"....their condition was described as 'wet'."
-- unnamed St Mungo's Hospital spokesperson (DP2)

Celestina Warbeck Concert Causes Broom Smash over Liverpool is an article appearing on the front page of the Daily Prophet (DP2).
As reported in the article, a three broom “pile-up” occurred over the River Mersey involving five ticket-holders to the Celestina Warbeck concert who were running late. While no one was seriously injured, they were taken to St Mungo’s Hospital as a precaution (DP2).
This incident is mentioned in Celestina's profile as taking place during her "Flighty Aphrodite" tour (Pm:Wizards).
Although the date printed on the second Daily Prophet Newsletter (DP2) is 8 February 1999, the timeframe for this event is 1992-1993.
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