Atlas of the Wizarding World
Atlas of the Wizarding World Hogwarts

Hogwarts: JKR’s map

"This is Jo Rowling's drawing that she executed in just a few minutes...she had a very, very exact and precise understanding of her world...she knew exactly the relationship between all the elements..."
-- Stuart Craig (PA/DVD)

map of Hogwarts environs by JKR (200k)



This map is a quick sketch, as Stuart Craig mentions on the PA/DVD. It is amazing how closely it matches the map which I drew for the Lexicon from the references in the books. Clearly Jo had the map in her mind as she wrote, since the descriptions in the books gave me the exact same arrangement of the various elements, with a few notable exceptions. The most important difference is that Jo put Hogsmeade on the opposite side of Hogwarts than I did.

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