"You know, I don't believe any House has ever been in negative figures this early in the term: We haven't even started pudding. You may have set a record, Potter."
-- Snape

Who, When, Why, and How Many…
student: Harry
teacher: Snape
points taken: -50
reason: “lateness”
notes: Snape was having fun here…
ref: HBP8
student: Harry
teacher: Snape
points taken: -20
reason: “Muggle attire”
notes: Having been immobilized on the Hogwarts Express by Draco Malfoy, Harry had not yet changed into his school robes.
ref: HBP8
student: Hermione
teacher: Slughorn
points given: +20
reason: correctly identifying all his sample potions
notes: Slughorn calls them “well-earned”
ref: HBP9
student: Hermione
teacher: Slughorn
points given: +10
reason: for describing Felix Felicis
notes: Establishes the existence and properties of Felix Felicis
ref: HBP9
student: Hermione
teacher: Slughorn
points given: +10
reason: for reciting Golpalott’s Third Law
ref: HBP18
student: Harry
teacher: Slughorn
points given: +10
reason: “sheer cheek” at submitting the bezoar
notes: reminds readers of the existence and properties of bezoars in preparation for the birthday surprise later on
ref: HBP18
student: Harry
teacher: Snape
points taken: -10 points
reason: lateness
notes: Well, this is better than the 50 he took before!
ref: HBP21
student: Ron
teacher: Snape
points taken: -10
reason: smart response about ghosts being transparent
notes: Helps establish the difference between Inferi and ghosts in preparation for the Horcrux cave scene later on
ref: HBP21
Final point totals at the end of the 1996 – 1997 school year:
totals not given, winner of House Cup not specified
House Points by Year: