"I was most upset to learn that our victory was not deemed worthy of a single line in your paper"
-- Grugwyn Rufford (DP1)

Gobstones Tournament Overlooked is a letter of complaint from Grugwyn Rufford published in the Daily Prophet (DP1).
Mr Rufford, a member of the Welsh National Gobstones Team, was upset about the lack of coverage for their win against Hungary, and the game of Gobstones in general. He feels too much coverage is given to Quidditch, including frivolous articles such as the one about Puddlemere United’s flying bus. The editor replies that most wizards find Gobstones to be “deeply boring” (DP1).
Although the date printed on the first Daily Prophet Newsletter (DP1) is 31 July 1998, the timeframe for this event is 1992-1993.
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