"Would the Ministry of Magic turn a blind eye if I kidnapped my brother's children and turned them into blood-sucking ferrets?"
-- Buckley Cooper (DP3)

How Much Revenge is Safe? is a letter published on the Problem Page of the Daily Prophet (DP3).
Wizard Buckley Cooper has been involved in a family feud and wanted to know the Ministry’s position if he kidnapped and transfigured his nieces and nephews. Dempster Wiggleswade from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement has some very strong views against Mr Cooper pursuing this course of action (DP3).
The idea that the reader thought that any revenge might be considered "safe" (much less wanting to transfigure his brother's children as retaliation for a something his brother might have said or done) is a bit shocking!
Although the date printed on the third Daily Prophet Newsletter (DP3) is 1 June 1999, the timeframe for this event is 1992-1993.
From the Web
Writing by J K Rowling on Pottermore: The Daily Prophet
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Tags: anger brothers children family illegal injuries kidnap problems revenge