These are the interviews which are used as sources for canon information. Each interview is listed chronologically, with the abbreviation used in the Lexicon:
25 July 1998: “Harry Potter Charms a Nation.” Electronic Telegraph (ET)
early spring 1999: amazon.co.uk (AmazonUK)
29 January 1999: The Independent, “The spotty schoolboy and single mother taking the mantle from Roald Dahl” (Ind1)
19 March 1999: Interview with Barnes and Noble.com (BN0)
8 September 1999: Interview with Barnes and Noble.com (BN1)
12 October 1999: The Connection radio show (Con)
16 October 1999: The Star-Ledger, “Harry Potter’s creator meets her public: Author J .K. Rowling answers questions from students at a school in Montclair” (SLG)
20 October 1999: Washington Post, “Charmed, I’m Sure.” (WP1)
20 October 1999: Q&A at the National Press Club (NPC)
20 October 1999: Diane Rehm Show (DRS)
30 October 1999: The San Francisco Chronicle, “Harry Potter’s Wizard / Creator of children’s book series tours Bay Area” (SFC)
3 February 2000: Scholastic.com (Sch1)
8 July 2000: “Launch Day interview aboard the Hogwarts Express,” with Stephen Fry, Bloomsbury Press (HEB)
8 July 2000: Southwest News (SN)
8 July 2000: “J.K. Rowling Talks About Book Four” Newsround (Nr)
16 October 2000: Scholastic.com (Sch2)
19 October 2000: AOL (AOL)
20 October 2000: Barnes & Noble.com (BN)
23 October 2000: Rogers, Shelagh. “INTERVIEW: J .K. Rowling,” Canadian Broadcasting Co. (CBC)
5 November 2000: Desert Island Discs, BBC Radio 4 (DID)
March 2001: Raincoast Books (RC)
12 March 2001: Comic Relief website (CR)
12 March 2001: Blue Peter TV show (BP)
20 March 2001: Houston Chronicle “J.K. Rowling has the future mapped out for Harry Potter” (HC)
27 April 2001: BBC Newsround (Nr2)
October 2001: Conversations with J.K. Rowling by Lindsey Fraser (Conv)
28 December 2001: “J .K. Rowling–Harry Potter and Me,”, BBC1 (HPM)
November 2002: “Harry Potter – Harry and me,” The Scotsman interview (Scot)
26 June 2003: interview conducted by Stephen Fry at the Royal Albert Hall (RAH)
4 March 2004: World Book Day online chat (WBD)
15 August 2004: Edinburgh Book Festival (EBF)
23 November 2004: PA/dvd “Extra” (PA/dvd)
16 July 2005: Edinburgh “cub reporter” press conference, ITV (ITV)
16 July 2005: The Leaky Cauldron and MuggleNet interview Joanne Kathleen Rowling (TLC)
10 December 2005: conversation with Stephen Fry on BBC Radio 4 (R4)
20 July 2007: post-DH chat with kids on the Blue Peter show (BP2)
26 July 2007: first part of the post-DH interview on the Today Show (NBC) (Today1)
27 July 2007: second part of the post-DH interview on the Today Show (NBC) (Today2)
30 July 2007: live online chat with on Bloomsbury’s website (BLC)
17 October 2007: ‘Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling Opens Up About Books’ Christian Imagery’ MTV.com (MTV)
18 October 2007: New Orleans students give Rowling a rousing welcome (NO)
19 October 2007: OBT/CH ‘Open Book Tour: Carnegie Hall’ (OBT/CH)
19 October 2007: Pottercast 122 (PC122)
19 December 2007: Time Magazine 10 Questions About Harry (10Q)
23 October 2007: Open Book Tour: Toronto (OBT/T)
17 December 2007: Rowling’s first interview on the Pottercast podcast (PC-JKR1)
24 December 2007: Rowling’s second interview on the Pottercast podcast (PC-JKR2)
30 December 2007: ‘J.K. Rowling, A Year in the Life’ ITV1 (YL)
14-16 April 2008: transcript of the trial of JKR/WB vs RDR Books in the Southern District of New York (SDNY)
Additional interviews of note:
28 May 2004: CBBC interview with Alfonso Cuaron (CBBC:AC)
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