"Well, it wasn't too bad, was it? ...I'm not sure I did myself justice on Cheering Charms, I just ran out of time. Did you put in the counter-charm for hiccoughs?"
-- Hermione on the Charms portion of the O.W.L. Exam (OP31)

Classwork involves trying and practicing various charms. The Hogwarts Charms teacher is Professor Flitwick (PS8).
There are undoubtedly many Charms in general spell books. The books listed here, however, note in the title that they contain Charms or were assigned reading for Charms class.
- Achievements in Charming
- An Anthology of Eighteenth Century Charms
- Olde and Forgotten Bewitchments and Charmes
- Quintessence: A Quest
Charms classes at Hogwarts
- First Year:
Hallowe'en: started Levitation Charm: Wingardium Leviosa
Exam: make a pineapple dance across the desk - Second Year:
not stated - Third Year:
Cheering Charms - Fourth Year:
Summoning Charm
Banishing Charm - Fifth Year
Silencing Charms
Create legs on teacups
O.W.L.: Colour Change Charms, Summoning Charms - Sixth Year
Turning vinegar into wine.
Water-Making Spell: Aguamenti
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