HARRY: “The truth is a beautiful and terrible thing, and should therefore be treated with great caution.”
(GINNY looks at him, surprised.)
GINNY: A strange thing to say to a child.
HARRY: Not when you believe that child will have to die to save the world.
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The larger message here seems to be that Harry is trying to protect Albus by concealing his fear. This isn't very logical, but I don't think Harry has processed yet that this is what he's been doing. Thus, Ginny has to try to explain it to him.
Harry is a legend, particularly to this new generation of Hogwarts kids. He hasn't quite figured out how to connect with Albus yet, so he seems to fall back on what works for him with other kids--putting on his Harry Potter front. Ginny helps him see that Albus wants a more authentic connection--and to feel "specific love." (CC4)
So while Albus feels insecure about his magical skills and his House affiliation, Harry doesn't quite know how to be himself with Albus either. He seems to be treating his true nature as the truth that needs to be treated with caution. It's a slightly strange interpretation of Dumbledore's words, but then, Harry didn't have a lot of luck with father figures, so it checks out that he's grasping at straws in drawing inspiration.