This work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author’s life plus 70 years or less.
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1924.
FROM: Johann Gottlieb Mann, Deutschlands wildwachsende Arzney-Pflanzen (Germany’s Wild Medicinal Plants). Stuttgart : Zu haben bei dem Herausgegeber, 1828.186 leaves, 187 leaves of plates : ill., port. ; 30 cm. Digitized at http://www.louisianadigitallibrary.org/islandora/object/loyno-p16313coll20:collection
Atropa belladonna Mann
Image title supplied by the artist.
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