Angus Buchanan Cup for Outstanding Effort
Awarded yearly at Hogwarts (Pm).
Barnabus Finkley Prize for Exceptional Spell-Casting
Albus Dumbledore won this before his eighteenth birthday (DH18).
“Dangerous” Dai Commemorative Medal
Given each year to the Quidditch player who has been the most reckless, in honor of “Dangerous” Dai Llewellyn, a notably reckless player for the Caerphilly Catapults (QA7).
Gold Medal for Ground-Breaking Contribution to the International Alchemical Conference in Cairo
Albus Dumbledore won this before his eighteenth birthday (DH18).
International Wizarding Award of Merit
Awarded to Ivan Popa following the disaster at the 1809 Quidditch World Cup (Pm)
Medal for Magical Merit
Given to Tom Riddle 50 years ago. Since Tom was one of the brightest wizards ever to attend Hogwarts, this award may be one for achievement in academic studies (CS13).
Most Charming Smile award
This somewhat silly award is given out by Witch Weekly Magazine. It has been won quite often by Gilderoy Lockhart (CS6).
Award for special services to the school
Gold shield awarded to Tom Riddle for exposing Hagrid as the one who opened the Chamber of Secrets and released the monster (CS13).
Harry and Ron received Special Awards for Service to the School after they rediscovered the Chamber and defeated the basilisk (and the memory-Tom Riddle as well) (CS18).