“This is magic at its deepest, its most impenetrable, Harry. But trust me… the time may come when you will be very glad you saved Pettigrew’s life.”
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Tags: choices death debt foreshadowing hesitation loyal loyalty predictions saving
After Remus Lupin reveals to Harry that he is resigning, following the leak of his werewolf status, Professor Dumbledore offers some consolation to Harry about his recent disappointments. While Harry anguishes over his decision to stop his father's friends from murdering his betrayer, Dumbledore predicts that Harry's choice will ultimately serve him well. Dumbledore's prediction comes to fruition when Harry reminds Pettigrew of his debt to Harry, and Pettigrew's silver hand--bequeathed to him from Voldemort--senses his hesitation and changes course from Harry to Pettigrew, strangling him instead.