Blagging is the Quidditch foul of grabbing onto the broom tail of another player (QA6).
Every known foul was committed at the first Quidditch World Cup in 1473 (QA6).
Although it is not specifically labelled as “blagging”, Draco Malfoy commits this foul on Harry Potter by holding on to the tail of his Firebolt during the Quidditch Cup final in their third year (PA15).
Blag means to get something by using guile or persuasion. It can also mean to obtain it by robbery (Oxford English Dictionary).
Lexicon list of Quidditch fouls
From the Web
WizardingWorld.com (Pottermore) features:
Writing by J K Rowling on Imgur (Daily Prophet coverage of the 2014 Quidditch World Cup, originally from Pottermore):
- History of the Quidditch World Cup
- Quidditch World Cup 1990-2014
- Match reports and articles from the 2014 Quidditch World Cup
Harry Potter Wiki: Blagging
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Tags: brooms / broomsticks cheating fairness fouls match sportsmanship tactics tail team