In one of the [small notebooks] is a list of forty names of students in Harry's year (including Harry, Ron and Hermione), all allocated houses, with small symbols beside each name depicting each boy or girl's parentage.
-- J.K. Rowling (Pm)

The Class List, also known as “The Original Forty,” is a list of forty students in Harry’s year from Rowling’s notes from the early 1990s as she was creating her world.
During the BBC television interview “Harry Potter and Me,” Rowling showed a page from her notebooks which details every student in Harry’s year. This list was the source for a lot of speculation and guessing by fans over the years, in a large part because so many of the names were difficult to read on the image from the television special. Many years later (2013), Rowling wrote a short essay about this list for Pottermore. In that essay she gives the actual list and discusses some background to why she wrote it, but doesn’t reveal the houses and parentage of any of the students (symbols for which are included in the actual list). Because many details changed from this version, the list cannot be considered fully canon. However, much canon information can be gleaned from a careful study of it.
Here is Rowling’s actual list with a few notes. Please follow this link to Pottermore for a much more detailed description.
- Abbott, Hannah
- Bones, Susan
- Boot, Trevor (became Terry)
- Brocklehurst, Mandy
- Brown, Lavender
- Bulstrode, Millicent
- Corner, Michael
- Cornfoot, Stephen (never appeared in canon)
- Crabbe, Vincent
- Davis, Tracey (never appeared in canon)
- Entwhistle, Kevin (never appeared in canon)
- Finch-Fletchley, Justin
- Finnigan, Seamus
- Goldstein, Anthony
- Goyle, Gregory
- Granger, Hermione
- Greengrass, Queenie (became Daphne, both she and her sister Astoria are mentioned in an interview (TLC). The name Queenie was later used for Queenie Goldstein in WFT)
- Hopkins, Wayne (never appeared in canon)
- Jones, Megan (never appeared in canon, though several characters have had the last name Jones)
- Li, Sue (never appeared in canon)
- Longbottom, Neville
- MacDougal, Isobel [original name Katrina crossed out] (became Morag. Isobel was later used for the name of McGonagall’s mother.)
- Macmillan, Ernest
- Malfoy, Draco
- Malone, Roger (never appeared in canon)
- Moon, Lily (was sorted in PS, although see Rowling’s notes)
- Nott, Theodore
- Parkinson, Pansy
- Patel, Madhari (became Padma/Pavarti)
- Patel, Mati (became Padma/Pavarti)
- Perks, Sally-Anne
- Potter, Harry
- [Puckle, Hermione – crossed out, name changed and reinserted, above]
- [Puff, Neville – crossed out, name changed and reinserted, above]
- [Quirrel, crossed out, subsequently used for teacher]
- Rivers, Oliver (never appeared in canon, though the first name appears in Oliver Wood)
- Roper, Sophie (never appeared in canon)
- Runcorn (never appeared in canon, but name was used for Albert Runcorn in DH)
- [Sidebottom, Neville crossed out]
- Smith, Sally [Georgina crossed out]
- [Spungen, changed to Spinks, Draco, all crossed out, re-inserted above]
- Thomas, Gary (became Dean)
- Turpin, Lisa
- Weasley, Ronald
- Zabini, Blaise
Characters Introduced
From the Web
What happened to each of The Original Forty? from ScienceFiction StackExchange