Muggle boys
When Ariana Dumbledore was six years old, three muggle boys saw her doing underage magic. They demanded she show them what she was doing, and when she couldn’t, they attacked her. The event traumatized her, and led to the unraveling of the Dumbledore family. Read MorePercival Dumbledore seeks revenge on Ariana's attackers, is imprisoned for it
After Ariana Dumbledore was attacked and traumatized by three muggle boys, her father Percival went after those boys to seek revenge. The attack was described as “savage” by Elphias Doge (DH2), and was well-publicized. Percival never explained the reason for his attack, in order to protect Ariana, and it… Read MoreAriana Dumbledore accidentally kills her mother
Ariana Dumbledore’s out-of-control magic accidentally killed Kendra Dumbledore during “one of [Ariana’s] rages,” when Ariana was only fourteen. (DH28) This happened right after Albus Dumbledore graduated from Hogwarts, and led to Albus becoming Ariana’s primary caretaker, in lieu of his plans to do a world tour with Elphias Doge. Read More
Albus Dumbledore sits his N.E.W.T.s
He is examined in Transfiguration and Charms by Griselda Marchbanks, who later says that he did things with a wand she’d never seen before. Read More
Ariana Dumbledore killed in duel
Angry that his brother is neglecting their fragile sister for his new friend, Aberforth confronts Albus and Grindelwald about their plans to leave Godric’s Hollow and make their mark on the world. Grindelwald tells Aberforth he just doesn’t understand, and then uses the Cruciatus Curse on the younger boy. Then a… Read MoreAriana Dumbledore's Funeral
Ariana Dumbledore, sister of Albus and Aberforth, met her accidental death during a three-way duel between the brothers and Gellert Grindelwald (DH35). According to an interview given to Rita Skeeter by Bathilda Bagshot, the brothers had a “dreadful coffin-side brawl” during the funeral in which Aberforth bloodied Albus’s nose,… Read More
Albus Dumbledore becomes the Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts
Armando Dippet is the Headmaster at this time. Albus Dumbledore’s career as a teacher lasts for several decades, starting in the 1920s. In 1927, he is reassigned from teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts to teaching Transfiguration after he angers the Head of Magical Law Enforcement. He eventually becomes the… Read More
Hogwarts presents a pantomime of "Fountain of Fair Fortune"
Once and only once, Hogwarts staff and students put on a production of the story from Tales of Beedle the Bard. The play was directed by Professor Herbert Beery. The infamous performance resulted in a duel between actors and a huge fire caused by the ashwinder Kettleburn brought in for… Read More
Dumbledore visits Tom Riddle's orphanage
August, 1938: After charming the skeptical matron with magic, manners, and gin, Dumbledore meets Riddle in his room and reveals that the boy is a wizard and invites him to Hogwarts. Tom Riddle proves himself to be a bossy, hostile, independent, and calculating child who terrifies and torments the other… Read More
Hagrid remains at Hogwarts and is trained as gamekeeper
Believing Hagrid innocent, Dumbledore convinces Headmaster Dippet to let the boy stay . Read More
Dumbledore defeats Grindelwald
The threat posed by Grindelwald and his plans for world domination become so dire that the Wizarding world clamors for Dumbledore to intervene. It is only when he has no choice that Dumbledore finally confronts his old friend in an epic duel. In the end, Dumbledore wins the duel and takes… Read More
Albus Dumbledore becomes Headmaster of Hogwarts School
Dumbledore becomes Headmaster after serving as Transfiguration teacher for several decades. He replaces Armando Dippet. Read More
Voldemort hides the Diadem Horcrux in the Room of Requirement
Ten years after the death of Hepzibah Smith, Voldemort returns to Hogwarts, ostensibly to ask Dumbledore for a teaching job. Dumbledore refuses. Voldemort then curses the Defence Against the Dark Arts position, and since that day, no professor has stayed for more than one year in that post. Voldemort’s… Read More
Lord Voldemort visits Hogwarts to ask for a teaching job
Lord Voldemort sets up a meeting with the recently-appointed Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore, to ask for the Defense Against the Darks Arts position at Hogwarts. However, Dumbledore pointed out that Voldemort was certainly aware that the headmaster would never have offered that position to him and asked what his true… Read More
Order of the Phoenix photographed
