"Wards at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries are never busier than at Hallowe'en. There's still a wizard in there with his head on back to front from last year."
-- Stamford Jorkins, Ministry of Magic spokesperson (DP4)

Ministry Imposes Restrictions is a front page headline in the Daily Prophet about the Ministry of Magic’s plans to curb wizarding Hallowe’en celebrations (DP4).
Hallowe’en is the one time of year when wizards can be “out and about” without arousing the suspicions of Muggles, so the plans announced by Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge have not been received very well by the wizarding world. Celestina Warbeck, the Singing Sorceress, and others interviewed by the Prophet protested the decision.
Dangerous Hallowe’en incidents involve exploding pumpkins and broom accidents, leading to busy wards at St Mungo’s Hospital on the night – and beyond (DP4).
Cornelius Fudge likes a quiet life, so his support of these restrictions are very much in character.
Although the date printed on the fourth Daily Prophet Newsletter (DP4) is 1 October 1999, the timeframe for this event is 1992-1993.
From the Web
Writing by J K Rowling on Pottermore: The Daily Prophet
Pottermore features:
Harry Potter Wiki: Hallowe'en
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