"The only all-witch team currently playing in the Quidditch league have been attracting new fans every match."
-- from an article in the Daily Prophet (DP1)

The Holyhead Harpies are a Quidditch team based in Holyhead (Caergybi) on the island of Anglesey (Ynys Môn) in North-West Wales. It was founded in 1203 (QA7).
robes: dark green with a golden talon on the chest (QA7)
home: Holyhead, North Wales
The Holyhead Harpies only hire witches on their team (QA7, DP1, Pm).
Widely considered to be “one of the finest games ever seen“, the team’s most famous victory was the 1953 defeat of the Heidelberg Harriers in an exciting seven-day match (QA7).
Team Members
Glynnis Griffiths, Seeker (1953) (QA7).
Wilda Griffiths, Chaser (c. 1990s) (defected to Puddlemere United) (DP2, DP3, DP4).
Gwenog Jones, Beater and Captain, a controversial figure (retired by 2014) (FW, HBP4, Pm).
Gwendolyn Morgan, Captain (1953), riding a Cleansweep 5 broom which she used against her opposite number on the Heidelberg Harriers after he proposed (QA7).
Valmai Morgan, Chaser (c. 1990s) (replaced Wilda Griffiths) (DP3, DP4).
Ginny Weasley, likely Chaser (late 1990s). After leaving Hogwarts, Ginny played for the Holyhead Harpies, before retiring to raise a family. She became the Senior Quidditch Correspondent and eventually Sports Editor at the Daily Prophet (BLC, Pm, CC1.12).
Horace Slughorn is a fan of the Harpies and receives free tickets to matches from Gwenog Jones, who was a former member of his Slug Club at Hogwarts (HBP4).
Ginny Weasley had a poster of Gwenog Jones on her bedroom wall in The Burrow (DH7, Pm).
In Greek mythology, a Harpy is a female monster with a bird shaped body and human face (Wikipedia).
Holyhead is a seaport city on the west side of the Island of Anglesey (Ynys Môn) in North Wales. It has two football teams listed in its Wikipedia entry, but no Quidditch team is mentioned (Wikipedia).
Although the dates printed on the Daily Prophet Newsletters are:
the timeframe for these events is 1992-1993.
From the Web
Writing by J K Rowling on Pottermore: The Daily Prophet
Pottermore features:
- The British and Irish Quidditch League
- British and Irish Quidditch teams to support
- Quidditch collection
Harry Potter Wiki: Holyhead Harpies
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