"I don't think you're a waste of space."
-- Dudley Dursley

Vernon Dursley is reluctant for the family to flee Privet Drive. Harry explains to the Dursleys why they are in danger, and Dudley then tells his parents he wants to leave with Hestia Jones and Dedalus Diggle from the Order of the Phoenix. Dudley surprises everyone by asking why Harry isn’t going with them. He tells Harry that he doesn’t think he is a waste of space because Harry saved him from the Dementors. Dudley shakes Harry’s hand and the Dursleys depart to a safe house.
Calendar and Dates
Interesting facts and notes
Harry was sure that in that instant they were both wondering the same thing.
Personally, I suppose Harry would have tried to rescue them, but possibly with some internal "do I really have to?" monologue that might have been amusing. After all, he saved Dudley once (OP1).
"I still don’t see why we can’t have that Kingsley bloke."
Well, he wouldn't see particularly why he, Vernon Dursley, isn't more important than other people or than wizards. There's no feeling sorry for him after the way he has always treated his nephew.
Also, it is not just that Kingsley Shacklebolt is able to dress like, and pass as, a Muggle. As a Ministry Auror, he is strong, agile and impressive. Although he is usually wrong about people and appearances, Vernon is showing good judgement and discernment about wanting Kingsley to protect his family.
"If we'd even seen CVs..."
"CV" stands for Curriculum Vitae, which is the British version of a resume. This implies that Uncle Vernon is questioning the credentials and qualifications of the Order members assigned to protect them.
Dedalus Diggle has always been portrayed as a bit silly. His CV would be very unlikely to impress the Dursleys.
"Blimey, Dudley," said Harry, over Aunt Petunia’s renewed sobs, "did the Dementors blow a different personality into you?"
If everyone survives, there is hope for the future.
Exceptional character moments
The fact that the Dursleys have somewhat taken to Kingsley on the strength of his having been on television with the Prime Minister and having mastered the art of dressing in relatively conservative Muggle clothing.
Dudley, asking what is going to happen to Harry (and the fact that his parents did not ask says a lot about them).
Petunia Dursley, in the end, being unable to say anything at all to Harry.
Memorable lines
"It was so very typical of his uncle to put his hopes in the establishment, even within this world that he despised and mistrusted."
"'Why isn't he coming with us?' Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia froze where they stood, staring at Dudley as though he had just expressed a desire to become a ballerina."
"Aunt Petunia burst into tears. Hestia Jones gave her an approving look which changed to outrage as Aunt Petunia ran forwards and embraced Dudley rather than Harry."
"Take care, Big D."
Words and phrases
From the Web
Writing by J K Rowling on WizardingWorld (Pottermore):
- Five things you should know about Dudley Dursley
- MuggleCast Episode 123: Anger
- Unraveling Petunia Dursley
The-Leaky-Cauldron: Why the Dursleys?
Harry Potter Wiki: Dudley Dursley
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