"May I also take this opportunity to wish Puddlemere United the best of luck next season."
-- Albus Dumbledore in "Quidditch through the Ages" (QA)

Puddlemere United were the first professional Quidditch team, founded in 1163 (QA7).
Robes: the colour changed in the 1990s from mud brown (DP1) to the current blue with two crossed gold bulrushes
Home: Puddlemere
Team anthem: “Beat Back Those Bludgers, Boys, and Chuck That Quaffle Here“ (QA7, Pm)
A letter of complaint from Grugwyn Rufford was received by the Daily Prophet because they published a long article about Puddlemere United’s new flying team bus (DP1).
For the match against the Wigtown Wanderers on the Yorkshire moors, fans were asked not to cheer too loudly, as Muggles had noticed (DP1).
The team anthem “Beat Back Those Bludgers, Boys, and Chuck That Quaffle Here” was recorded by the singing sorceress Celestina Warbeck to raise funds for St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries (QA7).
Philbert Deverill (c. 1990s), the team’s manager, he denied that they were investigating “chameleon cloaks” during an interview about a team image change (DP1, DP2).
Wilda Griffiths, Chaser (c. 1990s) who joined Puddlemere from their traditional rivals, the Holyhead Harpies, for a large fee (DP2). Thanks to Griffiths, Puddlemere moved from fifth in the league (DP1), to fourth in the league (DP2), then third (DP3) and finally second – before she mysteriously disappeared the amidst chaotic scenes during the grudge match against her former team at Ilkley moor (DP4).
Joscelind Wadcock (b. 1911), a famous Chaser for the team (FW).
Benjy Williams – Seeker (c. 1990s), whose capture of the Snitch while fans were rioting won the game against the Holyhead Harpies (DP4).
Oliver Wood joined the reserve team after leaving Hogwarts (Summer 1994) (GF7, Pm).
Timothy Blenkinsop considered himself to be “lucky to have escaped with just this tail” during the riots that broke out during the grudge match against the Holyhead Harpies (DP4).
Albus Dumbledore reveals he is a fan of this team in the foreword to Quidditch Through The Ages (QA, Pm).
In the library book Quidditch Through the Ages, the team's robe colour is stated to be navy-blue (QA7), but articles in the Daily Prophet state that the team will be changing from mud-brown to kingfisher blue robes (DP1, DP2).
Puddlemere is in an unknown location.
Although the dates printed on the Daily Prophet Newsletters are:
the timeframe for these events is 1992-1993.
From the Web
Pottermore features:
- The British and Irish Quidditch League
- British and Irish Quidditch teams to support
- Quidditch collection
Harry Potter Wiki: Puddlemere United
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