'Salamander blood, Harry! . . . not pomegranate juice!' -- Hermione Granger (OP17)

The pomegranate is a mundane fruit whose juice may be used in Strengthening Solution at some stage and is definitely a potions ingredient.
- Harry and his classmates had left their Strengthening Solution to mature over the weekend, when Harry mistakenly tried to add pomegranate juice instead of salamander blood (OP17). He was distracted due to the presence of Dolores Umbridge in class.
Potions Connection
Ingredient in Strengthening Solution
Latin pōmum "apple" and grānātum "seeded"
For the Greeks, the pomegranate is the symbol of abundance and good luck, connected historically to the goddess of the harvest, Demeter. The ancient Hebrews saw it as the fruit of the Promised Land, or even the "forbidden fruit" of the Garden of Eden. In Armenia, pomegranate seeds are still scattered to represent future generations of children. Found on the Coat of Arms of the Spanish province of Granada, the French call it "apple of Granada" or pomme-grenade. Both the name and shape of the fruit led to the common name for the explosive hand grenade. source: Wikipedia
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