'I'm looking forward to [the theme park] 100 percent. I'm gonna be first on the ride."
-- J.K. Rowling (Today2)

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter consists of two theme parks connected by a replica of the Hogwarts Express. Although the parks in general are recreations of the film sets and therefore not canon, Rowling herself contributed many details beyond what was already provided in the novels. Therefore some aspects of the park are canon, but much if it is not.
The original park opened on June 18, 2010 and featured Hogwarts castle and Hogsmeade village. In June of 2014, a new park was opened called Diagon Alley which features shops, entertainment, and restaurants such as might be found in Diagon Alley in the books.
The original park has been duplicated at Universal Studios parks in California and Japan.
Wizarding World of Harry Potter
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