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Book of Potions


"But now you, young Potioneer hold in your hands my masterpiece, my Book of Potions, containing all of my distilled knowledge. And with it my place in history is assured."
-- Zygmunt Budge, from his introduction to the Book of Potions (BoP)

The Book of Potions is a definitive study of the subtle art of potion-making by Zygmunt Budge.

  • Classified as "Dangerous" by the Hogwarts Librarian who feared that Budge had left too much of himself in the book, making it as "cunning as Zygmunt himself" (BoP).
  • The author was kept out of Hogwarts by an unnamed Headmaster because his ideas were considered "too radical" and his potions too dangerous (BoP).

Potions Connection

Potions book written by Zygmunt Budge, who invented Felix Felicis.



Wonderbook: Book of Potions is a game created by J.K. Rowling in collaboration with Sony Corporation, and is a companion to Wonderbook: Book of Spells. It consists of an electronic book used along with a TV screen and a wand. The player, who is a Hogwarts student, makes a different potion in each of seven chapters with hopes of winning a golden cauldron at the end of the Wizarding Schools Potions Championship.

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