The Order of the Phoenix arose in the 1970s to fight the first rise of Lord Voldemort. At a dinner at the Burrow before Harry’s fifth year at Hogwarts, Mad-Eye Moody shows Harry an early photograph of the members of the Order of the Phoenix, including his dead… Read More
Snape overhears part of the Prophecy and rushes to tell Voldemort
When Dumbledore met at the Hog’s Head with Sybill Trelawney as a “courtesy” to interview her for the post of Divination Professor, she suddenly launched into a real prophecy about a child with the ability to vanquish the Dark Lord. (OP37) Lurking outside the door and listening at the… Read More
Snape meets Dumbledore on the Windy Hilltop
Death Eater Severus Snape sent a message to Albus Dumbledore to meet him on a lonely windswept hilltop in late 1980 so he could warn him that Lily Evans Potter and her child were in danger of being attacked by Voldemort (DH33). When the Headmaster arrived he found a… Read MoreDumbledore interviews Trelawney for teaching Divination
Dumbledore meets her at the Hog’s Head about taking the position, although he is disinclined to continue offering Divination at all. Trelawney then makes a prophecy about a baby who will be born at the end of July, a baby who will be able to defeat the Dark Lord –… Read More
Hagrid delivers baby Harry to Dumbledore in Privet Drive
Hagrid arrives with Harry on Sirius’s flying motorbike. Dumbledore is waiting in Privet Drive to leave the baby with the Dursleys. Read More
Harry receives the Invisibility Cloak
Among his Christmas gifts, Harry is astonished to receive is an Invisibility Cloak with an anonymous notes informing Harry that it had belonged to his father, and the admonition to “Use it well” (PS12). Read More
Harry and Dumbledore discuss the Mirror of Erised
Dumbledore explains what the Mirror does — that it shows the deepest desire of a person’s heart — and warns of the danger of losing oneself in the dream it presents. He informs Harry that the Mirror will no longer be found in that disused classroom. Read More
Harry sent to Dumbledore's Office, Visits the Sorting Hat and Fawkes
When Professor McGonagall finds Harry in the hallway near the petrified Justin Finch-Fletchly and Nearly Headless Nick (CS11), she takes him to Dumbledore’s Office, using the password “Sherbet Lemon” (CS12). While waiting, Harry looks around at the many sleeping Headmaster portraits on the wall, as well as Dumbledore’s… Read MoreHagrid is sent to Azkaban; Dumbledore is removed
After Hermione and Penelope Clearwater are petrified, Harry and Ron go to Hagrid’s hut and watch from under the invisibility cloak as Cornelius Fudge and Lucius Malfoy serve the orders (CS14). Read MoreFudge and Dumbledore take separate paths
Fudge hides his head in the sand, while Dumbledore begins to call together those he can trust to fight Voldemort. Read More
Harry's disciplinary hearing
Harry attends his hearing for underage magic in front of a Muggle in defending himself and Dudley from Dementors. Fudge continues to disbelieve him about Voldemort’s return, and Dumbledore arrives to assist Harry. Mrs. Figg testifies and Harry is cleared of all charges. He sees the Department of Mysteries corridor… Read More
The Battle of the Department of Mysteries
On the evening of June 20, 1996, a running battle is fought between members of the D.A. led by Harry Potter, a group of Death Eaters led by Lucius Malfoy, and members of the Order of the Phoenix. Sirius Black is killed and many others are wounded (OP35). When… Read More
Harry learns the truth about the Prophecy
After the death of Sirius during the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, and after Voldemort and Dumbledore duel spectacularly in the Atrium, Harry is transported back to Dumbledore’s office by means of a Portkey as dawn breaks. When Dumbledore returns, Harry rages and breaks things while… Read More
Dumbledore destroys the Ring Horcrux with the Sword of Gryffindor
Dumbledore discovers the ring in the ruins of the Gaunt hovel near Little Hangleton. He takes it back to his office at Hogwarts where he uses the Sword of Gryffidor to destroy it. Read More
Harry receives Dumbledore's letter about the his upcoming visit to Privet Drive
Professor Dumbledore writes that he will come on Friday night to take Harry to the Burrow, where he will spend the remainder of his summer (HBP3). Read More
Dumbledore chats with the Dursleys in their living room
He comes to collect Harry but needs to settle a few details first. Thinking Dumbledore coming to take him on an errand and then to the Burrow might just be too good to be true, Harry hasn’t packed or told the Dursleys about this when Dumbledore arrives on Privet Drive… Read More
Dumbledore and Harry visit Slughorn
