"....if this is what they do when they get into the semis, imagine what we’re facing if they reach the final. I’m thinking security trolls."
-- an ICWQC official after the USA win over Liechtenstein (Pm)

The American (US) National Teams are from the United States of America, a North American country.
Quidditch was slow to catch on in the United States, where the game of Quodpot reigns supreme. However, it has been steadily gaining in popularity (QA8, Pm).
The US team had been captained twice by Seeker Maximus Brankovitch III at the time of the publication of Quidditch Through the Ages (QA8).
The US team were participants at the 2014 Quidditch World Cup in Argentina (Pm):
- The 2014 team members were: Arsenia Gonzales, Quentin Kowalski, Mercy Wardwell (Chasers); Pringle and Lucas Picquery (Beaters); Darius Smackhammer (Seeker); and Susan Blancheflower (Keeper).
- The team flies Starsweeper XXI brooms.
- Their first match at the tournament, against the Jamaican national side, was won by the narrow margin of 240 points to 230 after Jamaica’s Keeper, Kquewanda Bailey, collapsed due to an injury she had sustained during the opening ceremony.
- Playing their next match against Liechtenstein in the quarter-finals, the US won by a decisive 450 points to 290. Fan celebrations after the match got a bit out of hand, particularly as some over-exuberant US supporters kidnapped Liechtenstein’s team mascot, Hans the Augurey. This caused an international incident.
- A thrilling two-day match was lost to the Brazilian National Team by 420 points to 310.
- The play-off for third place was won by Japan (Japan 330 – USA 120). However, this was still considered a successful tournament for the American team overall (Pm).
The most popular broom sport in the United States, Quodpot is played in the Americas. It is also played in other countries as a “minority sport”, but has never eclipsed the worldwide popularity of Quidditch (QA8, Pm).
Perhaps fearing another mascot kidnapping, the Japanese team presented the US team with a Hoo-hoo chick after the third place play-off match at the 2014 Quidditch World Cup (Pm).
Quidditch is listed under "other recreational sports" on the US sports Wikipedia page (Wikipedia) and there are organised matches for this Muggle form of the game (US Quidditch).
Lexicon list of World Quidditch teams
From the Web
Writing by J.K. Rowling on Pottermore:
- History of the Quidditch World Cup
- 2014 Quidditch World Cup reports
- 2014 Quidditch World Cup final
- The Daily Prophet
- The Magical Congress of the United States of America (MACUSA)
Pottermore enhanced reading experience: Quidditch World Cup
Screenshots of the original Daily Prophet coverage of the 2014 Quidditch World Cup on Pottermore: Imgur archive
Harry Potter Wiki: American National Quidditch Team
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