The scrapbook stores and displays the Potterania extras you’ve collected from working the tricks around the site. It appears when you click on the brown book at the very top of the desktop.
This information is stored in a folder on your computer so that it “remembers” which ones you’ve collected. Using a different computer or an alternate address to the site allows you to see the challenges uncollected. This doesn’t show up in the Text Only version, because it isn’t interactive, allowing you to get the secrets.
There are a total of twelve items to collect. Four were available when the site launched, three more were added on September 16, 2004 and five more were added on March 9, 2006.
Click on the Scrapbook it opens. On the left hand page is a list of the extras you have collected.
Click on the name of the extra then read JKR’s explanation on the right-hand page.
Click on the red link to view the extra.
With the March 9, 2006 update came a new feature for viewing the items in the Scrapbook. In the lower left of the screen is a zoom bar. Click on the plus sign (+) to enlarge the image, click on the minus sign (-) to shrink. You can also drag the tab on the slide bar. Click on the image and move it around to view different areas of the image. (With this new feature we will be reworking our transcripts, for sure!)
If you’d like to rediscover the steps needed to find each of these items, visit this page.
The scrapbook extras and the challenge to find them:
Original when site launched-
First typed manuscript of Philosopher’s Stone
From collecting ingredients for Potion recipe #1 on the Extra Stuff bulletin board. [Details and transcription]
Page of doodlings (page 2) “Sorting Hat” sketch
From the treasure chest on the bookcase. [Details and Transcription]
Ancient Drawings (page 4) “the Midnight Duel” drawing
From the coins in the Fan Sites trophy case. [Details]
Very early page of Philosopher’s Stone
From the phone, dial MAGIC [Details and transcription]
Added Sept 16, 2004-
Ancient Drawings (page 1) “Dragon Breeding for Pleasure and Profit“
From the large Marble on the desktop. [Details and transcription]
Ancient Drawings (page 2) drawing of “Peeves the poltergeist”
From the phone, dial PEEVES
Ancient Drawings (page 3) drawing of “Nearly Headless Nick”
From collecting ingredients for Potion recipe #2 from the Rubbish Bin
Note: Ancient Drawings (page 4) was available when the site launched and (pages 1-3) were added in Sept.
Notice that there is a Page of doodlings (page 2). This implies that we should eventually see a (page 1) but it is not available yet.
Added March 9, 2006-
Very early draft of Philosopher’s Stone (Page 1): (large and gloomy dungeon…)
From the ring box in the Fan Sites trophy case. Clue: Word scraps puzzle in Rubbish. [Details and transcription]
Very early draft of Philosopher’s Stone (Page 2) : (a fat kind of cactus…)
From the phone, dial 31 07 1965. Clue: Ancient Runes book on the bookcase, tiles in Rubbish. [Details and transcription]
More idle jottings (Page 1)
From the plant in the “?” secret door and radio program. Clue: Rumours tabloid advert. [Details and transcription]
Original synopsis of ‘Philosopher’s Stone’
From the Circle card on the Extra Stuff bulletin board and teacup in Rubbish. [Details and transcription]
Rowling’s description:
“The original synopsis of ‘Philosophers Stone’ which I sent out to Publishers and which kept winging its way back!
Revision of the plan of ‘Order of the Phoenix’
From lightning bolt in the Extra Stuff bulletin board Clue: Peeves on the bookcase. [Details and transcription]
Rowling’s description:
“Part of the umpteenth revision of the plan of ‘Order of the Phoenix’
Some of the Chapter Names changed and there are a few ideas that didn’t make the final draft.”
Early Draft Workings
The Sneakoscope in Rubbish Bin moves aside after hovering over it to reveal a question mark. You then draw the question mark in the same place you drew the scar for the OotP plan.
The prize is a notes for professor names and subject names. (the reverse side of “More idle jottings (Page 1)”) [Details and transcription]
Early Draft Transcript
There is a two-item potion recipe that can be seen by peeling back part of the wallpaper in the secret room.
The prize is a short draft or a paragraph or two about Harry waking up in his dormitory after the feast and meeting Nearly Headless Nick for the first time. (the reverse side of “Page of doodlings (page 2)”) [Details and transcription]
Click here to see the entire Tips and Tricks for collecting the extras, very detailed instructions on gathering all the Potterania.
JKR.com: Scrapbook