July 13, 1996, just after midnight – En route to the Burrow from Privet Drive, Dumbledore takes Harry to call on Horace Slughorn – who, in trying to evade the Death Eaters, possible employers, and anyone who would make him do work or associate himself with one side over another in… Read More
Conversation in the broomshed at The Burrow
July 13, 1996 – Harry and Dumbledore travel via Side-Along Apparition to the Burrow, arriving just after midnight. Before going in, Dumbledore takes Harry aside. In an uncharacteristically intimate conversation, the two discuss Sirius’ death and Harry’s reaction to it, the fact that Harry should confide in Ron and Hermione,… Read More
Harry's first lesson with Dumbledore
On the way to Dumbledore’s office, Harry avoids Professor Trelawney, who has been drinking and is interpreting what a set of playing cards indicate about the future. They view Bob Ogden‘s memory of his first visit to the Gaunt house and discuss the circumstances surrounding Voldemort’s… Read More
Harry's second lesson with Dumbledore
First, Harry and Dumbledore briefly discuss Mundungus and Draco, and Dumbledore discusses Merope Gaunt with Harry again. Together, they then view a memory of Dumbledore’s, in which he visits Tom Riddle’s childhood orphanage to invite him to Hogwarts. Dumbledore learns Riddle’s history and discovers that he has already been using magic, hates… Read More
Harry eavesdrops on Snape and Malfoy
Harry sneaks off from Slughorn’s Christmas party to follow Snape and Draco, and overhears them having an argument about Draco’s mission. Harry becomes suspicious, but he doesn’t learn what Draco is tasked with. Read More
Harry's third lesson with Dumbledore
They discuss Rufus Scrimgeour and view two memories: in the first, Morfin tells Voldemort about his family just before Voldemort kills the Riddles; in the second (which Slughorn has modified), Voldemort asks Slughorn about horcruxes. Finally, Dumbledore sets Harry homework – to obtain the rest of Slughorn’s memory. (HBP17) It… Read More
Harry's fourth lesson with Dumbledore
After getting the message about the lesson from Luna Harry arrives at his lesson with Dumbledore – having forgotten to do his homework and get the full memory from Slughorn. They watch two memories. In the first, Riddle visits Hepzibah Smith and sees what will become one of his horcruxes days before… Read More
Slughorn finally gives up his memory to Harry, thanks to Felix Felicis
Harry visits Hagrid with Slughorn, where the three hold a burial for Aragog. Slughorn and Hagrid drink to honor the deceased Acromantula, and when Hagrid falls asleep, Harry talks with Slughorn about his and Dumbledore’s efforts to reveal Voldemort’s past. Slughorn had refused to share his own… Read More
Harry and Dumbledore set out to find a Horcrux
They leave Hogwarts on foot since it’s not possible to Apparate on Hogwarts grounds and walk through Hogsmeade. They greet Madam Rosmerta by the Three Broomsticks, then walk on to the Hog’s Head before Apparating away. Read More
Harry and Dumbledore retrieve the fake Horcrux from inside Voldemort's sea cave
Harry and Dumbledore enter the cave where Voldemort has hidden a Horcrux. After swimming to the entrance, Dumbledore spatters it with his blood to gain entry and they take a hidden boat across a lake. Protecting the Horcrux is a potion that Dumbledore drinks, though Harry must force him to;… Read More
The Battle of The Tower
While Dumbledore is away, a gang of Death Eaters, led by Draco Malfoy, sneaks into Hogwarts through the vanishing cabinet in the Room of Requirement. They battle the Order of the Phoenix, and when Dumbledore and Harry return, Dumbledore freezes Harry as Draco arrives to Disarm Dumbledore (HBP27). After a… Read More
Dumbledore is killed
Lured to the Astronomy Tower by the Dark Mark above it upon his and Harry’s return from the sea cave, Dumbledore encounters Draco Malfoy. Dumbledore immobilizes Harry, who is hidden under his invisibility cloak. Draco says he will kills Dumbledore, but keeps stalling. Draco and Dumbledore discuss Draco’s efforts to… Read More
Dumbledore's funeral
Classes and exams were put off for the funeral, but some parents took their children home soon after learning of Dumbledore’s death. Many witches and wizards come to bid farewell to the “greatest headmaster Hogwarts ever had.” A chorus of merpeople sing a tribute from below the lake’s surface. Dumbledore’s… Read More
Harry and Dumbledore Talk at King's Cross
After Voldemort struck him down with the Killing Curse in the Forbidden Forest (DH33), Harry finds himself lying naked and without his glasses on a sort of floor surrounded by a bright white mist. Slowly his surroundings take on the shape of King’s Cross Station in London, and when… Read More