"B.O.G. cannot condone the use of violence to further its aims."
-- a cheerful Brodrig the Boss-Eyed, interviewed by the Daily Prophet (DP3)

The Brotherhood of Goblins (B.O.G.) is group pressing for goblin rights, including the right to carry and use wands.
Members of the B.O.G. were meeting with Ministry of Magic representatives in Chipping Clodbury when a small riot broke out. Some goblins got hold of real wands and were transfiguring post boxes and litter bins into wildebeests and marching through the streets chanting B.O.G. slogans. They were also calling for the release of goblin activist Hodrod the Horny-Handed (DP3).
The leader of the organisation is Brodrig the Boss-Eyed, who is interviewed by the Daily Prophet (DP3).
There exist several labour movements/groups, calling themselves the "Brotherhood of xxx", and who aim to collectively obtain better conditions and rights for their members
Related images:
Chipping Clodbury is almost certainly derived from the name of the town where J K Rowling was born, Chipping Sodbury, which is located in Gloucestershire (Wikipedia).
Although the date printed on the third Daily Prophet Newsletter (DP3) is 1 June 1999, the timeframe for this event is 1992-1993.
From the Web
Harry Potter Wiki: Brotherhood of Goblins