The Malagasy National Teams are from the African country of Madagascar.
Madagascar lost the final match of the 1974 Quidditch World Cup to a team from Syria. However, that particular Quidditch World Cup tournament is mostly remembered for the Royston Idlewind and the Dissimulators incident (Pm).
Although they were participants in the final of a Quidditch World Cup in 1974, there is no mention of Quidditch (or any other wizard sports) in the country's Wikipedia entry (Wikipedia).
Lexicon list of World Quidditch Teams
From the Web
Writing by J.K. Rowling on Pottermore:
Pottermore enhanced reading experience: Quidditch World Cup
Screenshots of the original Daily Prophet coverage of the 2014 Quidditch World Cup on Pottermore: Imgur archive
Harry Potter Wiki: Malagasy National Quidditch Team
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