"A long-awaited Ministry for Magic report made public today warns against the dangers of underestimating Muggles."
-- excerpt from an article in the Daily Prophet (DP1)

Muggles Not as Stupid as We Think, says Ministry Report is the headline for a lead article in the Daily Prophet (DP1).
This article in the Prophet outlines the findings of a report by a committee on Muggles, headed by Professor Phoebus Penrose, entitled “A Study into Muggle Suspicions about Magic“. Examples given of magic noticed by Muggles in the article are:
- crop circles, which are actually entries in the “Contorting Cereals Division” of the Annual International Wizard Gardening Competition;
- UFOs (escaped Quaffles); and
- the Loch Ness monster – whose appearances cause concern and to whom Hagrid has offered a relocated home in the Lake at Hogwarts School (DP1).
Rubeus Hagrid offering the Great Lake at Hogwarts School as an alternative home for the Loch Ness monster is not surprising. Hagrid does like his interesting creatures.
Although the date printed on the first Daily Prophet Newsletter (DP1) is 31 July 1998, the timeframe for this event is 1992-1993.
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Tags: denial explanation notice report sensation stupid suspicion/suspicious warnings